COMM ID:Vice Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Libery Forces SUBJECT:Zoner Alliance Vessel "PeaceKeeper" ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:High
Greetings, gentlemen.
A "Kill on Sight" order is hereby issued for the vessel [ZA]PeaceKeeper to all Liberty Force personnel. It is considered a security threat to the Republic. If at any time it is found to be operating within Liberty's jurisprudence it is to be engaged and destroyed. Any vessel, Zoner Alliance or other, that moves to support it is to be reported on this channel with appropriate visual evidence.
ENCRYPTION: Maximum PRIORITY: High TARGET ID: "This Channel" SUBJECT:Security Threat. SENDER ID: Office of The Fleet Admiral, Liberty Navy Headquarters.
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This order has been acknowledged and approved by the Office of The Fleet Admiral of the Liberty Navy. Let there be no doubt in the minds of those tasked with this mission.
Go forth and carry out your duties as defenders of The Republic, no matter what may be said, this order is legitimate and correct.