Sender: "Curse" 呪い, Zenith Recipient: General Pierre LaFlamme, The Council CC: - BCC: Zenith Neural Net Source: Battleship Yamaguchi, Roussillon
Subject: Zenith
My name is [Curse] and I represent the organisation known as Zenith. We work in the ranks of the Kusari Imperial Army, otherwise known as the Kusari Exiles. Zenith at the moment has one small project, that we'd require assistance with.
We've obtained blueprints for an experimental, modular [REDACTED]-class Kusari Destroyer. I happen to know that Council indeed has the facilities to construct a cruiser-sized vessel in the Roussillon system. We will provide you with the blueprints, but we need to rely on the Council and a couple of our outsourced transports to supply any materials you'd need. Afterwards, the cruiser would be constructed on the Le Boulou Outpost in Roussillon.
Please respond on this frequency if you agree to our terms.
Initialisation... Intensité du signal:█████████_ 090% Encryptage:________███████___FORT Source:________CLN Pamiers, Roussillon Expéditeur:____General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil___[C] Destinataire(s):Curse________________________________/Z/
Sujet:_________Re: Zenith Début de transmission...
Agent Curse,
We have reviewed the terms of the deal you proposed, et the only thing The Council wants to ask in return at the moment is the promise that you et your men will indeed try your best et reclaim what was once yours: Kusari. Et I assume it's needless to say that once that happens we also expect our cooperation to continue, or at least our relations stay marginally better than the ones between us et the current Kusarian regime.
If you agree with this, say so, et send over the blueprints along with your engineering team to Le Boulou while Monsieur Croix assigns some transports to start bringing construction material. I'm awaiting your response.
General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
General en Chef Du Conseil
Chef de Groupement tactique Roussillonnaise
Sender: "Curse" 呪い, Zenith Recipient: General Pierre LaFlamme, The Council CC: - BCC: Zenith Neural Net Source: Battleship Yamaguchi, Roussillon
Subject:Shangri-La Kusari Destroyer
Konnichiwa, General,
I very much appreciate your swift response. Zenith and the rest of the Exiled army will support the Council's cause, of course, and assuming otherwise would be an insult to us. We are very glad to have such honourable ally.
I suppose this goes without saying, but the files attached to this message are the top secret plans of Zenith's Shangri-La destroyer and must not be shared with any unauthorised parties.
We would require you to calculate how much and what kind of materials you require for construction of this vessel.
Initialisation... Intensité du signal:█████████_ 090% Encryptage:________███████___FORT Source:________CLN Pamiers, Roussillon Expéditeur:____General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil___[C] Destinataire(s):Curse________________________________/Z/
Sujet:_________Re: Shangri-La Kusari Destroyer Début de transmission...
Bonsoir Agent,
I can assure you that the construction plans will be kept confidental. The list of the required materials along with the status of completion can be found on the following channel: Shipyards. This one will stay open for delivery reports of the Zenith.
General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
General en Chef Du Conseil
Chef de Groupement tactique Roussillonnaise
Sender: "Curse" 呪い, Zenith Recipient: General Pierre LaFlamme, The Council CC: - BCC: Zenith Neural Net Source: Battleship Yamaguchi, Roussillon
Subject: Invitations
I've been made aware that our original message with Zenith-hired contractors that would assist in the construction of Shangri-La was lost on the wires. Please accept our apologies, especially that some of these deliveries were already completed. I've also personally visited Le Boulou today and I'm very glad how the construction is progressing.
You can find the list of contractors attached below.
Name:Jilliana Goldin, 5000GT Affilitation:Freelancer[1]/ALG Waste Disposal[2] Notes:Ms Goldin has helped out immnsely with the construction of Shangri-La and we will most likely continue our partnership.
Name:Shiako Hospati Affilitation:Freelancer[1][2] Notes:This might not apply anymore as this gentleman has already completed his deliveries for Zenith. We have no further plans of working together anymore, however we don't know what the future holds.
Name:Leslie Durant Affilitation:Freelancer[1][2] Notes:This gentleman was contracted with delivering Polymers, however we haven't seen but one of his deliveries.