IDENTIFICATION:Wachmann Dietfried Humbert
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza
SUBJECT: Patrol report Guten tag !
Today I start my usually patrol in Hamburg , I undocked from Lubeck Border Station and I decided to take the lane to New Berlin jump gate , there everything was clear so I jumped in New Berlin , and I patroled there for few minutes. After 5 minutes our "lovely" CashMaker jumped in New Berlin , I ordered him to stop and he did it . And I've saw that he is registered in Rheiland Criminal Database , and I saw that he must pay 14 millions according to Rheinland laws. I asked him for these millions and he accepted to pay. After I let him to pass and I have sent the credits to Rheiland Criminal Database.
Thats all for now! Wachmann Dietfried Humbert
IDENTIFICATION: Wachmann Dietfried Humbert
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza
SUBJECT: Patrol Report
Guten Tag,
Today I went in a patrol in New Berlin where BDM|U-201 told me that in Dresden is a Red Hessian cruiser, I decided to take our newly acquired gunboat and I've flown there as fast as possible.
Near Vogtland Base were a RH-GM416"Hel" Cruiser with calsign Splitter, after herr kapitain of the U-201 vessel destroyed the weapons platform near Vogtland we start to destroy the Hel which exploded in few minutes . Wachmann Deitfried Humbert
PRIORITY: High ENCRYPTION: High IDENTIFICATION:Detective Sebastian Meister SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Patrol report 27.12.
Guten Tag
So after a long break from operations in space I am returning to duty and this will be my first report.
So after getting access to my vessels back in Halle, I headed in New Berlin, when I reached Bonn station. I picked up Blood Diamond smuggler coming from Saarfeld, I followed him to Hamburg with help of Military pilot where we stopped him. The pilot refused to pay the fine and drop the cargo so we had to destroy him.
About 15 minutes later I noticed in TLAGs net that same pilot was coming from Sttutgart with another full load of Blood Diamonds. I set up a "roadblock" for him at jump gate to Sttutgart in New Berlin. Couple minutes later he came through the gate and I got him intercepted. This time he agreed to pay fine of 4 million credits and to drop his cargo. The fine is forwarded to RFP|Arsenal.
After that I headed back to Planet New Berlin, while there TLAGs net detected Unioner who was moving in trade lanes. I tracked that guy down to Brandenburg station, I asked him to leave the system but he refused so I had to engage him. After a while of fighting he got my ship destroyed unfortunately.
Guten tag,
Today I went on my usually patrols around New Belin , everything was good until my TLAGs net detected a ship that was carrying Blood Diamonds , he used probably New Belin jump hole in Dresden to not be detected but he madd a giant mistake using the lanes so I got him 10k away from Bonn Station , I managed to stop him and he was indeed carrying 3523 units of Blood Diamonds I've put him to drop the diamonds and he agreed , he dropped the contraband and he paid me the fine as well, I've let him to go and I decided to dock on Bonn to buy some H-fuel and I've sent the credits to RFP|Arsenal.
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:High, RFP-O1K coding IDENTIFICATION:Polizeidirektor Laura Carsten SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Another patrol report
*Carsten appears on the screen in office in the polizei central office building on planet New Berlin with view on the metropolis behind her*
Guten Tag, polizeidirektor Carsten hier. After some time, I was finally able to find time to fly patrol again. And it was quite busy one. Hier is what happened:
First event was some suspicious ship movement in the Hamburg where according to TLAGSNET some ships were transporting hull segments in the north part of the system. I went there to investigate it and found Colossus class ship named Hans_Grubber with Republican papers which flew to planet Kiel and there reloaded hull segment to zoner whale named [Star]-Martin.Miles. Zoner captain claimed to be on the way to Omega-9 with these segments, to their base there, what sounded really suspicious considering place where they met. I decided to keep eye on both ships with help of polizei gunboat Omega.1, but they didn´t try to jump towards border systems and returned deeper inside Hamburg system. However zoner ship later returned through jumphole with bounty hunter ship named Black_ogre, but I was there and stopped it. Captain claimed searching Koeln jumphole so I again kept eye on him until ship left Hamburg using this jumphole. But this is matter for further surveillance, behaviour of all involved captains was indicating that they are just forced to pretend something else than what their real intentions were. Hier is the main part of evidence I made...
