To be sure, I dont have the heart to kill Ssamura nublets in Okinawa.
My usual response is an ironic "The GMG thanks you for your custom!" Most Samura nublets seem to be after scientists from the Sigma-19 Gate Site out to Nansei.
i have no real feedback to you because i actually just met my first gmg player yesterday....and had some nice little rp going on- thanks for that nice diversion, really enjoed it.
BUT (!!) dear GMG pilot from Sigma 13 - i am shocked by you! You told me that you added some zeros to our deal but up to today i haven't checked how much it actually was.... so i would really like to give back the surplus here because i am not comfortable of having "tricked" you out of that number of credits.
So...i need that GMG pilot whose name i sadly forgot to send me a pm so i can refund you! => hint: this was the only benitez who was pirating in the sigmas yesterday and who treid to sell you "something" no frauds here!
Id like to thank the GMG for some fun RP In Sig 19 with Ugly Stan. It seemed realistic, and was funny when you all started disagreeing with each other. GMG|Charles GMG|Some.Kusari.Name and that GMG indie, also maybe another GMG|.
However Is that martial law thing against your ID? It doesnt say you can destroy people for not using the lanes, or that you can make up whatever laws you want.
I guess it comes down to; Does the ID permit anything it doesnt detail? Or only permit what it does detail? I've always been in favour of RP>Rules, and that the ID permits what it doesnt detail, so its not really a problem for me. But it might be against the rules.
User was banned for: Griefing others
Time left: (Permanent)
The martial law thing is temporary. A base is about to be sieged in Sig 13 by us and is just RPng a general order. The main thing is we will be sacking any ship supplying the base we are siegeing no matter the ID while the siege is in effect, said ships will be deemed enemies. We don't expect anyone beyond those who built it to supply it and expect all kinds of swapping of IDs to get around the siege. Carry on as normal and avoid the siege like the plague and you should be fine, or if you are an unlawful and are looking for fun interfere away
Also, yes it was cool running into you. I was pulled in on a false alarm/troll myself and was one of the GMG| in there "chasing ghosts". - Jin'ko.Hayate
I think you should tell your new guys to refrain from using emoticons and other common oorp talks without using at last // to mark them as that. It's no problem for me if it happens once and by mistake, but not in this situation.
Can give you screens on request.
I would gladly take the opportunity to help our new members evolve and improve their role play. You can send your information to me, thank you.
I've reminded our members to only group up with unlawful factions that are listed on the GMG ID (such as the Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums). Grouping with other unlawful factions, even if it's just for chat purposes, is still not allowed.
I also tried to explain the BHG Core ID limitations to the Battlecruiser in Sigma-13, I believe he's aware of them now.
And of course, I expect all GMG| members to role play adequately before engaging someone, even if they're not always shown the same courtesy in return.
I have hesitated to mention this, or even to make further steps. Just after talking with others made me come to this section of the forum.
We were on a journey to Gallia, I was flying my ship to a meeting. For the safety for my escorts and myself I decided to use a cloak for safe entry of the Sigma's. On the other side 2 GMG| were awaiting me. They had no idea we were passing by with the 2 escorts in my cargo hold. I kept radio silence during the whole trip trough Sigma 13 and went into Honshu. There a GMG| member followed me and at the first station I fooled him with some computer ships near me. I activated the lane to Osaka Storage Facility for a few seconds and this is what he told me: Picture
I have no problems with people using the player list to promote more interaction. The only thing what is not right in here is that GMG| could never know we were passing there in the first place. Let alone follow us to Honshu and then just say you know it is us. This is plain meta gaming, I hope this is the last time it will happen. And the player(s) involved to be pointed out.
I thank you for your time, if you have more questions you can adress it to me on skype Asbestos.