From: Liberty Trade Shipping To:Bretonian War Cabinet Subject:Request for a new trade center Encrypted:Very High Priority:High
Good day gentleman's,
My name is David Leroy, and I'm the president of Liberty Trade Shipping. I open this communication channel encrypted at a very high level, in order to send you a special request. In just a few words, we are a lawful corporation specialized in shipping services, with origins in Republic of Liberty. You can see all details about who we are and what we do, on our public communication channel or on this extranet information channel.
Now... as a second important step of our development plan, we want to build a new trade center in Bretonia house, in Zone 1: New London. We already read all essential informations from Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law, especially section 5 related to necessary conditions which must to be met for construction of a new base in your space.
These are all necessary details:
According with our ID's and IFF, I think we can be treated as one of those friendly entities listed at section 1.3.
The name of our station will be Harlow Trade Center. Location desired is in sector 6D (New London system), near to planet New London. A map with exact location has been attached below:
Our reason to build this station is a simple one: this will not be a military base... this will be a TRADE CENTER. We want to intensify trade relations between Bretonia and other houses, especially with Liberty. Anyway, as I think you already know, we have also a Tau Trade License, previously requested in this communication channel.
About entities wich will have docking rights on this trade center, I can assure you that will be only those wich are considered by Bretonian Laws as Allied, Friendly or Neutral. But, since it will not be finalized the construction, docking rights on our trade center will be granted only for corporations with which we will have contracts and of course, to local authorities from Bretonia.
We paid already the amount of 50.000.000 SC as deposit from LTS-Bank to account QCG|HMS-Endeavour. Proof of this transaction is in attachment. The rest of the payment will be made immediately after we will receive your approval.