This is Fleet Captain Keita of the Hellfire Legion. I bid you good day.
As you know, maintaining a fleet of any size would require a lot of materials. As the Legion grows, it finds itself in need of more supplies.
We would like to make purchases of Basic Alloy from your shipyard in Londonderry. On our part, the ships coming in can bring H-Fuel as supplies. I hope this trade agreement is acceptable to you.
T' Council as debated over ye' request and decided to allow ye' access t' not only our shipyard in Londonderry for Basic Alloys, but ye' are also welcome t' access Belfast Production Facility for Ship Hull Panels and Plutonium if ye' need it. Ye' agreement is 'ereby set in stone. Ye' are welcome at Foyle n' Belfast , and also welcome to bring in ye' supplies. If any other information be needed, let us know.
On behalf of the Hellfire Legion, I thank the Molly Council for this great act of assistance. You should be seeing our trade ships in the area soon. If there is anything we can do for you, do let us know.