A blonde man walks backwards into the bar once more, being quickly recognized as 'Jack Starr', who was actually just in a few minutes ago. Slowly turning around, walking back up to the bar, taking a seat, and gives Sean a completely serious look before saying.. "Uh. Well. I got lost I have no idea where I'm doing. Too many trees Sean, they are not even real!"
Was he acting drunk? Or.. is this is normal self, he presents it as a little difficult way to tell right now.
"I knew the last one was too much.", Sean said drily and without a single emotional expression on his face. "Just glad you didn't end up in the pool over there. Would've been a shame if you scared the small fishes in there."
"Anyways, stay here for a second. Robert wants to talk to you."
He nodded casually in Robert's direction and took a seat in order to take a little break.
Glancing over. "Robert? The guy with the cool hair? Right, right." Waving his hand slightly. "I'll talk to him in a bit, thanks." Seeming right back to normal.. Very erratic.
"Go do whatever a Sean does, I need to relax for a bit anyways, can't find a map anywhere. Who knew the Dome was this large, eh? Though you have been here, bah.. i'll get my bearings around the place sooner or later. "
Waiting for Robert to finish with who he was talking to.
" You seem to be very... familiar with this planet " Robert pointed out his observation towards Tony with a very warm smile while inconspicuously throwing a faint glare at Sean one moment or another as if he wanted to ask him if Tony knew of their plans regarding Gran Canaria and its refugees.
" Profit is profit, as long as it's beneficial for us and the benefits outweigh any would be consequences " he said, marking a pause with a short breath. " It doesn't matter what side benefits from our actions and what side suffers as long as our interests are achieved. And that being said, I am interested in hearing your idea in a more carefully planned elaboration " he added, oblivious to Jack's sudden appearance
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
"I am familiar with Canaria indeed, Robèrr... I was born there, remember?! I still have an apartment in Downtown Las Palmas." He didn't like what Robert said about one or other side suffering. 'Lets make sure it's the Corsairs to suffer, then!' he thought.
"Well... As for the profit opportunity..." He took a puff on his cigarette, holded the air for a few seconds then released it. A cloud of blueish smoke formed over their heads. "I have -- *cough*cough* Oh, sorry. I have a friend that works at Omicron Security, OSI security wing."
As they turned a corner in one of the walkways, he quickly looked behind them to see if there was anyone near them. No one on sight. He took another smoke. "Anyway, he told me about this preparations in Canaria to be ready in the case of another Corsair ocupation. He can put me in contact with the person in charge of coordinating the shipments to see what they need..." He looks around once more. "You see, OSI was directly involved in defending Canaria against the Brotherhood last time. Their ships would be closely monitored by the corsairs. But they probably wont pay that much attention to our ships. This way we can make a profit, help Gran Canaria, improve our relation with OSI and make a good image of the Commonwealth to the canarian citizens and the zoners of the Omicrons and Omegas. It's an oportunity we can't let pass, don't you agree, my friend?" He raises his hand, up to his mouth, and takes yet another smoke.
Robert was pondering what Tony was saying, analyzing every word of his and anticipating the hidden thoughts that would accompany the said words like a shade, thoughts that would manifest into a greater, less altruistic interest.
" Tell me, Tony, s'il vous plait, would there be any other goals or interests you may hope for besides the ones you mentioned ? " he replied, not even attempting the gather the slightest of tact
" It's just a question oozed forth by my curiosity " he said, accompanying these words with a deep smile so as to not provide a shackle of unfamiliarity.
" After all... " he continued, emphasizing his speech by raising his finger upwards, " The more reasons, rewards, variables, possibilities, ventures, and whatever else we may find out of this idea of yours, the more beneficial it may be... or on the contrary perhaps " he added
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
The zoner stopped walking, and turned around to face Robert. His expression was serious, but not angry.
