Now I know you want a handle. Only problem is, officially speaking, I don't have one. I'll use Black for the moment, change it later. What's in a name anyway?
I'm by no means your traditional applicant but if I didn't think I could hit the mark I wouldn't apply. We can wax lyrical at length about the past, and name, I didn't have, the past I did have and all the rest of whatever whenever we meet.
You want your sabre to stop blowing circuit breakers every few days using nothing more than a toaster?
I'm your man.
Maximising the bodycount of minimised lives?
Hacked off that logistics are needed to keep traveling along the line of death, cash, repeat?
Want it just sorted out, preferably by someone else?
Finally, like the ancient Reavers from which your name's derived, you are in feast or famine by the relationships you have with your clients.
When they invariably have a case of not-a-happy-bunny-syndrome you want a Doctor to doctor their thoughts, feelings and the facts?
Paging Doctor Black, Doctor Black to the communications room.
In fact . . . talk to me anyway, even if it's a bust from the point of view of an interview, It's a card worth playing regardless.
Anyway, return communications on a postcard or stuck down envelope to the attached address.
ID:Aurelia Landreau Location:Omicron Delta To: Reaver Mercenary Inc, Recruitment Office Encryption: Very High
Bonjour Reavers,
How should I start... Some of You knows me already. I was born to a poor family in Ile-de-France. Well I think my childhood isn't important, well let's continue.
14 months ago, I began my Military career in Gallic Royal Navy. When I was Sous-Lieutenant I had to protect and secure Tau-23 system, expeditions outside of Gallic territory and gathering inteligence on Bretonian forces in Leeds and surrounding systems. Of course Taus were full of Maltese and Colonial fighters and battles for Taus were harder thn battles inside Gallia and Gallic Borderworlds against Brigands, Council and Maquis. A lot of experience, a lot of blood... Later I became ONI agent and few weeks later I became assistant of ONI directeur, D'Aramis. Old days when we were destroying Outcasts and Colonials together...
*She pauses for a while, thinking about old times and adventures*.
Later I had some problems with Crown Prince Joseph and after weird discusion I left Gallic Royal Navy with Marechal Valence... Last records about her said she's dead. Long time... Long time... I've found new home in Omicron Delta where Zoners welcomed me and gave me a place to live. Well I couldn't stay in Gallia, Liberty or Bretonia... One year... And I ended too many lifes there. I was fighting for better Gallia and Gallia is rising up, conquering new areas of space.
When I came back to Gallia, I think 3 Months ago, loyal officers told me I'm marked as 'traitor' of Gallic Kingdom... They think I betrayed Gallia with my ONI Director D'Aramis... D'Aramis was good and I hope rumours about death are well played game. I tried to get my friendly status again... But Gallic Officers are ... Let's skip this part... I'm neutral with them. I hope it's not so big problem for you, Reavers.
I'm still covertly hunting Bretonians and Liberty officers in their colonies... But for what I'm fighting... That's perfect question...
*she stands up and goes away. Few minutes later she comes back, holding photo.*
"I was fighting for Gallic people and now? Now I'm working for myself, but I think happy feelings aren't enough in this universe. Credits... I can't work in space legally with my 'little hunny'... I mean my Lynx and my 'bigger hunny', Cougar. So I would like to try it with my old friends... Let's make some money together again.
If you've got more questions, just ask me.
Thank you for your time, Reavers.
~ Aurelia Landreau
*she chuckles and turns camera off , keeping smile on her face*
Seasons pass but hail is consistent
Everything falls, as hail does
Break, break, for silver and angels
Beautiful fractures, and blow with the wind
Colored-ones follow the winds for all
Icebergs drift but the cold stays
A refreshing breeze will invigorate all
When crystals upon shattering
Is all that what are.
