COMM ID: Volgograd News Agency
TARGET ID: Citizens of the Sirius Coalition
SUBJECT: News For The Working Class!
Greetings Citizens of the People's Republic
"The Kremlin has announced that Field Marshal Garcia has taken a leave of absence, the reasons for his leave have been cited as 'stress', in his place the Party has requested former Hero of the Revolution General Ben Warner (ret) to take up the post until Field Marshal Garcia has been deemed healthy and ready to return to active duty.
What this means for the People's Republic is unknown, however it is clear that it is not a sign of gentle change considering Field Marshal Warner's past acts under the Revolutionary Army."
COMM ID: Volgograd News Agency
TARGET ID: Citizens of the Sirius Coalition
SUBJECT: News For The Working Class!
Greetings Citizens of the People's Republic
"Our top story today, Omega-49: Potential Omega-5 Stalemate or continued Coalition Protectorate?
Omega-49 has been lately known not only as a home for Zoners to have real soil under their feet but also has seen many others attempting to slice a piece of land for themselves from Pirates seeking a safe haven, Bretonian Colonists seeking to expand and have a annexation foothold in the region and lately Corsair invaders seeking to dominate Gran Canaria and carve a blood-soaked path to the Gold-rich fields of Dublin and territories beyond.
The Coalition High Command guaranteed the continued independence and safety of the Zoner peoples living on Gran Canaria long ago, with this latest Corsair Invasion the Revolutionary Army has had no alternative but to meet Corsair Raiders head-on in Omega-49. However analysts have determined unless a strong push is made soon it could very well turn into yet another Omega-5 situation that could last for years to come.
Field Marshal Warner reassured Coalition Citizens that this will not come to pass and that the Army will be able to push out the Corsair Battlegroup and establish a firm protective presence in the region to prevent further incursions by the Corsair Empire. The CPW McIntosh was moved into the region as a staging ground for a Coalition pushback and for allies in the region to regroup for future joint operations against the Corsair Empire's Fes Battlegroup, at present only the Coalition has a firm presence in the region with the Mollys' positions in Dublin being strengthened both due to the threat of Bretonian Crown supporters receiving additional forces in the region as of late and the looming threat of Corsair invasion of the Dublin gold fields.
With the re-affirmation with the Red Hessian Army's Alliance with the Sirius Coalition the Red Hessians now are better able to move through Omega-52 to strike on the Fes flanks from both Omega-52 and from Omega-47. Analysts are skeptic that the Corsair Threat will be removed quickly and have suggested that these measures may be insufficient unless the Corsair Empire's forces are significantly drained by their other conflicts across Sirius such as their continuing feud with the Outcast Cartels, their attempts to carve out pieces of the Federal Republic of Rheinland or their latest attempts to conquer either Planet Sprauge or Cambridge"
COMM ID: Volgograd News Agency
TARGET ID: Citizens of the Sirius Coalition
SUBJECT: News For The Working Class!
Greetings Citizens of the People's Republic
"Our top story today, Order Admiral Oppressing Baffin Locals.
Coalition sources have received word that elements of the treasonous Order has recently made demands upon the Temporary Autonomous Zoners or TAZ to hand over a Zoner-made piece of technology claiming it to be Nomadic in nature. The TAZ shot back with documentation that it was indeed not a Nomad creation, despite this the Order along with Pro-Order agents within the Zoner community has started to mount pressure upon the Baffin government.
Shasta, where a prominent Zoner meeting was taking place has been placed under lock-down due to the increased danger of Order attack, the Order claims this as them taking 'hostages' despite it being protocol to be under a lock-down during a potential enemy siege.
The Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, the State Duma and the Premier himself when asked about the crisis have stated that these acts of aggression by the Order will not be tolorated upon a neutral-friendly entity and that if the Order chooses to attack then the Coalition will move to defend TAZ civilians who are threatened by this act of aggression, even if it means a restoration of full-out hostilities with the Order.
Field Marshal Ben Warner met with VNA earlier today and made a statement concerning this matter.
"The Sirius Coalition has warned the Zoner community in the past about the dangers of cooperating with dangerous individuals such as Golanski of the Order.
