[Location Redacted], Orleanais System
14. Septembre, 737 AGS
Sender:Directeur Victor Pelletier, Office of Naval Intelligence. Recipient:Agent Supérieur Marius Duval, Exploratory Vessel Dea Matrona. Topic:New orders.
Bonsoir Agent Duval,
I am pleased with the results of your last operation. The arrangement you were able to negotiate with the Kusari Naval Forces will facilitate our pending investigation of the Sigma cluster. Until then, however, there is another task that requires your immediate attention.
The meeting with the Bureau representative from Rheinland is scheduled for the 14th at 17:00. You are responsible for organizing an escort consisting of at least two fightercraft of the Office to guarantee their safety. Making sure the Royal Navy appears at its best will be our first priority. Keep the locals from interrupting the meeting by all means necessary.
Report back for further orders once this operation has been completed successfully.
À bientôt,
Victor Pelletier
Directeur of the Office of Naval Intelligence
Gallic Royal Navy
Posts: 3,384
Threads: 104
Joined: May 2012
Staff roles: Balance Dev
Exploratory Vessel Dea Matrona, [Location Redacted]
14. Septembre, 737 AGS
Sender:Agent Supérieur Marius Duval. Recipient:Directeur Victor Pelletier, Office of Naval Intelligence. Topic:RE: New orders.
Directeur Pelletier,
In compliance with your orders, Agent Spécial Mercie Michaud, Agent 1ère classe Adrienne Solène and Agent 2ème classe Narcisse Lemieux were sent to the meeting in Baffin as escorts for the Navy's representatives - Colonel Chevalier and Commandant Cornett.
I - of course - did not personally attend the meeting. Diplomacy is not my field, nor does it truly interest me. In addition, my team and I have a great bulk of information from our recent operations that has yet to be fully processed and uploaded to ONI's primary databases.
As such, I have nothing more to report for the time being. I expect Agent Spécial Mercie Michaud, who was in charge of the ONI escort wing, to report back to you at her earliest convenience.
Salutations distinguées,
Marius Duval
Agent Supérieur of the Office of Naval Intelligence
The meeting with the Rheinland operatives has concluded, and the following is my report on the event. Agents Solène and Lemieux were also present, as part of the three-craft escort assigned by Agent Supérieur Duval to oversee the operation. The Acheron served as the meeting's venue, and launched two Royal Naval Lynxes of its own to further secure the perimeter.
Upon entering the Baffin system, the group proceeded to the predetermined rendezvous point - grid co-ordinates C 6/7, on the outskirts of a small asteroid field and at a suitable distance from the previously identified intra-system corridor.
Events proceeded apace as the Bureau representatives entered the system, and were directed promptly to the meeting point. One gunboat-class vessel and two fighter escorts made up their delegation. Commandant Cornett met the Bureau's appointed spokesman - a certain Kommissar Volker Koch - aboard the Acheron, with myself overseeing the discussion via remote communications as the Office's representative.
[14.09.2014 18:11:20] GRN|ONI-'Morgana': It appears the delegation has made its appearance.
[14.09.2014 18:11:30] BDM|U-201: Koch: Ah... Bonjour, meine Damen and Herren!
[14.09.2014 18:11:48] BDM|Ins-Hans-Wolfgang: *salutes* GRN capatains
[14.09.2014 18:11:50] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Welcome, pilots of the Buro.
[14.09.2014 18:11:58] BDM|Ins-Karl.Schlafen.: Guten Abend Damen und Herren *smiles*
[14.09.2014 18:12:06] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: I see Morin has managed to find his way back to us. How fortunate.
[14.09.2014 18:12:07] BDM|U-201: Koch: Excuse me... we are a bit late. We had some problems in Liberty.
[14.09.2014 18:12:11] GRN|RNS-Acheron: *Marcell bows* Bonsoir.
[14.09.2014 18:12:18] GRN|ONI-'Sirona': Nothing too troubling, I trust.
[14.09.2014 18:12:37] BDM|U-201: Koch: Nein... not realy.
