And with dire regret I feel forced to assume that this thread will now, undoubtedly, mold into a medieval tournament, each and every poster now jousting their lances at the other's persona. I've heard it somewhere that this was typical for Zoner threads but I didn't expect to see a live version of this.
I don't think you can judge a person for cheating especially if there also is the possibility that the person was "unaware" of that.
And if such "vids" do exist then they shall better be casted in a sanction thread.
A mutual jousting contest or trial by forum is unnecessary. It would only lead to this thread being closed. I must admit it didn't serve any form of relevance either, to be honest.
Now that we're on at it, attacking ZA or any other faction on forums wouldn't plow any benefits for any of the parties. It was tried before, didn't work. It won't work again.
If you think a party, regardless who they are, has done anything wrong then I personally believe that venting your thoughts on the forums is not the wisest of options.
But now that we're on a Zoner thread I'd like to summon some assistance on a more... zoner related subject.
It hasn't been a very long time since I made a zoner character and I have felt the zoner RP and diplomacy on my own skin. I have to admit I used to express some discontent for zoners as a whole before but... damn, I dare say I was wrong.
After honing my knowledge over zoner RP and diplomacy I came to see how... "unique" it can be. Surrounded by major military powers, you are forced to play the diplomatical type. Very often, I've found myself in the need to bite my tongue and step down in the favour of others while playing my zoner.
Is it really necessary for a zoner to play the... apparently ( I dare emphasize on the word "apparently" ) submissive type so it won't get the hatred of other factions or does it have to step up and slap the cheeks of any who put a blockade in their interests? I dare say Zoners should play the apparently submissive type in my opinion.
After learning more about this type of RP and diplomacy where you have to cope with the other's sense of pride and power I have come to enjoy it as a very interesting RP.
Most disco characters are either unrealistically photogenic, powerful, influential, filled with pride or at least wannabes of those types.
Playing something that refuses to board the same vessel as the others is really entertaining. Playing something that goes by the logic that adopting an apparently submissive stance to further your interests, keep their limbs intact while at it ( like a hyena prowling around the dead body of an prey brought down by a lion ) is far more entertaining and to my opinion, how a zoner should be. Hyenas and Ravens.
That's at least my opinion about how a zoner should be played. I'd like to hear yours.
Still, to my disappointment, there have been a number of variables added along that way that would possibly misguide a zoner from the way of life that, at least I believe, would be best suited for him. Capital vessels with combat capabilities are an example of it. I cannot see the persuasive, diplomatical and sly nature of Zoners through a thick wall of hundreds of nephilims or other capital ships. To summarize, I think capital ships are one of the variables that, in my opinion, wither the zoner nature. What do you think?
Yes, I can, by analogy, compare zoners with scavengers or scavenging predators like ravens, crows, hyenas, foxes, and the list goes on. I find them to be persuasive, diplomatical and sly, using word engulfed in a very very thick sugary cotton to further their interests. What do you guys imagine zoners as? ( before anything, this was something opinionated and with possibly little relevance to what was discussed in the last pages so excuse me, please )
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
(07-14-2013, 11:44 AM)Dirk Danger Wrote: 4.7 Official player factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided. This authority applies in forums and in-game, and applies to player faction diplomacy, and strategic and tactical direction. However, exercise of that authority, on the forums and in game, is restricted to official faction members with the rank of the official faction leader and one rank below him/her. The authority may be exercised through the use of in-game in-RP orders, which, if not obeyed, can result in in-game in-RP consequences (arrest, court martial, and even "lethal" force in extreme circumstances). Official player factions cannot, under any cicrumstances, require another player to follow non-canon RP if that player doesn't want to.
You see this ZA? The only reason your not dead was because As a faction we decided to follow our ID before we followed this rule. While myself and other said your actions were a direct attack on all things 'Zoner' others said it was more important to follow the Zoner ID and not become like ZA. Even after all the times we asked you not to do something, because it was out of Zoner cannon RP, and you told us to 'GTFO we do what we like, we're the official Zoner faction. Your just Phoenix.' Why on Earth the admins have let this run on so long I have no idea. Its a dark mark on the community. Every ZA ship and base should be deleted, because they are all a product of Bad RP and even meta-gaming in some cases. I know enough reports to that degree have been made, I don't need to cite certain case's.
Wrong, FR's apply on indies only, not groups as a whole, and last time I checked, your faction failed with FR5 - And you think by doing this you'll fix things ? Just shows how weak your group is in-rp if you actually need the admins. Buddy, I suggest you and your fuzzy faction get a unique ID and leave the generic zoner ID because you speak to no one but yourselves.
Edit 2 : I have enough "files" - oh wait, others you did not hear from to put your faction in its rightful place, threatning is never a good thing, and next time you insult me for expressing my opinion I'll be sure to respond in kind, dirck.