Name of contractor: John Sisermann
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Good
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Samura Ryuujin
Proof of kill:Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): mordor
Cash amount claimed: 8 millions credits
Name of contractor:John Sisermann
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Im a junker...Yeah!
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Freedoms.Hatred
Proof of kill:Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): mordor
Cash amount claimed:8 millions credits
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Sujiro
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 5 million
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Endo.Ryuunosuke
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 8 million
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Shimato
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 8 million
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Mizuru
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 5 million
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Honda
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 5 million
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): poiseidon
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 8 million
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Endo.Ryuunosuke
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 8 million
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Yukio
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 8 million
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): poiseidon
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 8 million
Name: [/|\]Yagi.Kai Scan of Target, Including Name, Identification, and Papers:Scan Evidence of Elimination:Kill Location of Elimination: New Tokyo Account Identification to Receive Distribution: 8,000,000 to Economical.Shopper -G.M
The Junker Marauders
Name of contractor: John Sisermann
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Friendly
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc):Kai, Samura Ryuujin
Proof of kill:Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): mordor
Cash amount claimed: 8 millions