Rekrut Someone who just recently joined the Unioners ranks, will be watched closely and any wrongdoings might lead to his death.
Requirements for promotion to Arbeiter:
-3 reports posted in message dump
-proof of fully set up ship, with the correct ID and IFF
Arbeiter: Someone who survived long enough to be called a full member of the Unioner movement.
Requirements for promotion to Veteran arbeiter :
-5 reports posted in message dump
-1 confirmed kill of a Rheinland or Liberty lawful
-5.000.000 gathered from piracy
Veteran Arbeiter A Veteran who allready won many fights against the enemys of the Union.
Requirements for promotion to Kommandant:
-8 reports posted in message dump
-6 confirmed kills of a Rheinland or Liberty lawful
-20.000.000 gathered from piracy
Note: Kommandants get chosen from leadership, there can't be more than 3 Kommandants at the same time.
ID:Hertha Hiltrude
TO: Karl Muller, Hans von Boyle , Ana Ritter
SUBJECT: Pomotions
Guten Tag pilots ,
Your actions have been reviewed by The Union high command and I'm pleased to announce that: recruit Karl Mulller is promoted to Prokurator, Hans von Boyle is promoted as well to Prokurator and Ana Ritter is promoted to Arbeiter.
Well done officers.
~Hertha Hiltrude , secretary of The Union
---Transmission Ended---
"Though the past is scarred and the future untold"
" Be the boot heavy, the vacuum cold."
"I of the Liga, do not fold" "For suits or saints or beggar's gold. Information-Recruitment-Message Dump-Feedback
ID:Hertha Hiltrude
TO: Ana Ritter
SUBJECT: Pomotion
Guten Tag pilot ,
The Union high command reviewed your last actions and decided to promote you to Kommandant. Congratulation pilot!
~Hertha Hiltrude , secretary of The Union
---Transmission Ended---
"Though the past is scarred and the future untold"
" Be the boot heavy, the vacuum cold."
"I of the Liga, do not fold" "For suits or saints or beggar's gold. Information-Recruitment-Message Dump-Feedback
Guten Tag fellow Unioners,
Today I have to make some announcements , first off all our Prokurator Karl Muller have stepped down from Prokurator rank due to some personal reasons, his place is took by our Kommandant Ana Ritter .
Also Berthold Koch showed us that is a very skilled and devoted pilot , so we decided to make him Veteran arbeiter.
This is all for now.
Guten tag Unioners,
Today I have to make two announcements, first off all Rekrut Leo Eckhart have been promoted to Arbeiter, secondly Rekrut Bastian Lippert have been promoted as well to Arbeiter.
Well done, you may now use transports.