Fluffy puffs easy to be
Everyone flying and gliding for clouds
To the skies we gaze for nothing but ice
But cold is the purest of fruits
And stones reflect the wind when it's harsh
The things we cherish will come together
And crystals break when we all flow at will
Comm ID:Toru Sato Subject:Joining the colorful gang... Encryption:High Priority:Medium
Konnichiwa Reavers,
My name is Toru Sato..maybe some of you have recognized me, maybe not, who knows. I do think I have spoken with some of you, other then Patriotic. Anyways, I have heard a lot of good things, and bad from the lawfuls, I guess. When I was in the Liberty Security Force, your colorful gang was on the "Watch out" list. Flying with you a couple times, I now see why they put the word " Watch out ". Now, of course, this might be weird as I said I was part of the LSF, lets just say they made choices that would hurt them. Since my life story would be pretty big, and would take time to read, I do assume you are busy people, so I'll say the main reason why I am here.
You see, I was framed, blamed, told lies, because of my origin. My origin is Libertonian/Kusarian, my father is Kusarian, and my mother is Libertonian. When I was in LSF, I wasn't trusted, and a point came that they took advantage of a mistake they did to blame it on me and kill me. Sadly for them, their plans fail like the one that I got accused of doing. After that cloud of nonsense happened, I managed to escape them, leaving to a independent system to see what I would do next. I spent couple weeks just sitting in Barrier Gate Station, looking for people I could trust, unlike the LSF, that I thought were trustworthy. I only had one ship at the time, a " Avenger " Very Heavy Fighter, it was the one I was given when I joined the LSF ranks. I knew all about those fighters, and I knew LSF would have tracking devices on's just say that tracking device might be giving my signal somewhere in Omicrons...*he smirked*.
After all of that happened, I met some Mercenarys on Barrier Gate, I asked them what they do for a living and how it pays. The price they earned seemed pretty good to me, and on the bright side, I could kill those who betrayed me. I started with looking at companies that needed some killing to happen, I found a nice company, I am sure you are familiar with, the Sirius MercNet. After being told I was free to go hunt, so I did just that. In the link I will send you, someone apparently knows a lot about me, some things even I didn't know.
Anyways, I feel like I am boring you to death, well maybe not to death, you don't die so easy as I see it .*he smiled*. I am in need of some help, the LSF seemed to have figured out I tweaked a few things with their tracking systems, and I have a feeling they will find me soon. I have a surprise for them in Coronado, that is if they find out where I usually hang around. The surprise I rather not talk about, since its not that important other then it will show them I am not playing around with them, but sooner or later, they will be getting closer to me if I am alone, so here is why I am here. I am looking forward to your reply *he nodded*, I will upload the link to more information about me, if that will be needed that is. Will maybe talk to you soon....
*The words incoming transmission are blinking, but the camera feed is just showing a grey-ish sky and the sender's ID isn't also showing.*
*Suddenly a loud, chopping sound is heard, like a blunt axe being swung into the neck of a human, a faint wheezing starts to transmit afterwards for a few seconds. Then, silence.* *Stirling's face pops up from below the video camera, with a big smile. His eyes looking straight into the camera portraying the true nature of his kind. The killers, known as the Homo Sapiens.*
"Heya 'Cerulean', Stirling here! You know, from the IND and about that base and stuff. I've got this thing, well, I'm bored beyond systems. Most of the times I'm just getting more credits and occasional indulge in the honourable art of necrophilia, but like... you know, it just feels so limited."
"Like... there's something more I could do. Fight a bigger fight. Or fight opponents who actually pose a threat, because *and he points down on the ground but you obviously can't see it seeing how the camera remains focused on Stirling's face* these disposable 'working' girls don't. Except for the odd scratch here and there,
or more anger invoking, blood or tissue spatters on my beautiful hand tailored costumes from Malta. Did you know for example there are tailors on Malta who continue their family's heritage that
dates all the way back to Earth in Sol? I believe they call it 'Italian' quality."
*He grabs a handkerchief and starts to clean his face.*
"Mind you, my combat experiences in space are -limited-. To say the least. I've done some joyriding in gunboats, which felt more natural to me than fighters, but being able to actually take someone down...