Anyway, just when I wanted to return, Junker Congress ship .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo jumped out of the jumphole. Unfortunately he appeared to be another annoying and lawyering one, because he couldn´t...or at least didn´t want to...understand that he really can´t continue with load of engine components to Puerto Rico though Bering or Hudson. After long and tiring argument where I tried to explain that his intentions are against laws, he insulted me and then jumped back to Koeln. I jumped there too and issued fine of 500 000 credits for his behaviour. He paid and then I let him go and rather returned to Hamburg because the started to be little too hot around. Uploading scans and communication record...
[16.12.2014 21:38:51] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Guten Tag pilot of the ship .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo, this is Rheinland Federal Polizei, please stop for control!
[16.12.2014 21:38:59] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Hey duddes
[16.12.2014 21:39:08] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: *coughs*
[16.12.2014 21:39:16] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: And dudette
[16.12.2014 21:39:36] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Never heard this word. Anyway, what bring you here?
[16.12.2014 21:40:11] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Got a little lost in Koeln, found my way out finally, heh, not mapped to well
[16.12.2014 21:40:35] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You should stick to usual routes, it is dangerous out of them in Koeln.
[16.12.2014 21:40:56] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Yeah, but RHA was down at the gate and I already got hit by them once today, not feeling like supporting them any more
[16.12.2014 21:41:16] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Understandable.
[16.12.2014 21:41:37] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Where are you heading?
[16.12.2014 21:41:49] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Vieques, Puerto Rico
[16.12.2014 21:42:38] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You cant go through Liberty border with this cargo, I hope you know it.
[16.12.2014 21:43:06] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Now see here, last time I was in Texas there were some very nice men with very large guns that made it clear that it was
[16.12.2014 21:43:23] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Rhineland space, so going to PR with these engines would be just fine
[16.12.2014 21:44:02] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You cant go towards Liberty with this cargo. Laws are laws.
[16.12.2014 21:44:29] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: I'm not going to Liberty, I'm going to Puerto Rico
[16.12.2014 21:44:31] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: No ship is allowed to leave Hamburg with cargo which is not allowed.
[16.12.2014 21:44:47] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Im sorry, but that is what laws say.
[16.12.2014 21:44:52] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: So I couldn't go to New Berlin eaither? Nothing is allowed to leave Hamburg at all
[16.12.2014 21:45:04] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Leave towards Liberty of course.
[16.12.2014 21:45:33] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: I'm not going to Liberty, I'm going to PR, heck all i'm doing is passing though, I bought these from the IMG
[16.12.2014 21:46:00] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Junker, what is not clear on statement "laws are laws"?
[16.12.2014 21:46:09] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: I did not write them.
[16.12.2014 21:46:23] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Yes, am I going to Liberty? No, I am going to PR, which isn't Liberty Space, its Junker Space
[16.12.2014 21:46:39] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: *sighs*
[16.12.2014 21:46:47] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Your laws man, I'm just following them
[16.12.2014 21:47:03] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: So you want me to quote laws? Fine.
[16.12.2014 21:47:26] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: No, you quoted them already for me, Traffic going to Liberty isn't allowed, I already said I'm not going to Liberty
[16.12.2014 21:47:47] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Paragrahp 1 of Article Three: No traders are to leave Hamburg to the border systems when coming from Rheinland core space with-
[16.12.2014 21:48:04] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: any cargo except goods named in paragraph 1.1
[16.12.2014 21:48:10] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Clearer now?
[16.12.2014 21:48:19] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: I didn't buy these in Rhineland, I bought them from the IMG outside of Rhineland
[16.12.2014 21:48:26] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Doesnt matter.
[16.12.2014 21:48:27] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: What part of passing though is so hard for you to understand
[16.12.2014 21:48:48] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: What part of the paragraph is so hard to you to understand?
[16.12.2014 21:48:50] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Yes it does, you clearly said "when coming from Rhineland Core Space"
[16.12.2014 21:49:06] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: When SHIP is coming from Rheinland core space, not cargo.
[16.12.2014 21:49:18] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Origin of the cargo doesnt matter.
[16.12.2014 21:49:30] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: I would think a lawyre would say differently
[16.12.2014 21:50:26] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Pff, lawyers. Two lawyers can make three statements about same law.