As an example, we warned the Zoners of Omega-49 that their actions will only invite an invasion force upon their doorstep, they ignored this and behold not much later we find the Fez Battle-group attempting to seize total control over Omega-49's air-space. We warned the Zoners that the Order only wanted them for their technological prowess and that any technologies they developed the Order would seek to steal from them which has led us to this current mess in the formerly peaceful system of Baffin.
Now that Golanski and his cronies have reared their heads people are either afraid of acting against such blatant acts of aggression or side with them completely with the promises of power, Admiral Golanski is a dangerous character which can only be likened to another leader of an age long past who seized power and imposed a fanatical dictatorship which caused the world to go to war with itself. The only way to resolve this crisis at the root is simple, people must rise up and tell Admiral Golanski that society will not tolerate his draconian 'ultimatum' and stand as one against his blatant disregard for humanity.
That is the only way to defeat monsters such as Golanski, if we as human beings step aside and allow him to run rampant upon civilians we are telling the whole of Sirius that it is acceptable in society.
The Coalition thus will not stand idly as a madman with delusions of Godhood attempts to cow innocents into submission, if Golanski's forces attempt to violate the sovereignty of both the TAZ and the Zoner people living within the Baffin system then the Sirius Coalition will have no alternative but to redeclare hostilities with the Order."
While it is uncertain how many resources the Coalition can devote to fighting the Order for the actions of Admiral Golanski it is clear that this most recent attempt at violating the rights of the Zoner community has hit close to home with the Coalition citizenry who have relatives living on Gran Canaria which is currently under threat from the Corsairs with a significant Zoner population on JiangXi also having family in Baffin area. "
Word has broken of a Coup within Omega 52. Troops have stormed the offices Premier Anatoliy Cherdenko as well as Commissar Julia Dorian. It seems the Coalition is yet again having a major shake up in leadership.
Who has attacked the Coalition's dear leader? Who is behind this Coup? Who has thrown Coalition politics into a tumultuous storm? Better yet who has the authority over troops to command them to do this?
These questions will hopefully be answered soon enough. This is Evan Koslof reporting from the Coalition's News Leader VNA
The dust has settled in our just People's Republic, after the removal of several corrupt members of both the State Duma and the Revolutionary Army.
With the former Premier removed the State Duma convened an emergency vote on who to replace him with as the face of the Sirius Coalition. The Kremlin Dome remained in lockdown during this time to ensure Pro-Cherdenko forces could not interfere with the election.
Our sources in the Kremlin Dome have recently confirmed they have voted overwhelmingly in favour of Field Marshal Warner, receipient of the Hero of the Revolution award and the head of the Revolutionary Army due to his stalwart defense of the ideals of the Sirius Coalition both domestically and internationally and exemplary support among the populations of both Volgograd and JiangXi. He will hold the position until the next state election while also maintaining his position as the Field Marshal of the Revolutionary Army.
Premier Warner released this statement for VNA to broadcast.
Quote:"It is with great humility that I accept this honour bestowed to me by the people of the Coalition, it is a task I do not take lightly for there are many outside our great nation who would see our glory brought down and twisted into a copy of the corrupt House Ideals that plague our sector.
However I vow to preserve our culture, our ideals and dreams for a glorious shining future where mankind no-longer suffers under the yoke of those who believe themselves our betters. Children will no-longer have to beg in the streets for food only to be ignored by well-dressed nobles and businessmen who only care about lining their pockets, men and women will not have to live in crates due to poverty and lead long productive lives due to our superior welfare and health-care programs. We will be strong, we will be united, but most of all we WILL be free!"
That was the newly appointed Premier Warner from the Kremlin Dome and this is Johann Grüne bringing you the Truth at VNA
" While the battle for the Omega-49 Protectorate and the Cayman System rages on between Coalition and Corsair Empire forces the High Command has not forgotten it's sworn promise to the working people of Sirius. The Coalition People's Warship 'Lithuania' engaged in fleet actions alongside the members of the Republic of Dublin, known to their detractors and the common folk as 'The Mollys'. These ships were called into action to defend the Goldern Coin from the assaults from elements of the Bretonian Armed Forces, an organization dedicated to preserving the Imperalistic dogma of the so-called 'Kingdom of Bretonia'.
