The S.S.C (Strategy & Security Coperation) is just a fraction that doesnt relate to the RP server just this story
|Acessing Personal File|
Liberty Navy Database, Suject Harper, Military Career
Strategy & Security Coperation Database (Planet Manhattan, New York System)
Spirit_Of_Fire Onboard Computer Journal
Name: Andrew Mclean Harper
Age: 46
Ship Cal Sign: Spirit_Of_Fire
Birth Place: California
Early Child/Teenager Life
Andrew Mclean Harper, born on Planet California , California System. Liberty Space. City, Sacremento.
He was born at a hospital in Sacremento and was brough up by farmers. Throiughout his life he helped his parents work the farm and make a living selling crops to the local Company. He hated it but he had to do it though.
When he turned 16, his dad taught him how to fly his starflier crop duster plane. He got used top it real easy and enjoyed it. One day at school, a recruiter came by and terlling them the benifits and adventure you experience from joing the SA (Southern Alliance, Liberty Navy). He was intrested alot and told his parents.
When he turned 18 he enlisted and was accepted at age 19.
He borded a transport and was went to West Point Academy, New York System to lean how to fly for combat and was taught the law of Liberty.
At Age 25 he graduated with high grades in piloting skills and knowledge but medicore in disipline.
Begin// Navy Career
He became a light fighter pilot for the Southern Alliance a division of the Liberty Navy.
his first actual combat scenario/campaign was "Operation Clensing" Operation Clensing
Operation Background: It was an effort to rid the badlands as well as all surrounding areas of Rouge activity and make New york a little safer.
Battle Group Objective:The capture or destruction of Buffalo Base. Clense badlands of all Liberty rouge activity. Pirating and smuggling
His objective: Fly as escourt with LSF and SA pilots and make sure Bombers and Gunboats reach Buiffalo Base saftey so they can begin attack runs.
10:00AM Wensday October 11
Preparations and mission brefing
Preparing and loading ordanance onto ships
Dimissal and BG launched from Nolfork Shipyard to Icta reserch station to set up field command
Reached Icta Reserch station and command set up in the abandoned station, station turerets online.
Battle Group Mussuri is launched consisting of 10 VHF Avengers , 6 Heavy LSF Bombers and 2 Liberty Gunboats (The Patron & SA|GB-1045) Harper is Blue-3 in squad 2
Trouble in badlands dense visibility and dangerous obstacles cause Gunboats to lag behind
Icta Station detects Rouges on long range scanner approching Battle Group. Storm cause readings to appear as minimal threat.
4 Rouges VHFs ambush LI Ships and a firefight ensures. Casualties; LI:0 Rouges: 4. Harper nails one kill
Icta is reading still fighters in area of battlegroup.
Another ambush but bombers instrad. Large firerfight. Casualties; LI: 1 Badly damaged gunboat, Rouges: 3
Battlegroup reaches Buffalo Base but finds a Rouge Heavy gunboat waiting as well as a squadron of Ace fighters
The Liberty Gunboat (SA_Patron) is destroyed once Firefight begins
VHFs engadge ace fighters while the bombers try to attack Buffalo Base. Rouge Gb continutes to pummle the LI Gunboat(SA|GB-1045) and LI GB fires back knocking out rouge shields and the rouge Gb falls back out of Liberty GBs main gun's range.
More rouges come in from Buffalo base as well as other places and engage Battle Group. Liberty Forces loose 2 fighters. Harper is still alive and fighting.
LSF bombers make it to buffalo Base under GBs Main gun as cover fire and attaks bases wepaon platforms. Rouge gunboat rengages and launches volly after volly of fire, flak and missiles on the bombers. 1 LI bomber destryed in first volley.
Harper goes in and engages the GB without commands permission and leaving his comrades to fight for themselves versus the ace pilots and other Rouges.
1 LSF fighter destroyed
Haper bindsides LSF bomber and pilot reacts to quickly aviding colision with Haroper but hitting Buffalo Base
LSF Pilot killed
VHFs and Rouge scontinutre to fight.
Bombers are trying despretly to get a good shot on buffalo
Rouge Hvy Gb continues to fill the air with flak.1 bomber destroyed
LSF GB continutes to engage Rouge fighters with close range defenese turrets
Harper hits LSF bomber with starkiller torpedo by accidedent(Too quick thinking and not thinking at all at the same time) focing the pilot to eject. Pilot lands but is captured by Rouge GB tractor.
rouge leave buffalo base and engage fleet
Rouge GB reengages LSF GB and rouge GB is winning. LSF GB causght off guard. 2 LSF VHFs are destroyed
Icta reserch station is attacked by Rouge Raid. Another Rouge GB engages stations defenses as wel as the 2 VHFs on defense and wipes them out. Rouge militants board Icta and engage LSF personal. 80% killed remaining LSF personal captured.