[16.12.2014 21:51:32] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Screw it, i'll back track to Koeln and go around the other way if your going to be an idiot about interpretation
[16.12.2014 21:51:39] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You will not leave Hamburg towards border systems with this cargo.
[16.12.2014 21:51:43] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: last time I visit this junk pile
[16.12.2014 21:51:59] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Pardon?
[16.12.2014 21:52:03] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Stop engines!
[16.12.2014 21:52:26] Connection to tradelane sensor network lost.
[16.12.2014 21:52:39] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Idiot you say...
[16.12.2014 21:52:43] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: What now?
[16.12.2014 21:52:50] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: I'm not the one stopping legal trade
[16.12.2014 21:52:58] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You will pay fine for insult of officer.
[16.12.2014 21:53:08] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: And what law is that praytell
[16.12.2014 21:53:31] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Paragraph 2.4.4 of Article Two.
[16.12.2014 21:53:40] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You should read our laws when you fly hier.
[16.12.2014 21:53:57] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Well if you weren't hassling traders and stopping the RHA I wouldn't even be here
[16.12.2014 21:54:14] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Laws are to be followed.
[16.12.2014 21:54:19] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Now pay 500 000 credits.
[16.12.2014 21:54:44] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Hmm
[16.12.2014 21:55:15] You have received 500.000 credits from .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo
[16.12.2014 21:55:20] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Gut.
[16.12.2014 21:55:32] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Am I free or are you going to continue to waste my time?
[16.12.2014 21:55:33] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Now you may go.
[16.12.2014 21:55:40] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Christ
[16.12.2014 21:55:47] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You wasted it yourself.
[16.12.2014 21:55:50] .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo: Steve: Never gonna be back here, rather have to deal with LPI
But busy patrol was still not over. Just when I returned, TLAGNET picked ship loaded with black market munitions in New Berlin system, heading to Hamburg. I flew as fast as possible to gate and just when was approaching New Berlin jumpgate, I saw there this strange ship - Ryuujin train with IMG IFF named Kyel_Sirius. Captain was obviously in hurry when he spotted me, but probably because of his attempt to get out quickly he didn´t dock with trade lane properly so I was able to get there and stop him. It appeared that the ship has Samura papers and it is loaded up to brim with black market munitions. Captain claimed he bought the cargo on The Ring and thought it is legal. But he cooperated, dropped contraband which I immediately destroyed and then paid a fine. According to his words, he intented to go to Magellan system with this cargo. Anyway, here is all evidence about this smuggler...
[spoiler=Communication record from encounter with ship Kyel_Sirius][16.12.2014 22:10:39] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Guten Tag pilot of the ship Kyel_Sirius, this is Rheinland Federal Polizei, please stop for control!
[16.12.2014 22:10:56] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Ship Kyel_Sirius, your docking rights are revoked now!
[16.12.2014 22:10:58] Kyel_Sirius: aye Officer
[16.12.2014 22:11:09] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Step out of the lane.
[16.12.2014 22:11:31] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Alright, smuggling?
[16.12.2014 22:11:40] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Drop the contraband.
[16.12.2014 22:11:48] Kyel_Sirius: nope. i bought it at the ring
[16.12.2014 22:11:56] Kyel_Sirius: its legal. officer
[16.12.2014 22:12:00] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Oh really?
[16.12.2014 22:12:07] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You should read Rheinland laws then.
[16.12.2014 22:12:20] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: And also think why scanners name it BLACK MARKET munitions.
[16.12.2014 22:12:31] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Does this sound legal to you?
[16.12.2014 22:12:48] Kyel_Sirius: Ye you are probably right.
[16.12.2014 22:13:07] Kyel_Sirius: sorry didnt think i can buy illegal stuff at at a police station
[16.12.2014 22:13:16] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: It is not police station.
[16.12.2014 22:13:20] Kyel_Sirius: well off with it then
[16.12.2014 22:13:22] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: It belongs to Daumann.
[16.12.2014 22:14:01] Kyel_Sirius: but it is still a legal base,. never really read the text.
[16.12.2014 22:14:04] Kyel_Sirius: sorry again
[16.12.2014 22:14:17] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Just drop it, pay fine and learn from your mistake.
[16.12.2014 22:14:41] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Gut. Now you will pay fine of 6 million credits.