[14.09.2014 18:12:51] BDM|U-201: Koch: Asking for docking permission on your vessel.
[14.09.2014 18:13:00] GRN|ONI-'Morgana': Commandant, I will make a sweep of the perimeter to ensure this meeting is not interrupted.
[14.09.2014 18:13:07] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Excellent, agent.
[14.09.2014 18:13:21] GRN|RNS-Acheron: Marcell: Permission granted.
[14.09.2014 18:13:21] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Keep us informed.
[14.09.2014 18:13:47] BDM|U-201: Koch: That's a big ship... where are the docking points?
[14.09.2014 18:14:09] BDM|Ins-Karl.Schlafen.: Herr Kommisar, shall I stay in space or ask the flagship for docking permission?
[14.09.2014 18:14:27] GRN|ONI-'Morgana': Marking.. identified.
[14.09.2014 18:14:29] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Ah. It is not the flagship, although it certainly is an impressive vessel.
[14.09.2014 18:14:36] GRN|RNS-Acheron: *smiles* Proceed to one on the side, just above you.
[14.09.2014 18:14:40] BDM|U-201: Koch: Stay here... i will dock and meet the officers at the meeting room.
[14.09.2014 18:15:00] BDM|U-201: Koch: Roger that... docking now.
[14.09.2014 18:15:02] BDM|Ins-Karl.Schlafen.: Verstanden, I'll stay outside.
[14.09.2014 18:15:50] BDM|U-201: *Koch stands up and leaves the bridge*
[14.09.2014 18:16:22] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Chevalier. Requesting permission to dock. I will join Koch aboard the Acheron.
[14.09.2014 18:16:43] GRN|RNS-Acheron: Marcell: Granted, monsieur Cornett. Proceed to docking bay.
[14.09.2014 18:21:23] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Agent, the Kommisar wishes to know what is occurring outside.
[14.09.2014 18:21:43] GRN|ONI-'Sirona': A minor issue. Nothing to worry about.
[14.09.2014 18:21:51] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: How convenient.
[14.09.2014 18:22:09] GRN|ONI-'Sirona': In fact, it has already been dealt with.
[14.09.2014 18:22:12] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: *He clears his throat*
[14.09.2014 18:22:23] BDM|U-201: Koch: To whom will i speak, gentlemen?
[14.09.2014 18:22:53] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: I, personally, will address your... Issues, whatever they may be.
[14.09.2014 18:23:14] BDM|U-201: Koch: Do you have a meeting room where we can speak?
[14.09.2014 18:23:43] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Ah, yes. The halls leading from the docking hangar aren't too suitable for our meeting, are they? *He chuckles*
[14.09.2014 18:23:57] BDM|U-201: Koch: *He nods*
[14.09.2014 18:24:26] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Follow me. We'll head for the conference room.
[14.09.2014 18:24:37] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: You will find them very accomodating.
[14.09.2014 18:24:55] BDM|U-201: Koch: Alright
[14.09.2014 18:24:57] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Agents Sirona and Nantosuelta should be able to reach us through our earpieces at all times, communicating
[14.09.2014 18:25:01] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: over highly secure frequencies.
[14.09.2014 18:25:40] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: These codenames.
[14.09.2014 18:25:47] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Whatever inspired them, I cannot remember them for the life of me.
[14.09.2014 18:25:59] GRN|ONI-'Sirona': A necessary precaution, monsieur Cornett.
[14.09.2014 18:26:02] GRN|ONI-'Sirona': I'm sure you understand.
[14.09.2014 18:26:53] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: *A hallway door in front of the two men slides open, revealing the conference room. A large table forms the centerpiece.*
[14.09.2014 18:27:07] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: *Cornett, walking to the left side of the table, gestures to the opposite side.*
[14.09.2014 18:27:11] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Please, take a seat.
[14.09.2014 18:27:38] BDM|U-201: *Koch takes place*
[14.09.2014 18:27:41] BDM|U-201: Koch: Danke.
