As promised, here is all the intel on the system identified as "Drake".
The pilots I captured have since been executed.
The infested were from all sorts of militaries, from Rheinland to Bretonian to Kusarian and even Libertonian but predominantly, Rheinlanders.
They are easy to defeat because most of them are using obsolete vessels, models from over twenty years ago yet caution is to be exercised as these ships, old and deteriorated as they may be, have been equipped with lethal weapons of alien origin, the sort of which you ordered.
The system itself is rather easy to get lost in because of the cosmic chaos in it, planets are torn apart and the space is surrounded by rings of weird matter as you can see in the footage.
If you enter the system, be aware that the alien jump gate is well guarded by missile platforms.
These zombies usually fly solo, but if you encounter one, as soon as you engage it, more are drawn to the location.
When they find out their old granny ships are too primitive to compete with the newest models, they'll send in the heavy guns: That black thing that chased me, if you're alone you may want to avoid that one, they're extremely dangerous and aggressive, they also have the ability to disrupt your engines, I can tell you, when it saw me, it did not want me to leave.
Greetings. Thanks for the intell. This footage just proves everything we have thought for a while. About the weapons i requested, suggest a meeting place where we can make the exchange. Apart from this, i would also like to get some intell about the gallic movements, their plans if its available. And also our R&D team would be intrested in their technology. If you have any suggestions regarding this, I'm all ears. Let's keep this channel open for possible information exchange in the future.
About the alien tech: I can bring it to Baffin, a safe system where you can pick it up.
How many guns and ammo did you want again?
Remember to use protective wear while handling them, the last guy who was carrying alien stuff on board without proper storage bled to death in his cockpit, his ship and body are included in the footage.
As about the GRN, I have filed in a request to use the vessel which is ideally suited for this kind of data gathering.
I can proceed forth with the mission as soon as I receive the keys.
While in Gallia, should I also gather some Gallic tech or bring back certain items? military weapons will take longer as I will need to talk with the right people, but I know a few might be able to get a few samples for me.
Well the problem with Baffin is that is too far away from Liberty space and i have no authorization nor reason to enter that system, for me it would be good to meet at Freeport 4 in the Magellan system. I would suggest this if its suitable for you. As for the ammount of the ammo i need 3 of that. And some weapons maybe 3 to 4. About the gallic military technology i would say yes. If you could gather some of that too and bring it to me it would be great.
I scanned it briefly and included some information about GRN bases.
Gallic technology appears to be totally incompatible with anything from the outside, if you wish to make use of GRN tech, adaptations will be required, however I do not consider the effort to adapt GRN technology worth it because it is not any more advanced than what the Liberty Navy has to offer.
However during my time in Gallia I've learned that GRN is developing super weapons at a research station.
I don't know what kind of super weapons yet.
Everything I gathered from Gallia is included in the files below.
Sorry for my late response. I was on a mission and i just returned. This a lot of data. And yes our deal stands. Please suggest time and I'll meet ya at Freeport 4.