(11-01-2012, 05:26 PM)Sirius Wrote: I gave one char. Money and some others are still waiting for a host.
@Thimble Because you are good ar "blowing" things ?
according to some people I have talked to the Angels can't give large sums of money to new players, so the majority of donations sit on Angel ships collecting dust.
I wouldn't mind a Bretonian Transport, Liberty Rogue ship or LN warship (not just for shooting all pirates what I see)....
Can I have because awesome signature?
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
Because i have little time to trade and and be online my main income are missions only...3-4 a day and if i survive i make close to 10 millions after i transport the prisoniers to the highest sell point
Edit: I will cherish and love the ship if it will fall in my own hands ... like i do with my own
Currently I'm leading two factions. Because of such my funds and bank accounts have all but dried up. I'd greatly appreciate the money, and if I did happen to receive it, it would go to my respective factions ALG and OS&C.
Otherwise, if you happen to have an ALG Golem, a Lux Liner, Prison Liner, Yacht. Any of those ships would be appreciated.
I will be honest, I can't think of any fancy reason why you should give me stuff. I just need them, that's instinct to have more. Maybe I'd use them to try stuff I've never tried - battleship or something like that. I don't need that much of credits, just a half of them. Any character would be great as well, probably that gonna be a ship I've never tried anyway. That would be the biggest amount of virtual money I've ever had. By the way, good luck in real life.
Well give it to an admin. who gets himself a barge and buys ore for guard station. and sell it in Penn (or NY) to new players. so they have to sell it and well RP while doing that. as they might encounter police (cargo scans) or pirates (small donations)
Ahh well its a suggestion. i would say use a dice. and roll it and let faith decide.
I wish you good luck in life.. And most of all Enjoy life! Time is shorter then you yourself are aware of.
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