[14.09.2014 18:28:02] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Now. You were the one to propose the meeting, I presume? I'm sure you have matters you wish to address.
[14.09.2014 18:29:32] BDM|U-201: Koch: Nun, i want to make it short...
[14.09.2014 18:30:06] BDM|U-201: Koch: We are interested in a cooperation.
[14.09.2014 18:30:31] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Understandable. What sort of cooperation is it that you are interested in, however?
[14.09.2014 18:31:05] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: I'm sure you've got specifics in mind.
[14.09.2014 18:31:50] BDM|U-201: Koch: I talk about an alliance. We could combine our resources.
[14.09.2014 18:32:10] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: An alliance between whom, exactly, Kommisar?
[14.09.2014 18:32:22] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Your house, your military, merely the Buro?
[14.09.2014 18:32:43] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: And Gallia as a whole, or 'merely' - although that is hardly a fitting word - his Majesty's navy?
[14.09.2014 18:32:56] BDM|U-201: Koch: The Gallic royal navy and the buro, herr cornett.
[14.09.2014 18:33:21] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: I see. And what would this alliance entail?
[14.09.2014 18:33:29] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: What can the Buro offer, and what does the Buro seek in return?
[14.09.2014 18:34:29] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: "Bundling our resources", you see, is rather a vague description.
[14.09.2014 18:34:44] BDM|U-201: Koch: The Buro is ready to share informations about Libertonian troop movements...
[14.09.2014 18:35:01] BDM|U-201: Koch: And that's not all, we can offer.
[14.09.2014 18:35:31] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Go on, then. What else -can- you offer/
[14.09.2014 18:36:11] BDM|U-201: Koch: We are ready to support you in the war with Liberty. [14.09.2014 18:36:44] GRN|ONI-'Sirona': Direct co-operation, you mean?
[14.09.2014 18:36:53] BDM|U-201: Koch: Ja, indeed.
[14.09.2014 18:37:17] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: While we are in no desperate need for allies, aid in our war is always welcome. However-
[14.09.2014 18:37:43] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Cooperation between our houses has been minimal. Little more than a trade agreement.
[14.09.2014 18:37:59] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: I find myself wondering why you are expressing this sudden interest in an alliance?
[14.09.2014 18:38:12] BDM|U-201: Koch: I don't talk for Rheinland... only for the buro.
[14.09.2014 18:38:46] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Understandable. My question remains, however. Surely there is a reason for this sudden interest in an alliance.
[14.09.2014 18:39:25] BDM|U-201: Koch: Herr Cornett... We have the same enemy.
[14.09.2014 18:40:28] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Oh, certainly we do. But then we have been in this conflict for Liberty for rather a while now.
[14.09.2014 18:40:35] BDM|U-201: Koch: We have many troops deep inside of Liberty. We can give you informations about nearly anything.
[14.09.2014 18:41:29] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Sirona may be more 'capable' - if you will - of negotiating such exchanges of information.
[14.09.2014 18:41:41] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Like the Buro are the eyes and ears of Rheinland's forces, ONI are ours.
[14.09.2014 18:41:50] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: grammar is hard
[14.09.2014 18:42:00] GRN|ONI-'Sirona': Quite an apt comparison, I suppose.
[14.09.2014 18:42:57] GRN|ONI-'Sirona': Intelligence from deep within Liberty is something we could, indeed, definitely find worthwhile.
[14.09.2014 18:43:32] BDM|U-201: Koch: How is the situation in Leeds?
[14.09.2014 18:44:07] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: A small force of Bretonian rebels persists on the planet itself. Other than that, the system is ours.
[14.09.2014 18:44:37] GRN|ONI-'Sirona': Spaceborne resistance has all but evaporated, at least within the system itself.
[14.09.2014 18:44:38] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: I'm somewhat curious about the military side of things. What do you ask in return for your direct assistance?
[14.09.2014 18:44:50] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Or is all that you ask, that we continue our war?
[14.09.2014 18:45:41] BDM|U-201: Koch: Your assistance at Liberty's front.
