This letter is to make a formal complaint regarding actions of one of you pilots. One PRF-Chucky engaged and destroyed my civilain bomber Fallowed Ground. Normaly I wouldn't be so upset about the situation, except that it took place in Kusari space. Your pilot used the KNF bounty on pirates as his reason for attacking me. The problem with that, is that the KNF bounty clearly exclueds my Farmers Alliance ship. I would think that your people would be better schooled on the customs of the houses in which they work. In Kusari, the Farmers Alliance fights along side of Brothers in the KNF against the scourges of the Britonians, Blood Dragons, and GC's. Your pilots was in the process of being told that I was exclued from the bounty, when he decided he had heard enough and opened fire on my ship. Even after being told I was excluded from the Bounty, he threatend to vaporize my escape pod. He justified his actions with the explaination that PRF command would still be paying him, even though PRF Command will not be paid by KNF. I would hope that if you are going to send your ships into Kusari in the Future, that you spend a little time training them on our customs.
I am saddened to hear that an unfortunate incident happened in Kusari space recently.
I will be sending a memo to all PRF pilots regarding a refresher course in house politics as soon as possible.