It looks great, but what spoils it is the quality of bigger avatar which is not sharp enough, what is fault of bad quality of original picture, not yours of course.
So I tried harder on the internet and found almost same, but in better quality. Only difference is that the person is turned to opposite side, and unfortunately is not looking straight into objectiv.
So, I would ask you this way:
- I will take the smaller avatar as it is (I assume final version will be little bigger, longer side around 300 pixels as I told you in pm).
- I will take that bigger picture with second avatar that you already made too, just please remove the stripe with police name, because I will use it only as trimmed small person´s picture for transmissions and reports (I will trim/adjust it myself, no need to work more than what I mentioned on it)
- can you please make another picture like the bigger one, just using that better quality original picture? this time you can even leave there that stripe. I will maybe use it as signature or as wallpaper because it will look cool for sure
Here is the new preview. No matter what I do, the image is still grainy. It is the way all of them are scanned.
The only thing i can do is to blur the background, so it won't be as sharp and good quality, perhaps add little noise. The strike on the bigger image will come back, just happened I saved a preview without it.
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Suggestion to blur/added noise background sounds to worth to try it.
Other changes from this:
Small (head+chest) one is finished.
Big one (with look into objective) - can the colour of hair be little more shiny red, it somehow turned to quite dark one. Also, no need to make it too big, it makes it look worse of course. Smaller is better with these obviously.
The new additionally made one - I don´t know, maybe it is just me, but the hair looks strange on this. Could it help if you don´t use "turn" effect to change her direction and use the person as was on that original picture?
(10-24-2013, 11:49 PM)Makc_RU Wrote: I can't make her look into the objective . I will make her face deformed.
Sure, I didn´t want that. I count with fact that additionally made one picture (the one from original picture I gave you link today) will be without looking into the objective.
Just put the stripe with police name on the sharp one instead of blurry/noised one, this should be without that stripe.
And one last last thing - the way you improved hair colour as I asked is very good, can you try to improve the hair this way on the small avatar (Laura_ava_prv.jpg) too? I know I said it´s finished, but I guess it will look much better then...
These two are finished (I mean really). Will you please improve the colour of hair on that small avatar as I wanted? I will pay 10 million more for it.