Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Neutral
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Scan
Proof of kill: Kill
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Hype.Waltz
Cash amount claimed: 5,000,000 + 3,000,000 = 8,000,000 sc
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Neutral
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Scan
Proof of kill: Kill
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Hype.Waltz
Cash amount claimed: 7,000,000 + 3,000,000 = 10,000,000 sc
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Neutral
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Scan
Proof of kill: Kill
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Hype.Waltz
Cash amount claimed: 7,000,000 + 3,000,000 = 10,000,000 sc
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Good
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): ID
Proof of kill: Kill
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Hype.Waltz
Cash amount claimed: 5,000,000 + 3,000,000 = 8,000,000 sc
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Neutral
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): ID
Proof of kill: Kill
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Hype.Waltz
Cash amount claimed: 5,000,000 sc
Samura activity is rising, lucky you have us Marauders to get the job are couple more of them...
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Good
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Scan
Proof of kill: Kill
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Hype.Waltz
Cash amount claimed: 5,000,000 sc
Name of contractor: Junker Maraduers
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Good
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Scan
Proof of kill: Kill
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Hype.Waltz
Cash amount claimed: (5,000,000 + 6,000,000) x 1.5 = 16,500,000 sc
I've been in and out of Liberty of late, up to my usual business endeavors. I've been hiring some employees to help me with some projects to help clear the way out there for Junkers and their associates alike.
By now I'm sure you've been made aware of a group of former prison laborers who escaped from Houston and are seeking a little revenge on their former keepers. I've made contact with this group who have taken the name Texas Separatists, specifically a man named Jack Jenkins. We spoke briefly on the fly before parting ways, and I asked him some details of his operation. Their numbers are still few, but it looks like he's gathering forces and funds for a big anti-police op. He seemed fresh, so I tried giving him a few pointers on surviving in Texas. I don't know about 'independence' but I'm sure they'll clog up the LPI and Navy system with enough paper work to keep them more than busy for a while. These guys seem to need some direction, but could prove to be quite useful... I've strongly encouraged him be as friendly to Junkers as possible. I'll keep you appraised if I learn anything more.
Thank you very much for the information. We are already familiar with this group, but you have some information that is new to us. Cash sent for the info.
I was flying up by Beaumont when I noticed a couple of hostiles and went in under shroud. I found a Liberty Navy Liner being slowly chipped to death by a very aggressive and seemingly 'infected' LSF pilot, who was equipped with Nomad weapons to boot. It seems the LSF have a problem.
I let them duke it out and they both disappeared into the New York jumphole. He had nothing of value to me and I ain't in the habit of saving Navy captains, I have a reputation to maintain after all. But with the proximity of this action to Beaumont, I felt should not be ignored. I'd pass on the word to traders to beware of this one.