[14.09.2014 18:46:14] BDM|U-201: Koch: We can help us each other.
[14.09.2014 18:47:11] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Elaborate. What exactly do you ask of us that we are not doing already?
[14.09.2014 18:47:29] BDM|U-201: Koch: In addition we are ready to deliver military vehicles and other war machines.
[14.09.2014 18:48:00] BDM|U-201: Koch: If they are required.
[14.09.2014 18:48:35] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Intriguing. I am not familiar with planetary warfare, but perhaps ground vehicles may be of use.
[14.09.2014 18:48:47] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Atmospherical fighter craft, that sort of thing, non?
[14.09.2014 18:49:41] BDM|U-201: Koch: The complete package. What ever you want. We can deliver it.
[14.09.2014 18:50:23] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: I cannot give the green light on this specifically, but I can inform my superiors.
[14.09.2014 18:50:47] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: As for "other war machines", what exactly did you have in mind?
[14.09.2014 18:50:58] BDM|U-201: Koch: We can still talk about it over the comms.
[14.09.2014 18:50:59] GRN|ONI-'Sirona': Additionally, an assessment on the efficiency of your... 'merchandise', so to speak - will have to be performed.
[14.09.2014 18:52:26] BDM|U-201: Koch: Sadly the oberkommando isn't here. They can give you more detailed informations about this.
[14.09.2014 18:53:02] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Certainly, they can provide details through the neural-net?
[14.09.2014 18:53:26] BDM|U-201: Koch: But i hope i have aroused some interest.
[14.09.2014 18:53:32] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: If need be, formal agreements can be arranged through such means, as well. Should we need to sign documents,
[14.09.2014 18:53:37] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: we can always meet in space, once more.
[14.09.2014 18:54:32] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: As a Commandant, I cannot formally give the green light here. However, I will report to my superiors, who can.
[14.09.2014 18:54:45] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: You've certainly 'aroused' interest, there's no denying that.
[14.09.2014 18:55:03] BDM|U-201: Koch: I hope my superiors will be there next time.
[14.09.2014 18:55:48] BDM|U-201: Koch: I think that would be all.
[14.09.2014 18:56:15] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Very well, Kommisar.
[14.09.2014 18:56:38] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: We may, then, return to the Acheron's hangar bay, I presume.
[14.09.2014 18:56:57] BDM|U-201: Koch: Danke for your time, Herr Cornett.
[14.09.2014 18:57:09] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: The foundations for a mutually beneficial agreement have been laid.
[14.09.2014 18:57:57] GRN|ONI-'Sirona': Oui. Perhaps this can mark the beginnings of a long and fruitful co-operation.
[14.09.2014 18:57:57] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: Thank you for your time as well, Koch. You may wish to return to the bay to see to your vessel.
[14.09.2014 18:58:13] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: I hear an ion storm is incoming, so you may want to wait.. Momentarily, before you undock.
[14.09.2014 18:58:25] GRN|Maurice.Cornett: The Acheron's ion shielding is far superior to those in smaller vessels, I'm sure.
[14.09.2014 18:58:34] BDM|U-201: Koch: We will stay in touch.
Following this, and a further exchange of pleasantries, the Rheinland agents departed via the jump anomaly through which they entered, and the Acheron and all escorts returned to Kingdom-controlled space.
While no concrete agreements for a followup meeting were made, nor was anything definitive agreed upon by the parties present, the groundwork for further diplomacy and arrangements between the Navy - or, indeed, the Office in particular - and the Bureau has been laid.
In terms of security, I have only one brief incident to document. In the early stages of the meeting, agent Solène picked up a Zoner contact while performing a routine perimeter sweep. The target was quickly identified as a Temporary Autonomous Zoner snubcraft by the Acheron's powerful sensor suite, and was issued orders to turn back by the intercepting vessel. However, the pilot refused to remain clear of the established perimeter, and was shot down by agent Lemieux after continued refusals to comply with Naval orders.
Naturally, no damage to any Naval assets was incurred, nor was the summit disrupted by the extremely brief incursion.
