To all inhabitants and combatants of Omicron space: Our brothers, our allies, and even our foes!
Corsairs! Outcasts! Zoners! Humanity! A call to arms - A call to battle!
A new dawn for this disturbed age arises, and across every system a chance for hope emerges.
The Crimson Codex!
[color=#330000] YOU! Pilot!
Have you ever pondered the limited roles we are forced to play in this endless struggle for dominance and survival in the cosmos?
Where any and every conflict seems doomed to repetition: A cycle of bravado and violence with little choice beyond the mindless persistent argument:
"We are enemies - We must fight to the death!".
YOU! Space-farer!
Have you ever pondered the violent fragmentation of human cultures, at a seemingly coincidental time when alien threats strive to overwhelm us?
You! Trader!
Have you ever had your livelihood stolen? Your precious time ripped from you by an unthinking aggressor?
You! Warrior!
Have you ever stolen victory in an unthinking fashion, against an unworthy or unready foe, only to consider afterwards that this was perhaps a lesser act?
Has the victory tasted bitter? Flavorless?
Is there no alternative that might inspire a richer result? Is there really no fruitful second choice?
The Crimson Codex declares its intent.
We step into the light of a thousand suns and declare: "Honor before Hatred. Humility before Hubris!
We declare: A renewal of force. A clarion cry to action! Regardless of your motive or faction - of your creed or color!
We declare that the other option HONOR remains, and it is the only true path for Sirius!
WE SHALL define terms for honorable combat, on equal ground, without reprisal or sanction.
WE SHALL define clear boundaries for aggression and agreement, where victory shall be the fruit of clear and honorable combat, rather than the hasty charge towards unprepared foes.
We SHALL unite to common purpose, where others would divide and conquer us.
Who are we? We are YOU!
We are seeking Pilots: fighters and warriors unparalleled and unequaled, who shall choose battle only on their terms, and gain glory and renown through steadfast courage and determination in the face of overwhelming odds and dark forces.
In the face of growing darkness, where humanity loses its very will to remain human, We will offer the dipping of swords, and the high salute of respect. The defining marks of true combatants are in the steely glare of readiness and determination to face true evil and to wield the true sword: WE SPEAK OF HONOR!
Of Honor! Códice CarmesÃ!
Others may speak of honor as some vainglorious accomplishment to be worn like a ragged flag.
For the Crimson Codex, Honor is the core human value that defines our species.
Loss of Honor is to reduce oneself to an alien halfbreed of the void. Humanity deserves no less than that the highest principles of honor be preserved.
You! Alien!
Have you ever contemplated the ephemeral notion that humanity could unite to common purpose?
That such a fleet would rips suns from their sockets, that no aggressor might stand against us?
Fear us you should!
We, the Crimson Codex, enforce the values of the ancient Códice Carmesà texts: Honor before Hatred. Humility before Hubris.
The Crimson Codex is a cross-entity political faction that intends to restore the code of honor to combat, and bases its core philosophies around the ancient texts of the Códice CarmesÃ. We know no boundaries in space or politics. All vessels and craft may declare commitment to the core principles of the CC; simply by tagging their ships:
The political faction of the Crimson Codex is headquartered anonymously in the Omicron systems, and is rooted in tradition that predates the Hispania Splintering.
We remain a steadfast few, yet our numbers grow!
Approach a CC-tagged vessel to learn more.
Will you raise the Crimson flag?
Carlito. Voice of the Crimson Codex.
Rmorph, Omicron Gamma.
//OOC Note for RP enhancement purposes:
More details shall be posted in this thread as this concept expands.
Constructive comments very much appreciated! But please refrain from using this thread as a political dumping ground for other agendas.
Comments of that nature may be directed via personal message to myself.
This ancient text, written at the very beginnings of mankind's interstellar voyages, is one of the most celebrated and ephemeral pieces of literature in the annals of human history. No other single piece of doctrine has had so pronounced effect upon mankind, whilst remaining so elusive.
This text is a lost "Art of War" for the space age, and deals primarily with conflict, and conflict resolution as a means to the end of promoting humanities' odds for survival.
It demonstrates, using many examples from over several thousand years of land,sea and space-faring battles, that honorable behavior is an absolute necessity in strategic tactics, and the rigid self discipline of chivalrous conduct (such as self-imposed rules of engagement) give combatants a vital edge in behavioral warfare.