[16.12.2014 22:15:17] Kyel_Sirius: 6mill??? thats more then a pirate would aske for...
[16.12.2014 22:15:32] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You were carrying almost 5 thousand units of contraband...
[16.12.2014 22:15:47] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You should read Rheinland laws, really.
[16.12.2014 22:15:49] Kyel_Sirius: and i droped it and i lost 2.5 mills on it
[16.12.2014 22:16:00] Kyel_Sirius: allright wherecan i read it?
[16.12.2014 22:16:02] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You would know that this is contraband and what the fine is.
[16.12.2014 22:16:13] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: On the neural net of course.
[16.12.2014 22:16:28] Kyel_Sirius: allright allright. dont want any problam.
[16.12.2014 22:17:12] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Gut.
[16.12.2014 22:17:25] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: By the way where did you want to go with that cargo?
[16.12.2014 22:17:35] Kyel_Sirius: magellan
[16.12.2014 22:17:49] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: So through Liberty border. My god, that would be against laws too.
[16.12.2014 22:17:58] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: You really should read those laws.
[16.12.2014 22:18:09] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Or you might get into problems.
[16.12.2014 22:18:31] Kyel_Sirius: i will, right away. now at least i know where to look for them
[16.12.2014 22:19:08] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Indeed. If you want to go to Liberty, go empty or pick cargo which is allowed to be transported through embargo.
[16.12.2014 22:19:33] Kyel_Sirius: ohh ye the war...
[16.12.2014 22:19:45] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: That is it...the war.
[16.12.2014 22:20:12] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: And the trade embargo which is conclusion of that war.
[16.12.2014 22:20:20] Kyel_Sirius: really sorry about this. i usually haul cargo from kusari to rheiland
[16.12.2014 22:20:47] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: It happens. Kusari-Rheinland trading is without any embargo. But both houses have some contraband listed in their laws.
[16.12.2014 22:21:07] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: So you should be careful to not haul any of it.
[16.12.2014 22:21:29] Kyel_Sirius: i bring to rheiland kyushu rise thats all
[16.12.2014 22:21:36] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Rice is fine.
[16.12.2014 22:21:57] Kyel_Sirius: thats good to hear. may i go officer?
[16.12.2014 22:22:16] RFP|Pdt.Laura.Carsten: Sure. Safe flight.
[16.12.2014 22:22:24] Kyel_Sirius: thank you Officer[/spoiler]
That was the last important event of this patrol. Money I got from fines was properly wired to usual account, confirmation is hier...
PRIORITY: High ENCRYPTION: High IDENTIFICATION:Detektive Sebastian Meister SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:Patrol report 28.12.
Yesterday I went on patrol with Wachmann Klaus Schmidt. Soon after starting we detected HessianGunboat in New Berlin. We tracked it down to Brandenburg-Bonn trade lane. We attacked on the gunboat and after a while of fighting Watchmann Schmidt called SEK gunboat to help us. At that point we got upper hand of the gunboat, and then Kommisar Steiner arrived with another gunboat. With accurate SNAC shot, I was able to take that Hessian down.
After that I continued patrolling alone. At Planet New Berlin I met a Zoner who was very disrespectful towards me. I demanded that he would pay me 500.000 fine for breaking Rheinland law. After he finally agreed and left, he insulted me again.
I forwarded fine to RFP|Arsenal.
IDENTIFICATION:Wachmann Dietfried Humbert
SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza
SUBJECT:Patrol report
Guten Tag,
Today I went on a patrol in New Berlin , as I undocked from Bonn Station I activated my TLAGs net system, which picked an Agereira Mammoth with Counterfeit Software , I flew there as fast as possible and was right , vessel with calsign : BikeyMikey , it was an "Mammoth" with Ageira papers and he had 2155 units Counterfeit Software , I ordered him to stop , but he didn't do as I said he even more jumped in Stuttgard where I gave him last warning , but he kept flying so I had to destroy his vessel , after a few minutes of fighting I destroyed his vessel and the contraband as well
Guten Tag,
I'm here to report my patrol from yesterday , I started my patrol at Bonn Station, I activated my TLAGs net device as always , but everything was clear, and I decided to take the lane to Dortmund when my scanner picked up 3 vessels , 2 of them was the blood diamonds smugglers known as SFMCs and a zoner with calsign :Blistering.Sky , and they had on board blood diamonds as always , I ordered them to stop and drop the contraband but they kept flying and even more they start shooting me , so I had to open fire as well, in the time that I was dealing with the zoner , SFMC ships managed to get out of my cruise disruptor range , but they didn't know that Klaus Schimdt made a "roadbloack" at Hamburg jump hole , after a few minutes Klaus got them and I've destroyed the Zoner and his blood diamonds and I flew as fast as possible at Klaus location to help him with the SFMCs , I jumped in Hamburg and I start helping Klaus , he destroyed SFMC.Startswine and I've destroyed SFMC.Kintobor, and we destroyed the blood diamonds as well.