More rouges show up
Remaining LSF Gunboat destroyed by Rouge bombers.
VHFs fight as hard as they can bombers engage rouge GB but half are destroyed by GB and station turrets
2 VHFs destroyed by missile volley
Remaining 4 VHFs engage Rouges but are overwelmed, all destroyed and 2 escape pods are captured.
Harper shot down and escape pod tractored by GB
Icta Station, LSF personal board Rouge GB and head for Buffalo
Liberty Security Force FLEETCOM HQ
Stunned by overwelming numbers of rouges. As well as the presence of a the two Heavy gunboats.
Operartion Clensing Is a Failiure
1:00PM October 12,
Rouge broadcast a message to all public communications in Liberty.
Announceing ther capture of many LSF personal.
They want all captured rouge pilots and prisoners freed and sent back to Buffalo. In rerturn LSF can bring there men back home unharmed. 1 week till rouges execution the LSF personal
The Liberty government released all Liberty Rouges the next week and LSF personal were brought to Nolfork Shipyard.
Master Corpral, Andrew Mclean Harper is court marshaled under the charges of murder of LSF personal and the failure to follow direct orders.
He was discharged the next month
Life After Discharge
Andrew Mclean Harper. now living in a old apartment on Manhattan's porr district. Too ashamed to go back home to his parents on California.
One day, he was in a bar drinking with some old LSF comrades and some new friendsd he meet on Manhattan. A buisness man came by. Wearinga a nice clean suit and clean shave.
He heard of Harpers discharge and he looked at Harpers info. He wss a excellent pilot and his tatics were amazing but his disipline was medicore.c He pulled Harper aside in6to an alley
He offered him a second chance at fighting. But not for the LSF or Navy. But with the S.S.C (Strategy & Security Coperation) Private Military Coperation. Fight as a Mercenary for the S.S.C. Make more money, more benifits, more oppertunities, better life and the opertunity to do what missions you want.
Harper acepted right away.
Start of Career
Harper was given 5million dollars to fund a fighting craft. He bought a Black Talon Heavy Fighter and used weapons amnd upgrades from the S.S.C weapons depot. Some of his missions included escourting traders, fufilling bounty contracts and more. He faught many battles made lots of moeny and is well respected.
Trouble with Bounty Hunters
A nasty encounter with Bounty hunters created problems. A hit was placed on his head by a the Junkers guild and 2 attempts were made. In retailiation he raided a BH Supply depot near Hamburg. Stole 5 million dollars along with a stash of Bounty Hunter weapons including Buckshots. where ever he went BHs would attack on sight. Harper attacked BHs in retaliation when BHs attacked him.
He gained much respect from the Crosairs, The Order and Xenos at the same time
Pitate Friends
The Xenos, The Order and The Crosairs saw what Hasrper had done against the BHs they began to like him. In a way to help. They gave him money and a map of the worlds controlled by the three fractions, He gained enought money to upgrade to a Liberty Gunboat. which was bought by him through a private ship contractor whos on S.S.C's payroll at the Huston Shipyards and got it for less then 30 Million Credits. Along with upgrades courtesy of The Crosairs such as Cerebrus guns, and Mk IV Armor.
Family Troubles
His mom and dad passed away. He took 1/2 a year off to relax from the fighting to just relax and try to remember all the thingsd that he used to do with them that he enjoyed.Especially the first time his dad taught him how to fly his cropduster and starflier
More Oppertunity/Present Day Status Lending A Hand
During one of his explorations he stumbled across Planet Toldevo (Might Have Spelt It Wrong) in the center of the Omicron Minor System. He never been here before. When he arrived he saw the Battleship Iris in High Orbit. Along with another Mercenary vessal an Orca Gunboat and a Huntress cruiser.
He landed on the planet to resupply. The planet was covered in snow. Not really much to see. It seemed like a base world. No comedie dealers just a Bar and a equipment/ship depot.v After repairing and resupplying he left the planert and back into orbit.
When he came up he encountered Normad Battle group. fighter escourts and a Gunboat. more Order and Crosairs showed up from the neiboring system as well as this one and engaged them. The batlle diddnt last long but more ememies showed up. this time Bounty Hunters along witha Bounty Hunter Destryer. Afte rthe fray ended the Order and crosair pilots introduced themselfs and thanking Harper for the assist.
After all that he dicided to take a break from fighting and explore Sirius and its outer and border systems.
He explored most of Omega and Omicron. He encountered trouble but delt with it.