This strikes at the heart of the notion of fighting dirty to gain the upper hand.
The primary lesson learned is that where humanity has fought dirty, it often wins battles but loses wars, or wins wars but loses entire cultures. Forcing itself to maintain a moral perspective has led to a unified purpose and consistency that lends enormous tactical advantages to its struggles. Simply put: When humans believe that what they are fighting nobly, then the advantage is overwhelming.
The core tenets of the Códice Carmesà "Honor before Hatred and Humility before Hubris", also teach that war, whilst the prime evolutionary factor in the development and survival of mankind, must never reduce humanity to a lesser species, even as we advance in technical knowledge.
Space-age parallels in the barbaric practices in the outer systems, such as cannibalism, slavery, addiction and piracy, certainly give credence to the concept that humanity's greatest enemy is itself when losing its own human identity. The Códice Carmesà gives Honor an almost religious importance as the prime human motive that defines our species, Where loss of honor could be equated with the end of humankind.
History of the text:
The Códice Carmesà was written by a now anonymous fleet master in the Old Earth Hispanic Navy, but the only surviving hard copy of the Crimson Codex was lost with the wreck of the Hispania, and only fragments were recovered from the Hispania's sabotaged data-banks.
Rumors and uncertain lessons remain from the pieces that survive, but hard evidence of the Crimson Code no longer exists, and it has been lost to legend.
Rumors as to whether a hard copy could in fact exist, perhaps secreted away in some lost lifeboat wreck, have perpetuated for centuries - but what is clear is that this document is seen as one of the few remaining historical artifacts from which both Corsair and Outcast populations can claim a unifying legacy, as it predates The Splintering.
Political Importance:
Some even believe that the Códice Carmesà could serve as a factor towards the ultimate goal of reconciling the Outcast and Corsair dominions to their common Hispanic identity, and this notion is of great interest especially to those that view the current fragmentation of the human species, in the face of wider alien threats, as a critical human weakness.
The Political party The Crimson Codex views this unification, through the common cause of honor, as an ultimate goal - not just as a reparation of Corsair-Outcast relations, but of the different factions of Humanity as a whole.
Who can dare to speculate on the consequences for mankind if the mights of the Corsair and Outcast empires were reunited to common purpose?
Certainly the other houses have every reason to dread such an occurance, whilst the Order, in particular, keep a shrewd eye on the growing Crimson Codex political movement in the Omicron systems, as it closely aligns with their purposes.
And as for the Corsairs and Outcasts themselves? Most would declare it a heresy, even a high treason to speak of such a thing.
The Order's purpose is to stop the Nomads and save humanity.
So, how does the Crimson Codex's purposes closely align with The Order? We cpuld care less about the Corsair-Outcast feud; we barely did when we had Minor, and we don't care now.
' Wrote:The Order's purpose is to stop the Nomads and save humanity.
So, how does the Crimson Codex's purposes closely align with The Order? We cpuld care less about the Corsair-Outcast feud; we barely did when we had Minor, and we don't care now.
To answer I need only refer you to history.
As is demonstrated in the historical records (Codename: Freelancer. See in particular the interviews with Edison Trent, detailing the power struggle of that time that culminated with inter-system genocide):
A primary long-term goal of the alien aggressors is conflict between, and resulting weakness of, the human systems. So far this strategy has worked very well, especially since they have removed themselves from direct involvement, and instead perform strategic surgery at key stress points in our history.
(For example: It is still widely believed by Corsairs and Outcasts alike that one of the other houses is responsible for sabotaging the Hispania, when all circumstantial evidence points to alien interference. Regardless, which species was served better by the Hispania Splintering, and consequent distrust?).
Let me ask you:
If all the guns of all the human worlds were suddenly raised in joint purpose.... which direction would they point? The Aliens are right to be nervous.
Unification of the systems is the single greatest weapon that humanity could wield against an alien invader. Any gatekeeper of humanity (And I believe the Order reckon themselves no less) would be well advised to match its own long term strategies against those of its enemies, and have no less ambition.
A lesson from the Códice CarmesÃ: Where your enemies seek to divide you, you must make every effort to remain undivided.
The Crimson Codex is a political party that serves to unite two of the most powerful groups in the systems.
