Frowning. "Adopted.. I pray that it never needs to go that far, but no. I will not allow my little Ivy out of my sight for a full adoption. Although, i'm not foolish enough not to see that she needs somewhere else to stay for a while. Conditions back at where she is currently, its a bit much. I'm asking that you watch over her.. A guardian perhaps. She'll be with me for some of the time, although.. Now and then, there are a few things I must do, where I am forced to neglect her for weeks."
" Out of sheer inquisite curiosity, however, I cannot abstain from flooding you with the following inquiry, cheri:
How knowledgeable is she of nomads ? " he inquired, piercing the idea that she may have had contact with the nomads, and trying to discover whether or not she did indeed have.
" You did tell me afterall, that your sibling had a keen interest into that subject. "
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
Breathing out through her nose, not too surprised that he would ask a few more questions, although this was.. not what she'd imagined.
"Quite. Her views are perhaps one-sided of the spi-.. Nomads, although she does know a good deal about how they communicate, and why they are doing what they are. Again, her facts are slightly askew by her belief that they are not bad creatures, as most people seem to think is wrong, weather I agree or not, i'll remain silent on that one. Glancing around, scanning the area as if to make sure nobody was listening in, obviously getting nervous about the subject.
" I was not asking that in order to use her to get closer to the nomads. I intend to keep the Commonwealth as far from the nomads as possible. He said, retracting.
" The least I desire is to accept a nomad worshiper, or worse, an infected, within our intimate proximity. Cheri, I consider that caution is in order, is it not? "
Robert didn't abstain at all from throwing forward whatever question he had, as well as thinking of all the possibilities he could think of. After all, the favour Susan asked him was of a dire magnitude. Not daily you are asked to become the guardian of a child, a favour often found inside the debauchery of nobility.
" I digress... " he said, contemplating the idea of knowing that he has a child, openly embodying strong affinities for the nomads inside his station.
" How... one-sided is this... affinity ? "
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
Visibly relaxing, seeing that these were actually valid questions, instead of perhaps a few selfish ones like she expected."She's not a worshiper or infected, I can assure you that.. I would have flipped quite a while back if that is true. She's merely interested in them, and has taken quite a liking to the smaller ones, which I believe has been returned. Two 'children' merely wanting to learn, rather funny how that all works. Of course, she won't bring the subject up unless you talk to her about it, she isn't obsessed Robert."
Rubbing her head, seeming to be getting a slight headache."Is there anything else you are worried about then?"
Seeming to take an interest in the creek for a few seconds, thinking in her head silently. "I don't know.. A few weeks probably, and for all I know, I may need to be leaving her again in the future. The up-coming absence, I know its for a week or so, if not slightly more.."
Marie looked uneasy. She was not used to sharing details about her personal life. Usually, people only talked business with her, or shot weapons at her or her ship.
"A... story? Behind my name?"She looks a little lost, searching her memories.
"Yes. Yes, there is one. But its not really important to my visit here, and would probably not interest you.."
Against the backdrop of people in various states of inebriation, we see our hero, Doctor Devious! He sits in this bizarre foreign territory, the bar stool actually at the bar.
While he remains sitting, he stands on the edge of all manner of mental torment, the weight of his lack of achievement across his life ready to snap the precarious branch he find himself on. Thoughts like "Why keep going?" cross his mind. That and ". . . I am better than all of these short sighted fools!" although this thought carries a sharp pang of pain each time it arrives; the contrast with reality being far too stark to bear.
He sits motionless, his arm out like an idiot, holding a pose that he has no idea if it even translates into the "real world" hoping that just like those movies, a drink will come to him and magically let him simply stop thinking about these things.
"This isn't too much to ask, I deserve at least this . . ." be begins to argue with himself, in his head.
This is not the case.
The bartender is currently dealing with another patron, and Benny is forced to eventually look up from the bar table. He sees yet another point where he is being ignored. His internal conversation continues "Everyone ignores me . . . until I make them notice me.Right? Right . . ."
"I wonder . . .perhaps. . . I need to be more forceful." his little id tells him.
"Hey, uhh . . . hey,hey!" he finally works up to shouting at the bartender. The bartender comes quickly, hearing the sound of a patron who is yelling but apparently not drunk yet.
"Listen, you bartonic excuse for a . . . whatever. Grab a glass, fill it. Hand it to me. Do it now." He points behind the man, at the liquor, then points to the glasses as though he needed to narrate the point as he spoke. Each command coming to a full stop, taking a small pause, and Benny gets a smile a little wider with each command.
The bartender does as asked, annoyed at the rude conduct of this particular patron and also [partially worried that the man might be a little bit prone to violence. This strange man in a lab coat, a stranger who seems to think he owns the place. Handing the clear drink back over to the stranger in a labcoat, he scoffs and mentions a credit price with a little smirk, like it was revenge against the man.
"Wow, that much huh? Well . . . I'm on -that- tab, just charge Achille's tab, do you understand?
The bartender nods. "Ah, yes sir." he says, not certain if he is telling the truth, but well aware that Achille would be the one to deal with it if this guy was lying anyway.
Benny takes a sip of his victory, coughing a bit since he is not used to alcohol.
"That was so easy . . . so, so easy . . ." he says lightly, as he lets out a relaxed sigh.
Robert contemplated this whole idea inside his head, as well as analyzing whatever variable it could bring with it.
This astute endeavour was noticeable by his eyes as they devoured the transparent ceiling of the dome, separating the cold void from the lavish green scenery.
" And... are you in an execrable urgency forcing you to find yourself in the desperate requisition of an answer at this exact moment, madame? Or I may happen to be fortunately bestowed with enough time to contrive an answer which, Lacifarus' hopes, may not be something we'd both come to regret. " He then said, changing his view back to Susan
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest