The earlier posts imply wildcarding. Is that only for the start of a name, eg: [Star]Frigga, or will it also recognize a string at the end of the list, eg: Pickled|Idiot with |Idiot being the string?
Not sure if this is the right place to kick off a discussion, but maybe with this new feature, it would make sense to remove automated attacks by bases (meaning automated blacklisting by getting shoting or by reputiation), and require RP prior to blacklisting a ship, just like RP prior to any sort of PvP?
Sure would make bases less annoying.
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(01-04-2015, 05:07 PM)Twaddle Wrote: The earlier posts imply wildcarding. Is that only for the start of a name, eg: [Star]Frigga, or will it also recognize a string at the end of the list, eg: Pickled|Idiot with |Idiot being the string?
Only for the start of a name or a complete name.
If you blacklist [Star], it will make hostile any ship starting with [Star] but will not make hostile a ship named Iam[Star]Magic.
If you blacklist |Idiot, Pickled|Idiot will not be hostile because it would work if you blacklisted Pickled|Idiot.
The reason for this is to prevent accidental matches, for instance there used to be that problem between the Council and USI factions where the council tag was [C] and the USI had a Clerk rank. It did things like [C]-Magic.Versailles and [USI]-Bob.MuchMoney[C]. If you blacklisted [C] instead of [C]-, the USI dude would have ended up as hostile to the base and wouldn't know why at all.
It isn't an oversight, it's intended to reduce the amount of potential problems.
I'm aware of that. The thing is, I rather have someone be able to shoot the base (and turn hostile anyway) or dock but do nothing instead of having a random unrelated dude get killed by the base with no idea what just happened.
It's also why we should enforce a TagShipname convention for factions to finally solve this. It should never be ShipnameTag.
(01-04-2015, 10:01 PM)Parthenogenesis Wrote: That creates exploitable loopholes, such as Selfish.Reaver
Despite using the term "tag" for the feature, you can still add the full name of each Reaver individually for the same effect. Minor inconvenience for avoiding killing the wrong people.
I'm guessing it greatly reduces the amount of flipflops per bubblesort aka performance search lags then. Would still be neat if this enabled some sort of must RP before set-to-shoot tho.
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Too much potential for abuse there. You drop an attack warning, wait an hour and blitz the base, knowing that the timing will have precluded a response.