Correct me, in case I'm wrong, but does it seems to be actualy natural for people, to protect their assets, and secure terretory they control? If pirates, can use military grade cruisers and battleships for pirating, what holding miners from heavely defending their bases of operations?
(04-18-2015, 04:06 PM)Lonely_Ghost Wrote: Correct me, in case I'm wrong, but does it seems to be actualy natural for people, to protect their assets, and secure terretory they control? If pirates, can use military grade cruisers and battleships for pirating, what holding miners from heavely defending their bases of operations?
By that logic, we could turn Bretonia into a fortress with POBs blocking every jump gate and jump hole, and unlawfuls and Gauls would basically have an extremely difficult time getting into the system unmolested. The Gauls could do the same thing with Leeds.
However, history has shown that these seemingly very logical bases, making perfect sense in RL, actually harm gameplay by discouraging interactions in these systems. This breaks the gameplay cycle and instead just kills off player activity. Corsairs and King's Cross were a fine example of this, as was Falster in Omega-3 before it was moved.
I'm a PoB owner, myself who runs a trading faction that does a LOT of work with miners, and I do very little pirating, and I still think putting POBs in the middle of mining areas is bad for gameplay, even if tactically sound and financially advantageous and convenient.
No Emile. The solution when you have a bothersome hangnail on your toe is not to cut off your foot. There is a far better solution in moving a base or a mining field, so let's keep the discussion there.
(04-18-2015, 04:22 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: By that logic, we could turn Bretonia into a fortress with POBs blocking every jump gate and jump hole, and unlawfuls and Gauls would basically have an extremely difficult time getting into the system unmolested. The Gauls could do the same thing with Leeds.
However, history has shown that these seemingly very logical bases, making perfect sense in RL, actually harm gameplay by discouraging interactions in these systems. This breaks the gameplay cycle and instead just kills off player activity. Corsairs and King's Cross were a fine example of this, as was Falster in Omega-3 before it was moved.
No no no. Puting PoB near JH/JG and restricting trespass is one thing and it's indeed harming gamplay, no doubt here. Puting PoB into mine field, or any other field, or any other place, where it won't cease trafic line, is completely different.
Taking for example that Samura base in Nagano. Does it restricts any faction ships to enter/exit system? Nope. Does it blocking any base? AFAIK no.
Also, let's talk about things, like.... why actualy high secured and highly valued objects can not be actually secured? Name me one solid reason? We have non-distructable battlecruisers and stationary libby dread in Vaginia Virginia. We have same type of gunboats and cruiser in Benitez system, and I bet, there was an Osiris class stationary BS, in very clouse proximity to JH in TBH system. Same, we have all sort of stationary BS near key stations and planets. Why nobody asking to remove them or disarm them, because pirates can't fight near lawfull's key objects eh?
So why mining field can't be defended? With PoB inside mining field, pirate won't be able to rob someone around? You are worthless pirate, if you can't. Search for weak spot, hunt down convoys, set up traps, use imagination and mind.
You can't catch them off-guard in this system, check another one.
PoB in mining fields aren't actually needed there. No one would be missing out if those bases were moved 5k out of the field but most of the bases do serve a purpose and help multiple players which again they would still do if they weren't in the mining field itself. Just for the record though if you count server game play harmed if you can't just jump on a defenseless miner and demand "X" amount of credits then either take the credits or space them I don't think you understand what RP is and maybe you should be playing on another server.
(04-19-2015, 07:54 AM)freelancer knux Wrote: Just for the record though if you count server game play harmed if you can't just jump on a defenseless miner and demand "X" amount of credits then either take the credits or space them I don't think you understand what RP is and maybe you should be playing on another server.
That can equally be said for people who build POBs in mining fields that have a clear disregard for Pirate RP.
(04-19-2015, 07:54 AM)freelancer knux Wrote: Just for the record though if you count server game play harmed if you can't just jump on a defenseless miner and demand "X" amount of credits then either take the credits or space them I don't think you understand what RP is and maybe you should be playing on another server.
That can equally be said for people who build POBs in mining fields that have a clear disregard for Pirate RP.
As I said if these bases were moved even 5k out of the field it wouldn't be a problem. This is MY OPINION but the only reason this is coming up though is because from what I've seen pirate demands are getting a bit over the top with no RP to go with it so everyone has started to flee to the stations. I don't mind handing over ore I just mined (Can just mine more) to pirates or a fair number of credits but even just last week I was hit by 2 pirates in a row the first demanding 6.5 mil which I paid (surprise they logged in 2 minutes after I entered O-11 and then logged out as soon as they hit 15k distance. I don't call that RP I call that rubbish) Then another one arrived which demanded 8 mil. After trying to explain I didn't have 8 mil to give and to just wait a bit for a couple other ships to arrive which I was hired to mine for because they could pay them. The pirate responded "You don't pay and call friend you die" and spaced me. Which then caused my mates to log out cause they no longer had someone to mine for them which could've be avoided if the pirate waited and just RPed a little bit (instead of "You waste my time".) or if there was a PoB nearby I could've docked at until the transports arrived.