All the best, Reid. No idea if I've ever interacted with you in game, but good luck all the same.
It's been good in instances where there have been dev/admin posts to idea threads on whether or not something is doable at all or minimally invasive without requiring a full client update (ex. commodity events, which just need a server-side change and a restart, development blogs). Perhaps let us know what such a change would entail and where the current priorities lie. Even if there are still vocal critics, that level of conversation and transparency can go a long way in reassuring the often silent majority of the community.
You and I didn't interact a lot over the years, but I think you really hit the nail on the head mate.
It's not the devs, it's not the staff, it's not not the mod or the systems, - it's actually a little bit of all of them, plus a heaping portion of crappy players who RP AT people rather than WITH them.
the reason that I only log in long enough to keep my ships from deletion isn't the lack of interaction, but the expectation that my next interaction will be piss-poor.
Odds are it'll be some minimal RP pubescent puke-rat looking for a blue message or some guy telling me how he's infected with a split personality due to his cybernetic implants and spliced lizard DNA...
When you said, "you all suck." I was like, "yep, that's it."
Not that I'm above it in any way - we all have our own way of sucking. Mine is likely being a preachy PvP hater...
But [A]conspiracy aside, small cadres of players have, over and over again, been overlooked or otherwise allowed to behave like ass-hats on this server for years.
Despite the pleas of others, and the leaving of still others, staff has ignored the warning signs from these 'gangs' over and over until the damage was systemic. (See DPC, Sinagang
The ones that say nothing and leave are the ones we will miss most, much like the restaurant example above.
They are far more likely to be the level-headed more reasonable people that would 'save' the mod.
Left behind are the desperate and the misbehaved, encouraged wrongly by the poor behavior of these cadres, and the lack of mudholes being stomped into them.
And this, my friends, is Disco.
It just keeps happening over and over.
And the trolls players that get sanctioned 2 and 3 times for bad behavior/mistreatment of others are allowed to return while the respectful and dignified players leave quietly in frustration.
So yeah, I can dig it.
So long, chap!
May your roads be wide and smooth, and may your six be clear of bogeys.
I couldn't find the right rage/insult that was clean enough for forum use.
But what the hell...
You Reid, are one ****ed up manchild, I don't know why but some mothers do have them. And someone had you.
If there was anything less insulting than calling me a Maori, I'd be upset. Because really, at least Maoris are men.
(Proven fact; Maori's start puberty earlier than white races, but they also die younger too.) So really, a manchild calling me a warrior-raced human I can't really complain with so you keep throwing it at me.
Then let's get onto the finer points on your existence;
You were funny, for a manchild
You actually might be clever, but your Canadianism is showing there for you drop the IQ of both the North American countries. (Those poor Canadians have it rough with you around.)
You've got the etiquette of a 4 year old, the mentality of a bratty 12 year old and I can guarantee you're probably 22 years old. We have a place for people like you here: An assylum.
You sure can take what you dish out, for that you gain credibility.
Reid, you've been fun to rark up and insult, and listening to you come up with some of the dumbest **** I've heard has always been a highlight of my time here.
Hope you make it to Maori Land, maybe you and I can verbally insult each other in person. That then, would really make my day.