The Lithuania aided in the removal of multiple hostiles including two Battle-ships from Dublin Space, a sign of support for Coalition allies that the People's Republic keeps to it's obligations to it's allies abroad in the hopes of one day taking down the House Governments and instituting a people's elected government dedicated to the safety and social freedoms of the people who populate the Sirius Sector. The Coalition High Command states that while this action is important the battle for the soul of the Sirius Sector is far from finished.
This is Johann Grüne bringing you the Truth at VNA"
" Revolutionary Army officials will be acquiring a better way of traversing Sirius in the near future. In production at Mykolaiv, the centre of both Sirius Coalition Ship-Construction and also known as the finest institution in the Omega Region for Revolutionary Forces in the area has unveiled it's newest prototype Capital Ship. The 'Tempest' Carrier, developed by the minds of the Mykolaiv Research Facility the Tempest will be able to carry a significant number of Snub-Fighters at longer ranges than ever before.
Exact details on the ship while classified has been praised by the Fighter Corps' High Command as well as the State Duma as a marvel of Coalition Engineering and a symbol of the ingenuity and determination of the Coalition people as it struggles in it's long-standing war against both the Houses and various forces arrayed against the People's Republic. The CPW Vladamir Lenin, the first prototype is said to be in combat service sometime within the next few weeks, however due to war-time constraints on resource-consumption this is subject to change in order to meet production quotas on various other craft in the on-going fight for both Omega-49 and the Cayman Systems.
In other news, the Kingdom of Gallia maintains it's strangle-hold upon the systems of Leeds, Edinburgh and assorted Tau Systems and does not appear to be letting go anytime soon, forcing forces from the Kingdom of Bretonia, the Republic of Liberty and assorted other organizations to devote more time and resources into attempting to recover lost ground. Analysts suggest that this grip may spread to the Magellan System should the combined forces fail to maintain a strong defensive line against combat sorties from the nearby Leeds system.
This is Johann Grüne bringing you the Truth at VNA"
"Engineers at Mykolaiv Research Station report that work on the prototype Tempest-Class Carrier COW Vladamir Lenin has slowed due to wartime shortages of Optronics and Nanocapacitors, fabrication of such capacitors in Omega-52 is a slow process and most of which are pre-allocated towards other vessels in dire need of either replacement parts or full-filling construction quotas in the struggle for Omega-49 and holding the line in Omega-5.
Casualties in Omega-49 continue to mount as Triumvirate Forces attempt to push back the Corsair Empire from their positions in order to maintain a combat corridor to the Cayman System, however analysts from Mykolaiv Research Station estimate that unless the Corsairs open up another front of combat the likelihood of pushing the Corsairs out of Omega-49 is 'slim', meanwhile the protectorate continues to be a bloody battleground for both sides, the Revolutionary Army and main Corsair force have yet to commit their Special Forces which remains a wild card in the battle for control of the airspace of Gran Canaria and the Cayman Corridor.
Meanwhile Coalition Recruiters have reported a drop in Revolutionary Army numbers due to casualties in Omega-49 and Omega-5 and urge all citizens to perform their civic duty and report to the nearest Revolutionary Army Recruitment Centre for duty.
In the Kingdom of Bretonia word has it that the Bretonian-Libertonian Alliance has started to make it's moves to attempt to reclaim the Leeds System from the Kingdom of Gallia, the initial assault on a Gallic Facility in New London was observed by Revolutionary Army strike pilots who joined the fight and came out victorious, should Bretonia be successful in reclaiming Leeds it would put the Kingdom of Gallia in a tight spot due to the deprivation of a local manufacturing centre for war materials vitally needed by the Royal Navy in it's conquest of Sirius. However on Volgograd this news was not met with smiles due to the potential risk of Bretonia gaining some much needed breathing room and turning it's attention towards Revolutionary Forces in both Dublin and the Omega Systems.
In Rheinland the fight against the Federal Republic is on-going, however rumours report sightings of 'Commissars' being sighted within the House, the Ministry of Truth denied it had forces within the house of Rheinland acting so openly and denounced these sightings as the acts of possibly rogue agents operating outside of the command of the Ministry. Meanwhile the Coalition is preparing a small force to aid it's allies in the Red Hessians in the final push for the Liberation of Dresden but has remained tight lipped about the specifics of such an operation.