Time For A Upgrade Part 1
After 20 years of flying a gunboat he began to find out more bigger and dangerous threats lie out there in Sirius as well as the Border Worlds. His gunboat was showing its age in combat. The Armor couldnt stand to the increasingly powerful weapons being developed. The weapons were okay but hte ship required an upgrade. So Harper began exploring the Omegas and Omicrons in serch for a vessal.
Time For A Upgrade Part 2, Choices Narrowed Down
After month of looking he found some ships. He narrowed it down to The Huntress Cruiser, The Crosair Cruiser and his favorite. The Bounty Hunter Destroyer. The BH destroyer was retively Cheap but reliable. it was good size and had mobility. The Crosair Cruiser was all brute force and was big and havily armored with 12 slots for turrets. And the huntress. A bat shaped cruiser, big and wide and hads good armor and 12 weapon slots also. Huntress was hard to menuver with the big wings especially through the debris fields of the Omicrons. The BH could dodge and weave through the field with ease because it was balanced in all areas. The Crosair Cruiser would have difficulty due to its size.
The problem with the BH destroyer. It was a Bounty Hunter ship and the bounty hunters hated him. It wouldnt be easy geting ahold of one. Hed have to steal it if anything
Trouble Arises
Aside from the problem with the BH Destroyer another problem was handed to Harper. The S.S.C (Mercenaries) dont allow employees to use Cruisers. Harper found this out once he read the S.S.C
handbook. The only way he would gain acess to the Cruiser would be if he joins The Order, become a
Freelancer or join Crosairs. But the option to stay with the S,S.C wass still there as well.
New Employment & S.S.C in Trouble?
He worked for the S.S.C for 20 years Harper began thinking. His job as a Merc is getting boring and he is getting less job oppertunities with the large shiping firms hiring private military groups for escourts and it wasnt like it before. RepEX for example, hired Black Talon Security to escourt traders. The independent traders were hiring other forces and not the independent mercs. He began looking inanother direction.
S.S.C (Strategy & Security Coperation) was becoming bankrupt in the events of loss of oppertunities. There ties with bounty hunters were becoming untwined and there contracts with the Liberty Navy were coming to their end. The Navy is recruiting more men and using BHs to do there dirty work for cheaper price. More and more S.S.C mercs began leaving in these rercent events and becoming bounty Hunters, independent or even retiring. S.S.C was in trouble.
Harpers Unlawful Oppertunities
He diddnt have amny options at age 45. He was battle hardened though. On the lawful side of things. He can reinlist with the Liberty Navy but with the discharge 20 some years ago make his track reccord with the Navy very unreliable. Chances were slim. He could jioin another Paramilitary organization sucha s black Talon but that would be boring. He couldn't join the BH guild becasue they hated him and tried to assasinate him twice. There wsas another option join the unlawfuls.
Over the past 20 some years he gained much respect throughout the Border Worlds. Especially from The Order and Crosairs. So his chances with them were high. He began thinking. Why not join The Order and start living in the lawless border worlds where there is adventure and opportunity everyday. He did research on them and found it as a prime choice. But if he did, he'll loose his respect with Liberty and the lawful Sirius.
The Crosairs and Order saw what was happening to the S.S.C and began trying to recruit the battle hardened Mercs to join them. They got some good pilots.
Harper's wingman joined The Order and encourages Harper to do as well
The Order offered him something very intriguing. Offered him a seat of a Newly formed Order. As a Admiral and cruiser captain. and sent him all their info. They liked Harpers flying and combat tequniques and needed a pilot like Harper.To fly a Cruiser he had to fund half of the payment/costs of the project. which he could if he sold his Liberty GB to a shipyards in The Omicron Gamma System. He became intrigued and researched a bit more.
|Opening NewFeed|
December 20, 6:00PM Liberty Time
"The S.C.C, Strategy & Security Coperation is going to be filing for bankrupcy soon enough. They are loosing money and contracts every day.We will provide more info when it happens"
"The Liberty Security Force announced today, they will be cutting all ties with the S.S.C and going to depending on more efficient methods of dealing with Criminals and pirates"
"S.S.C employees are leaving the S.S.C due to the in recent events. Either retiring or joining the Liberty Armed Forces"
"The criminal organization, The Crosairs are recruiting former S.S.C soilders to join them. Former S.S.C employees are joining the pirates to get back at the LSF ?"
From: The Order Executive Staff
ToL: Andrew Mclean Harper
10086 West Kingsway( Residental District). Western Villa, Manhattan New York
Sugject: Admission?
Greetings Mr. Harper.
Have you thought about our offer? Its been well over a wek now since we last talked.
Hows a home on Crete sound at our Order safehouse? As well as a room at the many Freeports all over Srius can be arranged with our good friends The Zoners.
We could use you out here, your a good pilot, i woulnt want to see your skills go to waste.
If you have any questions just ask?
Take all the time you need