Posts: 3,384
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Joined: May 2012
Staff roles: Balance Dev
Battleship Saint-Nazaire, Leeds System
15. Septembre, 737 AGS
Sender:Général Gilbert Lebeau, Gallic Royal Navy. Recipient:Directeur Victor Pelletier, Office of Naval Intelligence. Topic:The chain of command.
*The audio feed begins with a full three seconds of nothing but the Général's wheezing - a noise that will continue to be heard throughout the rest of the transmission.*
Monsieur Pelletier,
It has come to my attention that your organization has finally begun to make use of the Crown's recent capital injection. A great development, truly, if a little overdue. *Before continuing, Lebeau gasps for air.* As I am sure you are aware, Directeur, you are part of the same chain of command as us mere mortals. In fact, you are to report directly to me.
*A coughing fit momentarily overtakes the Général.*
How excruciating.
I believe that you are an intelligent man, Pelletier, and therefore I believe that you are fully aware that a man as important as I has limited time. You cannot expect me to read all the transcripts of your agents' numerous, trivial reports.
Instead, I expect to receive reports written by your hand, informing me of matters of true importance. Understood, Directeur?
*Lebeau shakes his head. The wobbling of his - respectable - jowls caused by the sudden motion creates a sound loud enough to temporarily dominate the audio feed. Then, after a sigh, the Général starts speaking once more.*
On a different subject: I cannot even begin to understand why you left that incompetent, gibbering idiot of a Cornett in charge of negotiations with those Rheinlanders. The correct handling of such meetings is one of the few things the Office - your Office - is supposed to excel at, is it not?
I would have greatly preferred it had you personally attended this meeting. But what is done - or rather, not done - is done, unfortunately. However, I will give you a chance to correct your mistake, Directeur. You will, as of now, personally oversee all cooperation between the Office and - what was it named again? - the Buro.
You will pull your weight, as I do. Ensure that the Royal Navy will reap the benefits of whatever it is that the Rheinlanders wish to offer us as soon as possible. Once you have done so - and I expect no delay - report back to me.
[Location Redacted], Orleanais System
14. Septembre, 737 AGS
Sender:Directeur Victor Pelletier, Office of Naval Intelligence. Recipient:Agent Supérieur Marius Duval, Exploratory Vessel Dea Matrona. Topic:Expedition into the Sigmas.
Agent Duval,
I recently received a report from Agent Michaud regarding the Baffin meeting. I am pleased to hear the operation went off without a hitch. The Office will continue negotiations with the Bureau.
Your new orders are as follows: As captain of the Dea Matrona, you are entrusted with the expedition into the Sigma cluster and all related operations. As usual, your vessel will be accompanied by at least two agents. A file detailing the goals of your expedition will be created in the Operations Database. All discoveries are to be documented either by yourself or by one of your agents.
Our arrangements with the Naval Forces for free passage are likely short-lived. I advise you to depart at the first opportunity to avoid complications and possible delays while traveling through Kusari space.
I expect to see first results within two weeks from your departure.
Victor Pelletier
Directeur of the Office of Naval Intelligence
Gallic Royal Navy
Battleship Oubli, Leeds System
17. Septembre, 737 AGS
Sender:Sous-Lieutenant Jean-Paul Bourdeau, Gallic Royal Navy. Recipient:Centre de communication, Marine Royal Gauloise. Topic:AAR Operation Casque Bleu, 04-009.
Pour les Marechals de la Marine Royale,
I am pleased to report another complete military success within the system of Leeds. After being chased out of Manchester by a large force of Bretonians, we met on the field of battle near the Magellan jump anomaly, approximately grid coordinate E/F6.
While the odds were stacked numerically for the Bretonians in the early engagement, a fine example of skill from our pilots made short work of their entire battle group. Minimal damage was taken by myself, but no losses occurred on our side.
