::Incoming transmission::
Sender ID : Lucius Aurelius |Lead Consul|
Location : Freeport 9
Good day Latins, I'm happy to announce that from today we have our personal communications channel for dialogue with other factions and to show our progress with our goals. I remind you what they are:
1. Find our missing comrades in omicrons.
2. Exploring Sirius to see our new home and establish relationships with factions who live here. We will start to exploring Omicrons and Omega systems and establish relationships with Zoner factions and groups.
3. Accumulate wealth with commercial traffics.
4. Provide food rations, oxygen, water, consumer goods to our people living in Freeports.
5. Because we lost all our technology, we need to access to a new one. We'll try get it with our diplomacy.
6. To secure our people by nomads, destroy their ships in omicrons.
Post here notices and screenshots that show how we are progressing with our objectives.
The channel access is free also to other Zoner factions or allies group who want to talk with us.
::Incoming transmission::
Sender ID : Lucius Aurelius |Lead Consul|
Location : Freeport 9
I'll start to show our progress. Because the scarcity and high price of the supply for our population don't allow us to buy supplies into omicrons, I flew to freeport 2 to buy supplies and carry them to freeport 9.
Then I started to explore omicrons and nomad systems to seek jumphole to open new routes trough Sirius. When I arrived to Omicron Kappa, I helped a zoner convoy that was attacked by some nomad ships. More progress will be show. Also there will be made new updates about the Republic.
My apologies for the delay in filing reports. Other things were more pressing, sic vita est.
Not much to report so far. Repairs to my personal craft on Freeport 9 were completed and I have since flown short sorties into the system Sirians call Omicron Kappa. The alien aggressors frequent the area and I have already engaged multiple patrols. One planet in the system for sure with docking facilities, it seems intelligent robots run the entire facility. I have collected the remains of fallen enemies. Perhaps these may prove of value.
I have also initiated contact with the Zoners known as the Confederation of Freeports. I hope to have our military pilots cooperate more closely with their own security in the regions of Freeports 5 and 9.
ID: Legatus Luceiia Corvus
Subject: The Defense of Gran Canaria
I have just landed after a crisis occurred in Omega-49. It seems a group known as the SCRA, descendants of the coalition forces in Sol, nearly launched a full-scale invasion of the system after a bombing in their own space. It seems even here, the coalition has power enough to cause problems.
I was able to assist Zoner forces in the defense of Planet Gran Canaria, and fortunately Mr. Cross of OSI was able to bring the immediate troubles to a diplomatic end.
After the crisis had passed, I spent some time in discussion with Max, of the Corsair people know as the Sails. While he seemed friendly enough, it was also clear the Corsairs have a military edge to them. They could be great allies as we try to find a new home, but I advise caution. As Max said they are protective of those who help them and or loyal, or those who give tribute.
I then spent the rest of my flight in discussion with Eric Micheals of OSI. He advised the next time we attempt to establish an outpost to do so 60 K above or below Canaria, to avoid unwanted attention. I personally agree with his assesment. Defense in such a location will be much easier, and OSI could still help with supplies.
Finally, Eric showed me through Bretonia and Liberty to Freeport 14 in the Yukon system. Chairman Adam Selene advised me our people are welcome to make Freeport 14 home, and to stay there when we need. I accepted this graciously.
The Zoners are forming an organized defense in case the SCRA moves on Omega 49 again. I have ensured the Legion is a part of this. However, transports are also needed for potential evacuation of Gran Canaria. I told Anja and Chairman Selene that I would forward this to the Senate and Merchant Corporation. If at all possible, have our transports get underway to render assistance as soon as may be.
I apologize for the utter dryness at this late hour, and as always any mistakes in this text are my own.
::Incoming transmission::
Sender ID : Lucius Aurelius |Lead Consul|
Location : Omega 49
Well done Luceiia Corvus, your intervention has been of great help to us. Now it only remains for us to see how things will develop. We will join the defense of Omega 49 and its inhabitants if the SCRA will prove a threat to us and our allies. Also we must secure Gran Canaria because it's necessary for the exploration of Sirius and the development of our Republic.