In case anything is unclear, this is how you should use the template:
Name: <~~ Put your character's full name here.
Rank: <~~ Put your character's current rank here.
Ships: <~~ List exact name and type of your each and every [RHA] tagged ship below.
Shipname - Shiptype
Shipname - Shiptype
Shipname - Shiptype
Shipname - Shiptype
Codenames: <~~ If you are using any codenames from [RHA] armories, include them in this list. If not, simply delete this line and the following list.
Codename - Quantity
Codename - Quantity
Codename - Quantity
Codename - Quantity
Shared Accounts: <~~ List all the [RHA] shared accounts you have access to. If there's a shared account you should have based on your rank, but don't have yet, include it in the list but put a (X) in front of it.
Account name
Account name
Account name
Account name
Last Online Time: <~~ Include your last online time
P.S: Yes, this is the high command's new years present to you all. Now stop crying about too many roll calls and post your stuff.