My assistance was required in slaughtering yet more idiotic Bretonians, and their equally stupid allies, Liberty. We spoke to each other for a lengthy amount of time. It seems they are as competent as they are fighting, talking. They spoke nonsense and attempted to set a Cruiser class vessel on me. Of course, the Cruiser could not travel close to the mighty Battleship Oubli. The attempt failed. As soon as the fighting began they enemy had acquired yet more help, this time two Gunboats. The fighting went on and I became the target. It was unprofessional in my eyes to set an entire fleet on a single fighter. But we have to remember these are Sirians. Anyway, they dropped me as a target once they realised that they couldn't hit me. A suitable target appeared for me. A Libertonian fighter pilot. The duel lasted 5 minutes and he adopted a very inefficient strategy of dropping countless mines into my path of flight. All I had to do was wait for him to fly beside them and fire my disruptor. The mines took significant damage from him and I finished him off easily with my main armaments.
Sender ID: Marcell Chevalier Target ID: Reporting Center Encryption: Normal
Opening Message
Bonjour, mesdames et messieur.
My appologises for such a late report on my deffense mission of Leeds orbit. There have not been much to bring to your attention. A minor activity of Liberty pirates known as Lane Hackers who did not cause any much of a troubles as far as I know.
However there was another topic, more interesting. We have encountered a freelancer who seem to be very eager to work on our side. His name is Einari Virtanen, flying the Sirian Border World class gunship named Turunmaa. It is armed pretty well, and I suppose could be of some use for our operations in Magelan and New London, so I do advise to consider his proposal. As a side note, he might be contacting high command soon himself to discuss a matter of his own. Apart of that there is nothing else to add to this report.
Battleship Oubli, Leeds System
11. January, 738 AGS
Sender:Sous-Lieutenant Pascal Baton, Gallic Royal Navy. Recipient:Centre de communication, Marine Royal Gauloise. Topic:Manchester Operations..
Bonjour monsieurs!
Pascal Baton reporting in, on the 11th of January of the New Year! I certainly hope we all enjoyed our holidays and such!
On to business, however. Today I caught up with the RNS-Khnum and our very own Ferdinand Mounier who were actively fending off the infamous [FL-ER] group, alongside a Bounty Hunter and an intelligence agent that made fun of his own Queen's name. I swear, Sirius is simply a madhouse. After we disposed of the Freelancer brat, we moved onto the Bounty Hunter, who had evaded back to the local base of operations to use the cover of fire to his advantage. Monsieur Mounier was shot down during this attack, which worked well enough to get me away from the situation, but left the Khnum distrupted by the Hunter and foolish agent.
While we were trying to make our escape, the HMS-Argosax appeared on the scene, but was disposed by the Navy without much hassle, despite major damage done to the hull of the Khnum. And well, after that, I only remember another Bretonian soldier appearing before my life support kicked out and my escape pod escaped from the burning ruins of my ship.
Total Tally:
Damages to our side:
2 Lynxes destroyed.
RNS-Khnum drydocked for an unforeseeable amount of time.
Damages to the opposition:
One Freelancer put out of action.
HMS-Argosax drydocked for an unforeseeable of time.
This concludes my report.
Au nom du roi,
Pascal Baton.
Battleship Oubli, Leeds System
18. janvier, 738 AGS
Sender:Sous-Lieutenant Yann Devedjian, Gallic Royal Navy. Recipient:Centre de communication, Marine Royal Gauloise. Topic:Patrol report.
Bonjour supérieures,
I scrambled from Battleship Oubli earlier today to find the RNS-Khnum and it's supporting bomber, [GRN]La'Kawi, under heavy gunfire in Dublin by one BAF|Lt.Jack.Noah. and a Planetform pilot by the callsign PFI)E.Davis.
I disposed of the lieutenant in his clumsy Challenger-class bomber before the Planetform pilot retreated to Battleship Essex, where a Bretonian Armed Forces Gunboat, the Constellation.Star, was already idling. I took the opportunity to escort the RNS-Khnum to safety, and followed the Valor to Magellan where a Council Basilisk-class bomber launched an ambush. I only just heard the trivial insults from the traitor, before the flaks of the RNS-Khnum sent the fool to her grave.