Greetings my name is Wolfgan Andrew Silvius. It has come to my attention that this so called company of yours doesn't know its place. I have read logs after logs of information regarding communications between us Interspace Commerce and yourselves and others.
First you insult and disrespect our members and you say this
Quote:"we can survive without your support. I really don't care what you do... why you do... where and with who you do... and so on. Zoners are a respectable faction, indeed. About Interspace Commerce... as always... only arrogance. Right! You are the... kings of shipping market. Pfff..."
and then you dare say
Quote:"to our... friends... Interspace Commerce. Unfortunately, our relationships are not the best, even if we tried every time to be improved.".
Did you honestly expect relations to be good after your stunts? I'm personally horrified of this. I can't believe I've defended some of your ships from pirates and I ended up finding this much hate at Interspace.
*** When the screen was turned on, David has been surprised in a hot discussion with one of his friends ***
David:Damn... these guys will never stop !? Armund:Sir!? David:I'm so disgusted by all their attempts to provoke us... These are... Armund:Sir... David:What!? Armund:I think that... our communication channel is open!
*** //--\\ ***
From: David Leroy [Liberty Trade Shipping] To:Wolfgan Andrew Silvius [Interspace Commerce] Subject:New annoying message Encrypted:Medium Priority:Low
Oh... greetings,
Mr. Wolfgan, right! I think I saw you for a few times at the board of your vessel, IC|Stonehaven. Anyway, I wonder if your message belongs to you or... is another attempt of the Interspace Commerce to provoke us? You sent back to us some quotes from other previous messages... You're twisting my words and I don't like this! I said and it seems that I must to repeat: Interspace Commerce, due to our common origins, are considered our friends.
Once for ever, please, try to do a difference between "enemies" and "competitors". When I say "friends", I say that Liberty Trade Shipping will never treat vessels of the Interspace Commerce as a hostile target. More than that, if they are in troubles and our pilots are around, they will always try to defend your crews against other criminals or terrorist groups. On the other hand, is true that on the shipping market, our companies have different positions. But these are just businesses... and indeed, I don't care too much what kind of businesses has Interspace Commerce.
I consider this conversation just another attempt of finding paltry reasons, in order to justify possible future hostile actions against our pilots and I mean not only on the market shipping. But is enough... stop with this unnecessary harassment. Oh... and... I wonder... Liberty Trade Shipping has become a such big threat for you? This is nice, but please, do not bother me again with these pointless messages, because from now on, however, will be ignored. I have more important things to do with my time instead to be wasted with this kind of conversations.
I thank you for answering my message and I can assure you it belongs to myself and myself only. Though LTS has done nothing wrong to me personally I wanted to set things strait since our relations as you said are not too good. This message was not sent to make bad blood between us and I had no intent in twisting your words. IC was in a metaphorical way so speaking "the mother that gave birth to her child", do correct me if I interpret what you say wrong. I do understand the fact that as a child LTS wishes now help from IC and that the LTS wants to outgrow its parent IC, though disrespecting the parent is not the right way, but for now I will let this rest. I would like LTS and IC to get along, even if we are competitors.