From: Junker ID: Amelia Hoch
To: The Congress
Guten tag!
I was in Tau-23 earlier, where a miner I contracted were mining some ore for me to transport. My scanners picked up a ship with the transponder code [XTF]-Contador. As I've seen plenty similar transponders on and near Junker bases before I greeted the pilot politely.
The conversation, to my surprise, took a turn for the worse when he demanded I pay him a "tax". I tried reasoning with him to no avail. Seeing as I'm a simple trader I of course transferred the funds to his account.
I put myself at danger all the time but I worry for the life of my two daughters, who are living on a Junker driven station where these people are welcomed. And wonder if they'll threaten their life in exchange for credits next time.
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****
I don’t think there is any danger to your daughters, especially if they are living on a Junker base. I would take any threat to them rather personally. However, in space out in the border systems these things do happen unfortunately. I would advise you to be a little more cautious and not quite so assuming when contacts appear in the distance. However, I do think we have done some business with the [XTF] group in the past. I’m going to check our records on that. If so, maybe it’s time to amend our arrangements with them. On a final note, we do have a new security force that is working to protect ships such as yours. Let me know if you’d ever like to fly with them.