Is this achievable in our lifetimes? Perhaps not. But as a longterm goal to match an equally distant alien strategy?
I guess your objective is to unite Omicrons/Sirius, some notes from myself to you:
Dont try to use more than 1 faction ID, otherwise you will have troubles (both on forums and ingame) from everyone around.
Order stance on Outcast is hostile and we do not care what happens to Corsairs until they tresspass our space or make troubles to us in any way.
EDIT: Order role is not to unite Sirius, we acknowledge it is impossible. We impose order and balance which Nomads want to destroy, thus destabilising humanity.
' Wrote:I guess your objective is to unite Omicrons/Sirius, some notes from myself to you:
Dont try to use more than 1 faction ID, otherwise you will have troubles (both on forums and ingame) from everyone around.
Order stance on Outcast is hostile and we do not care what happens to Corsairs until they tresspass our space or make troubles to us in any way.
EDIT: Order role is not to unite Sirius, we acknowledge it is impossible. We impose order and balance which Nomads want to destroy, thus destabilising humanity.
Osiris, thanks very much for your input; I find I must define the OORP goals of this group a little better.
The political and unification elements are a very secondary goal, and if anything I hope they result in further discord, simply to shake things up a bit. I like hunting down OC as much as the next guy.
My primary OORP objective with the Crimson Codex is to define a Code of Conduct for battle and combat: A code of honor whereby players can state their intent to RP, even in battle. I feel this is missing today, and players simply give up on the storytelling elements because there is no easy way to initiate RP dialog in a hostile encounter.
I am attempting to define a code of conduct in an RP setting by drawing a interactive RP creed, Rather than simply saying in System chat: //Play fair
Such an RP element should contrast with simple "Fight me I'm on a different team" encounters that make up the majority of player-to-player actions. (As a long term goal I would also like to limit ganking a little - Perhaps because I'm often the gankee, usually while I'm trying to initiate some form of RP dialog with an aggressor).
By an RP code of conduct, I mean in this context: Elements such as declaring terms prior to fleet engagements, Allowing surrender and white flag conditions, refusing to enter combat against civilians, or where the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor, as well as general behavioral niceties that can enrich game-play.
Of course, such elements are a choice, much the same as any chivalrous action IRL, but the idea is to build something that is much the same as the International Code of Maritime law within RP: At least in its infancy the ICML was regarded as ludicrous and largely ignored, but eventually came to be observed even by pirate nations (who observed their own form of it in the pirate code).
I have tried to embed this code of conduct in a deeper RP context by developing both the "political" faction described here, and what I hope will be the richer historic context: This is simply to allow the code, and its consequences, to be discussed in an RP context.
Eventually I would like to see a very rare cargo item "Códice CarmesÃ" as an RP item not unlike the "Derelict Nomad Artifact... Certainly if "honorable engagement" could become a community-explored theme, this could lend some very rich experiences to the game play.
As a side note:
I recognize, and appreciate, that some players will not wish to observe these elements, and that for many RP does not extend beyond the kill-team-kill mentality demonstrated in other games such as Call of Duty or Battlefield - Where simple conflict scenarios dominate every other avenue of interaction.
Whilst no-one could easily call such games Roleplay in the traditional sense, it is not my place to refuse Discovery players the right to play how they wish: therefore I feel that by adding these political/Historical elements, it gives players an opportunity to refuse to play "fairly" for legitimate RP reasons, even as much as it might give them another facet to their character by accepting to do so.
"My hatred for Corsairs outweighs my motive to treat them honorably" is a perfectly legitimate RP sentiment, and, in my personal view, far better than "I'm not bothered by this chatty role play crap and far prefer to kill people, even if they don't like it".
Lastly: I feel the historic elements described are sound from an RP perspective.
I found as I was writing that I really wanted to find that lost system, and stumble across that missing lifeboat.
I wanted to be able to challenge a foe to rethink their history and their conduct within an RP setting, even at the risk of being ostracized from my own team..
My point is not to change the shape of the game, but simply to let players give depth to their characters. I do not feel that defining a political persuasion is the same as picking a side: For example: It is possible to be Outcast and Codex in the same way as it is possible to be Corsair and a vegan: A little complicated to explain, but not impossible to fathom.
Your further thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated.