I'm Glam Ackworthy, shareholder and official liaison of Ageira Technologies. There is pretty ambitious project in which our corporation would require extensive naval furtherance.
Our scientists discovered a way of bending space in a manner that we didn't think would ever be possible. If we could perfect it, it would be a huge leap in interstellar transportation not requiring jumpgates, or even astronomical proximity for fielding enormous masses of material, or even manned ships. Hope I don't have to explain the economical and tactical benefits of finalizing such method.
The testing phase of the technology is closed - we achieved success in laboratory environment on multiple occasions. However for the next step of the development - namely field testing - a great amount of energy would be required, what we are unable to produce in a mobile form. However the cores of naval vessels can.
Conducting the research far away from populated space would be vital for the safety of Liberty, this is why we ask you to provide us a Liberty Assault Carrier that we can refit to serve as a highly secure mobile research center for this project.
We are aware that it's a huge asset to spare, but the tactical costs of commissioning one for our company is dwarfed by the potential benefits of the technology we are developing. We also do not require a vessel right down from the production line, an older decommissioned ship that has it's core intact would also suffice - our engineers are able to fit the aged or damaged systems for our purposes.
Hope you will deem our cooperation in this matter as fruitful for Liberty's economy and military as we do.
Your request is interesting to say the least - High risk for a high reward. Needless to say, when the words "bending" and "space" are used in the same sentence, I can get a little nervous with the possible cosmic consequences. I'd prefer not to have another Dallas incident on my hands.
With this in mind, as a precautionary measure, Navy scientists would require access to the research data and the your scientists working on the project. If our scientists deem the project safe to expand, we'll have a look at moving onto the next stage.
My office door is always open if you'd like to discuss this project further,
Considered the terms of the initial investigatory phase?
If you're trying to navigate to my office for a chat, you need to head all the way to the end of the corridor. You may feel like you're walking in circles, as there are two office's named "Captain Clark" along the same hallway.
To: Admiral Jack Malrone, Liberty Navy Command.
From: Ageira Technologies Headquarters.
Admiral Malrone;
Unfortunately, Mister Ackworthy has been waylaid by pirate attacks on his transport, and has been forced to return to docks at Hamilton. For the time being, I will be communicating directly with you by secured Neural Net transmissions.
Allow me to elaborate on the concepts brought up by Mr Ackworthy. Firstly, a certain amount of economic history is required to understand the position that Ageira Technologies finds itself in. Over the past six months, a number of laboratories across Sirius, both corporate and less legitimate, have been experimenting with "Jump Drive" technology, which focusses on creating miniaturised versions of the drives that formed an integral component of the original Sleeper Ships.
Recently, a number of blueprints have been circulating on the Sirian markets, including but not limited to those developed by Ageira Technologies and Kishiro Technologies. We have had remarkable success with laboratory-scale experimentation and testing of our newly-refined technology, but Ageira has reached an impasse that cannot be surmounted without your help. In order to make serious scientific progress, it will be necessary to explore a wide range of field-testing opportunities.
Because of the sheer size of the Jump Drives, they can only be installed on vessels of tonnage equivalent to a Battleship or larger - bear in mind that the Sleeper Ships are simply enormous vessels which dwarf all other space-worthy vessels to date. Their power requirements are similarly gargantuan, making fusion cores a desirable economic option. All in all, Jump Drives might be considered to be one of the most expensive augmentations to a vessel in Sirius.
However, this does not deter Ageira - in fact, it spurs us onwards, as consumers with pockets deep enough to make such an investment will surely desire the highest standards that can be provided. We consider it nothing less than our civic duty to investigate and develop this technology for Liberty first and foremost, and our other customers across Sirius too. FTL transportation technology has always been Ageira's finest specialty, and we do not intend to permit this new facet to escape our grasp.
For these reasons, it leads us to request or purchase a Carrier-class vessel from the Navy, such that Ageira might install a Series-IV Jump Drive on it for the purposes of Jump-technology experimentation. Should we confirm a reliable standard of performance in the field, our next objective will be to fully refurbish the vessel in order to serve as a Jump Carrier. It would ferry sorely-needed ships and supplies from Liberty to the front lines against Gallia, and also other corporate vessels to lucrative development sites in order to stimulate the ailing Sirian economy.
The Board of Directors has not underestimated the importance of this project, so noted as "Project Ascenscion". We have plenty of leeway for negotiation and intend to exhaust every possibility until a suitable agreement has been reached between us. Naturally, certain conditions similar to those postulated earlier, including cooperation with Naval scientists, will be included.
James Lewis
Chief of Materials & Acquisitons, Operations Department
Ageira Technologies
I'll need to discuss this with the rest of the Admiralty, however your sales pitch has got me excited about the project - Somewhat a rarity when looking at R&D work.
I'll jump straight into the pricing of a standard Navy Carrier - We estimate it costs approximately 535 million credits to produce a base model of this beast. Depending on the conditions of sale, the price may be higher or lower than this.
Once operational, if the technology were to be sold to the Navy at a discounted price, this would heavily effect the initial price.
As I said, I'll be needing to discuss this with the rest of the Admiralty for our conditions - But I can see a reasonable deal being struck as the potential of this new technology is quite simply, amazing.
Once I've conferred, I'll return with our conditions,
To: Admiral Jack Malrone, Liberty Navy Command.
From: Ageira Technologies Headquarters.
Admiral Malrone;
We are greatly encouraged by the shared enthusiasm for this project that you have expressed.
There is one point raised by Representative Ackworthy that I would like to reiterate; Ageira's acquisition of a Carrier should not impose undue stress on the deployment capabilities of the Liberty Navy. To that end, should this over-extend the Navy's resources, we would consider it unnecessary to withdraw a Carrier from active service, or to manufacture a new Carrier.
Therefore, should there be any pressing issues related to supplies or materiel that Ageira might be able to assist with, we would like to offer our logistical services in order to provide material compensation to counteract Naval labour being directed away from the front lines. Alternatively, should the Navy instead offer us a Carrier which is not fully operational due to damage or having been retired from active service, then we intend to dedicate as much of our resources as possible to return the Carrier to complete functionality.
I hope that our proposals permit the Admiralty a greater deal of flexibility when discussing our proposal. However, if it is in the Navy's best interests to offer Ageira a new Carrier, I firmly believe that the Board of Directors will not decline such a generous offer.
James Lewis
Chief of Materials & Acquisitons, Operations Department
Ageira Technologies
COMM ID:Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:James Lewis - Ageira Technologies SUBJECT:Carrier ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
Good afternoon Mr Lewis.
After consideration within the Admiralty, we have decided to approve this request on the following conditions:
The vessel maintains a skeleton Liberty Navy crew to handle the day-to-day running of the ship.
The vessel remains technically under the command of the Liberty Navy. However it will not be called upon for any front-line actions.
Jump testing and commercial operation remains within Liberty space at this time, until arrangements have been cleared with foriegn governments such as the Bretonians or the Council.
As for the vessel itself, the LNS-Boxer was recently mothballed after being deemed surplus to requirement, pending a later refit. This vessel is the one which will be licensed to Ageira Technologies for the continuation of this project.
To: Fleet Admiral David Hale, Liberty Navy Command.
From: Ageira Technologies Headquarters.
Fleet Admiral Hale;
The Directorate is extremely pleased with this news, and Ageira agrees to abide by the proposed conditions.
We will be sending inspection teams to Norfolk Shipyard over the coming week in order to evaluate the ship's operational status and subsystem performance. We will, of course, require a number of Navy crewmen to become involved with a training program about the handling and operation of the Carrier for our own personnel.
If Norfolk is unsuitable for this long-term project, Ageira will seek a berthing for the Carrier elsewhere; Baltimore is a possibility, but is frequented by a large quantity of civilian traffic and would not be as secure as Washington or "elsewhere". Proximity to Cape Canaveral may be advantageous in the future. Due to the delicate nature of this project, the Directorate has deemed security to rate higher than convenience.
James Lewis
Chief of Materials & Acquisitons, Operations Department
Ageira Technologies