So, anyone saw/heard about this game? Though I am pretty new to exploring the possibilities of this game, I came across a few good pics and news related to this. It is still in developmental stages and would definitely be a worthwhile addition for those who can't afford Star Citizen or Eliteangerous.
And above all, the lead developer seems to be a fan of Freelancer and there are people in the forums stating that this is more or less a sequel to Freelancer. The graphics is extraordinary, as upto what they have shown now.
I will buy limit theory but not gonna buy Star citizen or Elite Dangerous... Limit Theory more like Freelancer and have same ship control system and good thing is, AI very powerfull. You can build your own faction,ships,stations... Imagine you build ships for your faction and AI members flying with it or join a faction. For me Important thing is; You can fly with every ship.Also AI can do everything Human=AI. Thats great and everyone should take look
They're definitely going to include multiplayer eventually. They're mad if they think a game like this will survive only on singleplayer, in comparison to the other titles out there.
(10-27-2014, 10:59 PM)TheUnforgiven Wrote: sadly this is the first thing I thought of as well, such a shame if a game like this is only available in single player mode.
Multiplayer is not planned for the first release. We would love to pursue the option when the time is right, but our primary focus for now is on exploring gameplay concepts and building a fun, deep game. We feel that dealing with networking at this stage would distract from that focus. That being said, don't rule out the possibility of a Limit Theory Online in the future!