I suspect that will take a lot of training. If I ever manage it. Not that I care. I can easily afford myself new ships if I loose mine through lasers and fire, but I guess that's one of the perks of
being in the IND. I'm on top of the money I suppose."
*He shows a roll of heavy duty black plastic and a pair of red tassels and his grin appears again.*
"Did you know that a human body still remains warm for about 20 minutes after death? I gotta hurry now, but perhaps we could discuss my potential future with the Reavers on board Poena Outpost?"
"Also, for some unknown reason to me, call it that voice in the back of your head, I deem it wise to keep it on the down low, about this. I'm unsure how my esteemed colleagues of the IND would react to me having a little side adventure."
"Take care Cerulean, I won't have any hard feelings if you would not consider me being a part of your little gang of misfits. In such a case I will continue to roam and find other ways to prevail.
This won't hurt our relations either concerning Poena. Business is business and I am more than capable of keeping business and pleasure separated."
I am color-code Umber. The Company leader, Cerulean, has delegated the recruitment procedures to me.
With that in mind, i will reply to every applicant on a separated encryption.
Yes. You are not the only one applying.
To: Stirling Mortlock
I must give you an apology for not being Cerulean to personally handle your application, but he is currently between operations, and time is something he does not have in great quantity at this moment.
Please proceed to Freeport One, Blood Money bar. I will be there for a brief interview.
I suggest a different ID to throw your trail off anyone that would be following you.
To: Toru Sato
Mr. Sato. I have to ask Amber about you. Although details are quite scarce in your.. history. Yes, we have seen you operating in Liberty. But more in-depth investigation is needed. And an interview.
Please proceed to Freeport One. Blood Money bar. I will be there waiting.
And don't carry any sort of weaponry, i know your type likes to cover their all their bases. But the last one that did arrived with weaponry at said interview, got their hand stabbed by a ninja.
Yes. A Ninja.
To: Poem
I am forwarding this from one of our walls.
(09-24-2011, 02:45 AM)cobalt.reaver Wrote:
Dear Wall,
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no scotch makes Jack a dull boy.
So.. Err.. I suppose, drop a message there and see how you get along. If you do, we will see where to go from there.
To: Aurelia Landreau
Hmm. Your story.. does have some flaws, ex-ONI.
I truly only have one question before i send your application up to the Company leader.
Why us? Money? The Zoners in Delta know how to make it. And quite successfully, i might add, since they are still in deep in that part of Sirius.
A traitor to the Crown would find more security with them...
Than with us.
To: Black
Bloodthirsty. And knows logistics.
My father always said that in war, kids discuss strategy, real men discuss logistics. And i think the Company leader would like your way of approaching it.
Head to Freeport One, Blood Money bar. I will be there for an interview.
And do bring your files.
Background checks are mandatory.
Safe travels, Umber.
[13:37:45] Tyler: ****** seems butthurt and Haste seems to be going in without lube or spitting atleast on it for decency sakes.
ID:Aurelia Landreau Location:Trafalgar, New London To: Umber Reaver Encryption: Very High
Bonjour Umber,
That's right, Zoners know how to make good money. But minining Iridium in Delta... That's not my style neither trading or escorting transports which haven't got enemies? I'm used to be fighter and scout, Reaver. And how can I enjoy my life, hidden in Delta or escorting neutral transports. I've enjoyed my time with Red Reaver and Fat... or Fat Boy Reaver in Tau systems and Bretonia. And why Reavers? I had friends in Reaver Company, I don't know if they are still 'Reavers' but there's something I share with you. Enemy... As I said I'm hunting them, but I would like to make some blood money, using my Musketons or Grand Culverins. I've promised... I'll destroy enemies of Gallic Kingdom... I found the point of my life, killing things and earning money... Making my contractors happy.
Well "traitor" status, I'm neutral with Royal Navy and Grand Marechal Xavier, just Prince isn't my favorite Gallic person.
I'm not sure if I answered your questions as you wanted, Miss.
~ Aurelia