This is Johann Grüne bringing you the Truth at VNA"
"Today the Coalition's Engineering Corps and the Research and Development teams of Mykolaiv Research Station celebrate at Kalashnikovs' Bar and with good reason. The XKR EVO-TWO 'Tempest' Carrier earlier today completed the final installation of hardware for the prototype vessel Coalition People's Warship 'Lenin'. Over the next few weeks the hard-working technicians of Mykolaiv will be doing the final installation of the software required for the vessel to function in it's role as a Carrier for our brave Fighter Corps.
The CPW Lenin, currently in drydock at Mykolaiv, shall undergo vigorous testing by the Revolutionary Army' before being fielded in active combat against either the Corsair Empire or the Gallic-Bretonian war. In the meantime the crew of Mykolaiv are all smiles as Dr XiaoBei's newest creation receives it's final installations of software with plans on laying down the groundwork for a second ship after field-tests of the Lenin bare test-data so that Coalition Engineers can fine-tune the manufacturing process.
In other news there is an eerie calm in Omega-49 as both Corsair and Triumvirate forces prepare for their next waves of assault troops, the State Duma reiterates it's intention not to conquer Omega-49 but to preserve it as a Zoner Protectorate."
"The State Duma along with the Revolutionary Army's High Command do not seek subjection of the citizens of Omega-49 like the Corsair Empire does, we seek to preserve the system as a neutral ground where Zoners and those displaced by the atrocities of the Houses may settle down and rebuild their lives, free from tyranny and oppression. The Corsair Empire has many enemies due to the the 'Elders' who lead the Empire have made many errors in judgment which has resulted in their Empire being slowly pushed on all sides with little room to expand. Our Hessian brothers in the Omegas and Rheinland, the Republic of Dublin (aka The Mollys) in Omega-49/3 and Bretonia proper. In addition they constantly throw waves upon waves of fresh young men and women against those who dwell both in the Sigma Systems and Omicrons, wasting manpower and equipment in a constant struggle.
The Revolutionary Army will do it's part to push back the Elder's 'Corsair Empire' and restore peace to our friend's homes, however only through the combined strength and leadership of the Triumvirate Forces of the Republic of Dublin, the Red Hessians Movement and the Sirius Coalition can this happen. With the new advancements on Mykolaiv such as the Tempest Carrier project amongst other things the State Duma is convinced that victory is within our reach."
"This is Johann Grüne bringing you the Truth at VNA"
"As many citizens know the Republic is currently in a state of conflict with the self-proclaimed 'Kingdom of Gallia', a House from outside Sirius's borders which launched an invasion against the Kingdom of Bretonia and forced the Empire of Kusari to capitulate and reformed into a Republic. However it appears that King Charles recently declared an Embargo upon several Sirian entities which includes the Sirius Coalition.
The State Duma and the Premier met earlier to discuss the ramifications of such an event and have come to the conclusion that this changes little if anything within the Sirius Coalition's economy. Dismissing this as mere posing by the Kingdom of Gallia as a 'intimidation' tactic against the Citizens of Sirius. Amongst those embargoed are the Crayter Republic as well as the Houses of Bretonia and Liberty. The Premier met with VNA to explain why the Kingdom of Gallia would include our Socialist Republic into this decree by the King of Gallia. "
"Citizens of the Coalition, honoured friends and neighbours, the Coalition's State Duma recently convened in an emergency session to discuss any potential ramifications caused by this degree by the Gallic 'Government'. After careful consideration and discussions with several prominent analysts from the Volgograd Institute of Learning it was determined that this embargo would have little to no effect upon the Coalition's economy due to the distance of the nation enforcing this embargo and lack of interaction with our trading partners.
This inclusion of our great Republic is merely an attempt at intimidation to cow us into submission due to their lack of reach to our homeland. Citizens of the Republic should not be concerned by this attempt and instead enjoy the economic boom due to the reforms done by the honourable Premier Katz which has rejuvenated our people's economic power. To King Charles I say the following: You may claim that your rule is divine and just. You may proclaim all the degrees you wish. You may even call yourself Emperor for all Sirius cares. The the pure fact is that you have no power over us, the People's choice across Sirius is the only true power within our sector, a power that not even you can suppress for very long. This embargo you have pretty much shouted into our faces is just another symbol that you fear for your own power and know that soon it will all come down around your ears.
Be prepared Charles, for the champions of freedom will soon clamor at your gates for your head."
"This is Johann Grüne bringing you the Truth at VNA"