"Look, Robèrr... You know I don't want to give in Canaria to the Corsairs! Or the Bretonians, for that matter... But of course I am thinking of the most beneficial outcome to the Commonwealth. I was born in Gran Canaria, but I lived far more time on Freeports and other stations then I've spent on the planet." While he talked, he waved his hands in the air, Maltese style. His cigarette was still in his left hand, and it was leaving a trail of smoke in the air in front of Robert's face. "You can't imagine what hell was to have a Maltese family name in a planet where almost a third of the population is from corsair origin. But the thing is that I've seen this before. Since I can remember the corsairs have tried to invade Canaria. The population always stood against them, even most of the corsair residents. And they will try again. And when this happens, OSI and the TAZ and probably Phoenix and most of the other small factions will unite to fight the corsairs, like they did a few months ago against the Brotherhood. And when this happens, it will be bad for ALL zoners. Even the Commonwealth. Even more 'cause they probably know about our 'close' relations with some outcasts."
He took a deep smoke on his cigarette, holding the air for a little, feeling the pressure in his lungs. That made him feel more confortable. He was waving his hands a little less when he started talking again.
"In this last time, the Brotherhood even destroyed a ZHR whale and their base in Omicron Theta. More than two hundred dead. And they weren't even involved in the fight. So you see how this can go south fast." While he talked, little clouds of smoke would go out from his mouth. At the end, he released the rest of the smoke with a sigh. He made a gesture with his right hand, inviting Robert to continue the walk.
"So, that's what I'm saying. I think its better to help this underground resistance movement in Canaria, making it too costly for the corsairs to make any advance towards invading the planet, and with this avoyding becoming targets ourselves while making a good amount of money from this venture. That without mentioning the increased relations and good image with the omicron factions without getting into direct conflict with the corsairs."
He took the last smoke of his cigarette, that at this point was almost totally burned out, and trew it in a trash dispenser on the walkway.
Robert was carefully analyzing Tony's words, having his cognitive entrails digest them and extracting whatever succulent bit of information they could so that he can portray a plan with benefits that would greatly outweigh whatever consequences they could carry.
" Aiding the opposite side instead would win us the Corsair favour, along with other rewards and benefits, especially a none-aggression pact " He thought
" But then... We will have the Outcasts arranging an assembly of violence and chaos right in front of our Freeport " he whispered to himself, not even caring if these words were audible to his colleague.
Not only that, but in his opinion, Corsairs were little more than barbarians, the violent, superficial and vulgar contrast of the Maltese. He couldn't trust them at all for illustrating diplomatic partners of a competing caliber, and Robert never fancied the idea of conducting business with brutes.
" Putain de la merde, could he stop puffing his tube of toxins in front of me? " his mind eroded, irritated by the suffocating fumes Tony oozed forth.
Aiding the Canarians however would bring them economical as well as diplomatic benefit from the other zoner factions. However, this will negate his plans of tricking the refugees into selling them to the Maltese in order to prove the Commonwealth's usefulness so that they won't end in slavery themselves.
" But the Outcasts would certainly appreciate our meddling against Corsair plans " he then thought, which was true.
However, ignoring Tony's ideas and going with the status quo would save him from this excruciating thinking, but it was also a proposition he couldn't really overlook.
" Tony, my dearest and most amiable colleague... " he said turning towards Tony while stopping from the walking
" ... You bring sound arguments, and as such, I would like you to give me a few days before I make a final decision " he eloquently spoke, accompanying his words with a smile.
" I am more than certain this answer is satisfying, non? "
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
"Yes." - he said. "We have to study the situation a little more anyway..."
They started walking again. They had made their way around the Dome and were now again near the Bar.
"Meanwhile I will do some runs with the Chacal to scout some new profitable runs for us for the daily stuff... This shift of power in Leeds and the new jump gates to Galia have significantly changed the offer and prices of commodities. I found a couple routes to and from Rheinland. Will try some new ones this week. I'll file a report as soon as I have something to tell."
He then looked at the bar's clock on the back wall.
"Gotta go! I have a date with a pretty lady in Freeport Six!" He could not hold in the smile. "See you later, Robèrr! You too, Sean!"
"Pretty lady, eh? Hm...", Sean said and gazed on his marriage ring, which was located at the annular finger of his right hand.
"Well, good luck with that, then!"
In a few hours a shuttle from Holman Outpost should arrive. He reached with his right hand to his forehead as he noticed a piercing pain subtly spreading across his head. The stress took it's toll and for a moment he thought about ending his shift for this day.
"Don't worry, it will all work out. Liv should be here soon. Just be a bit more optimistic, Sean.", he thought and tried to convince himself that the future would bring more fortunate times. Then he stood up, strolled towards the bar and grabbed a glass to fill it with beer.