I am Rear Admiral Kyle Weaver, as you might already know. I am over seeing this -project-. All the Details will be sent to you via Privet Communications. I have already contacted you over Privet Communications as well to get hold of your S.K.Y.P.3 Protocol so that we may discusses and keep everything upto date with our base
After discussions, the following two options for building sites are available to you:
Cortez Jumpgate, CA - Building your base here will cost an initial setup fee of 100 million credits.
California jumpgate, NY - Building your base here will cost no initial setup fee.
Building the 41st| Naval base in Liberty carries the following restrictions:
A minimum of four weapons platforms are built within a month of base construction
The construction of the base does not interfere with gate traffic - Essentially, dont build it directly in front of the gate.
Docking is to be restricted to those considered friends of the Republic - Simply set the base to have Navy reputation, the weapon platforms will take care of the rest.
I'd encourage enlisting trading companies to ship commodities necessary for base and module construction.
Greetings, Admiral Malrone, sorry for the late reply
We here by agree to your terms and conditions of the Base. We are planning on building it now in New York, right by the California Jump gate. So option 2. We are in the processes of enlisting the help of DSE to help us build some modules. This can be found in the Attached Attachment below
The name of our base will be Port Stanley, Named after a Port in Ancient Earth, 2012 AC. Base construction will hopefully start soon, once i have finished with DSE
Thank you for your time Admiral, and once again. Sorry for the late Reply.