After being parked for a while, I decided to take my liner for a spin. In New York, I was accosted by another Lib rookie. Not even aware of current Lib laws, he threatened to shoot my ship without just cause. That was the last straw for me. Not the first time.
So, for the past month, I have been very busy. I have made well over 1 million sc bringing Cardamine to your children. Delivered to every planet and station that would pay a profit. And, on my return trips to the land of the orange grasses, I would take a cargo hold full of your citizens to work the orange fields for my Outcast friends. Slaves, as you call them.
Many trips I have made, let me tell you. All right under your nose's. lol Enough to go from parked to most active Congressman. In less than a month. Not a minute was spent sitting in Puerto Rico, like some of the pretenders. And, I do not use a cloak for smugglin'. We used to make fun of those guys. lol
So Liberty, you may treat the rest of Congress as you will, but take this as a warning. Mistreat me again, and the proceeds from my next adventure will be given to my friends to the north. With the instructions that the creds are to be used toward the destruction of Liberty.
So, Liberty scum, choke on that.
COMM ID:Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Congressman "Bubba" SUBJECT:Your Threat ENCRYPTION:Low PRIORITY:Medium
Greetings, Bubba.
On behalf of the Liberty Navy, thank you for giving us this warning. We find that your notice is lacking in certain critical areas that we need to process handling your threat. Please fill out the following form and respond on this channel and we will deal with you as the information warrants.
First, I'd just like to say that I'm almost flattered that you have such a desire to be noticed by the various fleets belonging to the Liberty Navy, or by the Security Forces and Police Incorporated, who I'm sure also picked up this transmission, but let's move on, shall we?
I find it absolutely adorable that you seem to think that I or any other Officer or Pilot of the First Fleet see you as any more important than all the other smuggler trash that infests Libertonian Territorial Space. You are no different, and we will not expend assets or resources just to hunt one person, that is not what the Navy exists for.
What concerns me more is that you appear to have contracted "lolsyndrome" during one of your allegedly frequent visits "to the north", you should be seen by relevant medical professionals as soon as humanly possible.
Ah and one last thing, thank you, truly, for admitting to all of these actions, and for throwing "The Congress" as an organization, into the mix and under the bus all in the name of egostroking and attempting to be noticed. You've done the authorities in Liberty a potentially great favor by this action, and the Junker Congress will begin to face increased scrutiny, all in thanks to you and your obvious lack of subtly. Surely The Congress will frown upon your making a public spectacle of their complacency with your actions.
Oh and, do be a good boy and fill out that form that Admiral Polstari was nice enough to supply you with, you've helped us so much already, it would be a shame for you to stop now.
Fleet Admiral Rachel Baker, First Fleet, Signing Off.
If I have my way that will be "Ex-Congressman Bubba".
I've seen some stupid people in my time, but you...
If Liberty makes it lawful to shoot you, you can bet I'll be chasing down that bounty.
Barret out.
Hmm? Sounds like our new Dep. may be another of the pretenders. Sad. A "supposed" junker threatening another. lol Well, new deputy, you can bet that the drop in activity (which would be rock bottom now if not for me), and the absence of our last Dep. is most likely due to the pretenders like you. Now, perhaps, I will hunt you for the threat.
And, you Liberty fools, it shows your intelligence to ask someone to " fill out a form". Thank you for helping me prove my point. I did not say at anytime that I was acting for the Congress, or that any members had anything to do with this. Obviously, you have nothing decent to say. Your children's children will still be on "Bubba's dope"
Heh, just dropped a load at Manhattan while you punks were hassling a trader at Norfolk. Too easy.
And lastly, to my brothers that are real Junkers, I am truly sorry if this causes you grief. Look at what the Congress has become. Sickens me.
And while I am at it, pay attention Rouges, Hackers, and all. I would watch who I trust. These phony Junkers are likely to turn on you. Look how they do me, for becoming a smuggler after being accused of it. They do not support their brothers, they support Liberty, period.
As The Glad Anne entered Liberty space through the jump connection between the Magellan and California systems, the captain of the ship noticed another transmission appear in his PDA's neural-net inbox.
"Choke on that, Liberty," he read to himself. The source seemed to be some crazed Junker. He ticked the box next to "Spam?" and replaced the tablet.
(12-05-2013, 09:24 PM)Crackpunch Wrote: You're threatening to hunt me?
Don't make me laugh.
There's no way you could possibly to aim with your head stuck so far up your ass.
I think crack head is more appropriate. "Possibly to aim" my point proven.
So old man, is the tough guy pic what you wish you looked like when you were young?