Encryption: Medium Priority: Low Identification: Captain Juan Felipe de Alba y Espronceda, Minister of defense of the NCC Source: Magallanes Carrier ship - Somewhere in the Omicroms Subject: Weapons Request
Buenos dias caballeros, or Konichiwa like you say.
My name is Juan Felipe de Alba y Espronceda, Field Maestre of the Pontiff Guard
I send you this mensaje to request permision to test some weapons that you manofacture, the SkyBlast B type photon weapon.
I see that is a great weapon who is perfect to our ships, great rate of fire and good damage whit a good energy cost.
I give to you my word of honor that the weapons are going to use only in self defense, the defense of a Zoner base or ship and in combat versus the Nomad threat.
I will wait your answer, with cordiality, Juan Felipe de Alba y Espronceda.
Deux be with you.
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To: Captain Juan Felipe de Alba y Espronceda
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Shuri Base, Okinawa
Konnichiwa Felipe-sama!
From what I can gather, you and your fellow crusaders are fighting for an important task, battling the Oni fleets, or Nomads as you would call them. The GMG have had several first hand encounters with this mysterious foe and their ilk, probably due to our strong presence and activity in the Sigma Border Worlds. We are aware of the dangers involved, perhaps more so than you'd know.
Not only are we willing to lend you the weapons that you've requested, but I'm also willing to provide you with the golden opportunity and my permission to use the GMG Paramilitary ship models, the Karasu Heavy Fighter and Kaichou Bomber, to be utilized against the Oni. I hope that they will serve you well, Felipe-sama.
Pilot training packages and simulator training for our models are available on Fujisawa Mining Facility, Okinawa. The dock master on the station will have your weapons unpacked, modified and ready to be fitted on NCC ships, with a minuscule power fluctuation as a result. There should also be a few Karasu and Kaichou ships tuned and ready to launch when your pilots finishes the training crash course. Be aware though, that the models that we can afford you to use are using a less powerful and older power core than the ships that our own Paramilitary are using. In any case, the difference should be insignificant and I'm sure that your pilots can handle it with ease.
Encryption: Medium Priority: Low Identification: Monsignor Charles Richelieu - NCC Economy and Trade Minister Source: Battleship Unity - Somewhere in the Omicrons Subject: Weapons Request
Greetings Katsuo-san:
The Field Maestre Juan Felipe de Alba can't answer you personally, because he is now in a preventive military campaign to keep this sector of Sirius safe from the hordes of abominations called Nomads, or as you call them, Oni, so I'll do in his place.
We know enough of these monsters to know that we must fight them with all our might. If the Omicrons fall, the rest of Sirius will go after. We know of some of them in places like Bretonia and Rheinland, so it is obvious they are moving and expanding. We can't let that happen. We have an obligation to keep this world in the hands of the human race, is something we owe to our children.
The NCC thanks infinitely your generosity off limits. With these new weapons and ships, our pilots can fight more efficiently against these enemies of mankind.
We will send two of our officers to Fujisawa Mining Facility tomorrow, to be instructed in the use and pilotage of your ships.
We have no words to express our gratitude to you. Please, if some day our Church can do something for you, just let us know, and we will be pleased to help in any way we can.
Deux be with you.
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