***Incoming Broadcast Frequency*** #Transmitting on a Secured Channel#
Com ID - Council of Dons
Target ID - Outcast Nation
Subject: Capital Ship Registry
Brethren of the Outcast Nation,
In order to keep track of who's who and where, we'll be needing to collect papers on all you self-proclaimed captains of the glorious Maltese Nation. Tridente, Storta, Sarissa, and/or Ranseur captains are eligible to register their vessel here in this channel. Form Layout:
Quote:Ship Name:
Ship Class:
Captain Name:
Affilation Status:
Ship Usage:
Example Layout:
Quote:Ship Name: MNS-Protector.De.Malta
Ship Class: Storta Cruiser
Captain Name: Pedro Moncayo
Identification: Outcast ID
Affilation Status: Outcast IFF
Ship Usage: Aiding in the defense of Malta and leading assaults against our enemies.
[color=#000000]Hola,honorable dons.
The 13th currently has two capital ships in action.
I have attached the required information.
Quote:Ship Name: MNS-Implosion[13th]
Ship Class: Ranseur Dreadnought
Captain Name: Fernando Halsey/Samantha Marquez
Identification: Outcast ID
Affilation Status: Outcast Guard IFF
Ship Usage: 13th Flagship.Mostly used to defend Malta and key assets.
Rarely used in long-range offensive actions.
Ship Class RM-2 "Storta" Destroyer
Captain name:Fernando Halsey/Samantha Marquez
Identification:Outcast ID
Affilation Status:Outcast Guard IFF
Ship usage:Tactical long-range strike craft.Used both in defense and offense.
If there is anything else,I believe you know how to find me.
Ship Usage: With Barbarossa being infected by a Nomad, she has become a living ship with cloaking capabilities. It's patroling primarily in Tau-37. Extreme stealth capabilities makes Barbarossa II. one of the only most feared and reliable battleships. It's primarily used to remove ANY class of battleship. It is heavily defended, offensive vessel and therefore capable of engaging multiple smaller capital ships.
Additional Information: Barbarossa II. is Hizir Reis's personal dreadnought. Being respected by both Outcasts and its enemies, Barbarossa II. is truly a devastating warship, developed to what the Barbarossa I. couldn't achieve; devastating firepower and survivability. With the help of a Nomad that united with Barbarossa II., taking control of its systems, Barbarossa II. is now a living dreadnought with the fearsome capabilty, cloaking. Destruction is her only purpose, to rain death on enemies against the Maltese people. Her only weakness is her agility.
Eye witnesses reveal that when the ship was mysteriously found in Omicron-90, the ship had purple limbs sticking out through the armor. When the pilot came closer to the ship to inspect the limbs, they disappeared. To our knowledge, the ship has been heavily infected with Nomad, but it doesn't explain how the crew just vanished without leaving traces of DNA or any clue at all. The door to the engine and reactor room was sealed by the same limbs that have been seen before. The inspectors didn't dare to enter the room, and decided to drag the whole ship back to Corsica shipyard. When the scientists entered the ship with troops from the main laboratories, the inspectors were asked to leave and tell nothing about the ship. And since then nobody have any idea what happened to the sealed doors and the reactor. The inspectors also reveal that the armor had heavy damages and holes everywhere. The ship is now called Ghost of Hizir throughout the Nation.
The mysterious disappearence of captain Hizir and all the crew members, have left the whole ship in disarray and was decommissioned last month. It's now recommissioned and the new captain is Pablo Salzar who is thought to be one of Hizir's closest comrade. The Council of Don have therefore decided Pablo to be the captain of this devastating warship.
Ship Usage: Much more versitile destroyer than a usual one. Everything from defending, inner system escorting, scout patrols, recon missions and researching & discovering. It's the fleets favourite anti-capital ship. It's armed with Solaris guns, and a pair of mortars and a torpedo launcher.