But suddenly 2 Hessians sabres showed up but because we were in bombers we couldn't do much about them , Klaus tried to get them in our gunboat , but that was impossible and we decided to retreat to Alester.
PRIORITY: High ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Wachman Klaus Schmidt SOURCE:Battleship Schwerin, Omega 7
*Wachman apears on the comm screens*
Guten Tag commanders....
We might have a security breach in Omega 7 system involving Colonial Republic warship und an Independent Mining Guilds.
On mein routine patrol flight scanners picked up something in the nebula... something big commanders und it was flying on the trajectory towards Freistadt base.
Ich contacted Battleship Schwerin flight control they also confirmed something big is flying towards them.
We couldn't determine what that might be until gass clouds were diluted in close proximity of the Freistadt base, once ze picture got cleared enough we established visual contact und mein gott it was nothing less than a Colonial Carrier armed up to the teeth. callsign CV|Poseidon.
Scanners were picking up dosent fighter und bomber class vessels inside the carrier aswell as Jump Driwe Device.
Military commanders on Battleship Schwerin were alerted of the situation und they prepared to launch a wing of heavy bombers in case Colonials decided to do something stupid.
I established the contact with captain of the colonial ship he sounded pretty reasonable even though he sounded like he is suffering from a lol syndrome und his position towards our claim of the Omega 7 system was something we disagreed on.
He was openly claiming the system belongs to Independent Mining Guilds und their allies und he was sent to protect the Guilds from unprovoked attacks by Rheinland civilians.
As we didn't wanted to turn this in to bigger incident than it already is, ich explained the Captain laws und regulations of Rheinland und made him aware of what he did und informed him of the fine he will have to pay in amount of 30.000.000 credits.
Captain of the colonial carrier agreed on this und he completed the transfer of the fine with a statement that they will be back if their independent Mining allies feels threaten.
Soon after the colonial ship was escorted to the Omega 3 jump gate were he left our space.
Mein conclusion is that presence of foreign ship of such size und force would not be possible if someone didn't invited them in und judging by that fancy jump device they have the colonials might now poses coordinates of various locations within Rheinland. If they do ich will be afraid even to imagine what kind of strategic advantage for them that might be. But the real question is... Who gave them the coordinates...?
The rest you can conclude yourself.
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:High, RFP-O2K coding IDENTIFICATION:Polizeidirektor Laura Carsten SOURCE:Mainz Storage Facility SUBJECT:Battle with Corsairs in Frankfurt
Guten Tag, polizeidirektor Carsten reporting yesterday´s big battle with Corsair forces in Frankfurt system. It seems that those raiders decided to celebrate new year in their own way and obviously just when they were at least little sober, large group jumped into ships and invaded Rheinland. The highest emergency alert was declared and apart from military forces including Omega Defense Flotilla, which fortunately find their way to get there, also polizei ships went to help. I took off from Bonn with Wraith so it took some time before I got there. As far as I know from radio chat, first one who arrived was detektiv Olpenitz but unfortunately his ship was heavily damaged before I and gunboat SEK-Omega.1 arrived. Fight was scattered into several smaller brawls all around system, Corsair forces arrived in heavy fighters and bombers, some reports mentioned even gunboats. We fought near Mainz station against at least five ships. I managed to take one down, but enemy outnumbered us so later gunboat suffered too heavy damages and my Wraith as well so I was forced to retreat and dock on Mainz. Fortunately no casualties were reported on our side as far as I know. Hier are some photos from fight which I was able to make before ship camera was hit and destroyed...