Additional Information: Horrid Ghost is widely used in Outcasts and enemies territory. The Horrid Ghost, was originally used, as a means of policing and suppressing civilian population violating the laws of Outcasts and was controlling and patrol to find rogue or 'fake' captains in the fleet. It was also hauling valuable cargo through out the expansion of the Outcast territory in the Battle of Messina in Omicron Eta. It was pulled back to Alpha however after the loss. It was then adopted for military use, and equiped, with as much weaponry its design allowed. It was one of the only destroyers that fought against the Corsair fleet that was preparing the invasion to Omicron Alpha. After capturing huge amount of space in Omicron Eta, it became the only destroyer still in military service since its adoptation in 780 A.S. and summing its year it was built; 701 A.S. it truly is one old beast with ''no rusts on its armor yet''. And thats why it was renamed to Horrid Ghost, because of its miraculously and scary speed and agility although so many years it floated in space. Despite its impressive speed, its is still regarded as lacking in firepower.
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Buenos dias to Council of Dons
This is Lubosh O`Bleek called 'beermaster'
I have 2 ships to register:
Ship Name: Occam`s.Razor
Ship Class: Ranseur
Captain Name: O`Bleek
Identification: Outcast ID
Affilation Status: Outcast IFF
Ship Usage: Defending Alpha and Eta, hunting corsair patrols
Oh look, the Council of Dons have been re-instated. Wonder how long this one will last.
Im forwarding the paperwork from the purchase of Raider operated Outcast warships. (and a gunboat)
Ship Name: VR-VCS-Systematic.Chaos
Ship Class: Sarissa class Battleship
Captain Name: Overlord Blain Spike
Identification: Special Operations ID
Affilation Status: Freelancer IFF
Ship Usage: Long Range Bombardment, Anti-Capital Ship Operations
Ship Name: VR-VCS-Nightmare
Ship Class: Storta Class Heavy Destroyer
Captain Name: Overlord Blain Spike
Identification: Special Operations ID
Affilation Status: Freelancer IFF
Ship Usage: Artillery, Gunboat Remover.
Ship Name: VR-VCS-Black.Cloud
Ship Class: Storta Class Heavy Destroyer
Captain Name: N/A
Identification: Special Operations ID
Affilation Status: Freelancer IFF
Ship Usage: Not currently in active use
Ship Name: VR-VCS-Silver.Lining
Ship Class: Storta Class Heavy Destroyer
Captain Name: N/A
Identification: Special Operations ID
Affilation Status: Freelancer IFF
Ship Usage: Not currently in active use
Ship Name: VR-VGS-Retaliator
Ship Class: Tridente Class Gunship
Captain Name: Switchback
Identification: Pirate ID
Affilation Status: Freelancer IFF
Ship Usage: Advertizing BigMAX Pro Solutions
Ship Name : [212th]MNS-Anarchy Ship Class : 2nd generation "Sarissa" battleship Captain Name: Nero Reverb Identification: Outcast ID Affilation status: Outcast Guard IFF Ship Usage: Destroying snubcrafts and small capital ships in Omicorn Alpha and Tau-37 sector Info: Old class Sarissa battleship. repaired from junkyard. Now defending Alpha from enemies.
Unfortunately cant modernize reactor and weapons systems any further-> cant power
heavy weapons. Side thrusters are more powerful than on most "new" class Battleships so
its agility is bigger.
Source - The 81 Syndicate, Death Runner's Office
Location - Arausio Sanctuarium
Topic - Capital Ship Registry
ID - *****
Right. I may be a Don but I still follow the same rules as every captain. My currently owned ships are as follows:
Quote:Ship Name: 81-S|The.Verminator
Ship Class: Ranseur Dreadnought
Captain Name: Death Runner
Identification: Outcast ID
Affilation Status: Outcast IFF
Ship Usage: Defending Omicron Alpha and all other systems belonging to the Outcast Nation, leading assaults against our enemies, upholding civilian peace and law, and functions as the 81 Syndicate Head Quarters alongside Arausio Sanctuarium
Quote:Ship Name: 81-S|Ignus.Fatuus
Ship Class: Tridente Gunship
Captain Name: Torro Trait
Identification: Outcast ID
Affilation Status: Outcast IFF
Ship Usage: Escorting 81 Syndicate vessels, protecting and monitoring Omicron 80 and 81, assisting in offenses against the miners and colonials