Yes, Bretonia needs some love, the past 3 buff rotations have left that house alone
I believe the Gaian Wildlife/Apfelstrudel buff benefited Bretonia.
It benefited Planetform which isn't really the bulk of the Bret corps. A lot of the traffic ended up going through Edinburgh and through the borderworlds, if anything it benefited Rheinland the most (and the taus). Perhaps a more British commodity would benefit Bretonia, for example: Crumpets. Who doesn't like a good crumpet? Brilliant for the morning when it's a bit nippy, even better with a coat of butter painted on top.
Sell points could be in some Freeports in the Tau's or even the one in Bering. I'm not one for planning this sort of thing, but just thought I could contribute something more than yelling out a commodity
What about a natural catastrophy? On Red hessians planet Tangiers a global catastrophy occured and Liberty decided to send aid. Of course the Rheinland government doesn't want that so Police and Rheinland Military try to catch the convoys and Red Hessians would help/escort because they need the goods.
You start in New hampshire or minnesota system and bring help commodities like tents or care packets to Omega 47, Planet Tangiers. The safe route would be through Bretonian space but it yould be quite a bit longer. Back could be fugitives to some Liberty planet.
It would benefit the Red hessians, the Rheinland republic and if the goods can be sold on Omicron Gamma for a reduced price the Corsairs can be motivated to get some cargo from the help convoys (by robbing them) as well.
available at : Planet Leeds / resistance sattelite ( freighter dock )
Buffed sellpoint : Malta : ( new sellpoint ) : ~ 14.000 credits
Buffed sellpoint : Okinawa, Planet Miura ~ buffed from 6125 credits to 8.500 credits
Buffed sellpoint : Planet Marne / Champagne ( new sellpoint ) ~ 12.000 credits
Buffed sellpoint : Fleurgy-Meron Prison ( Gallic royal police / new sellpoint ) ~ 16.000c
2) commodity : fugitives ( sells on council and maquis bases in gallia )
new sellpoint : Beaumont base / Gallic Junkers / Ille de France : ~ 2000 cred.
Buffed sellpoints : Zhukovsky Station / Sirius coalition in Omega-52 : new sellpoint for ~ 8000 credits
Buffed sellpoint : Nordheim base / Red Hessian Guard in Omega-54 : new sellpoint for ~ 10.000 credits
Buffed sellpoint : Kreuzberg depot / sirian Junkers , New Berlin : new sellpoint for ~ 12.000 credits
Buffed sellpoint : Capetown station / The Core / Omikron Zeta : new sellpoint for ~ 12.000 credits
cargo needed : 1 unit , price to buy : 3000 credits
sellpoints :
Zhukovsky Station / Nordheim base / Capetown station ( SCRA / Red Hessians / The Core ) ( or some Order sellpoint ? )
lawfull sellpoints :
Calais research facility / Orleonais / Gallic royal police ( 5000 credits )
Planet Cambridge / Cambridge / Bretonnia police ( 7000 credits )
Planet Hudson / Texas / Liberty Police ( 5000 credits )
buffed sellpoint : Leeds ( both Resistance camps and official dock ) ~ 10.000 credits
---> I would look for a SCRA and red Hessian port of call too,
and for a Core sellpoint. In RP I just had no ideas )
4 ) and last buffed commodity : casualties ( Leeds official port , instead of refugees )
sellpoint in Gallia ( Ille de France ) buffed to about 5000 or 6000 credits
( to allow for a direct but not as profitable way back for gallic players who dont want to run the long way )
This is more of a brainstorming suggestion than a well worked out request, but I though it might be interesting to some .
Feedback ?
For one: Neither has been touched in a LONG while.
Two: Buffed commodities don't have to perform a continuous A-B-A-B trade loop. Having two buffed commodities that go to two different places is okay, too.
Three: Just for giggles, throw Prometheum in there too, and make it sell for BIG money somewhere in the Omegas, or maybe even Omega-52.
(06-06-2015, 02:35 PM)Garrett Jax Wrote: My goals with each buff have been to make them so that they create activity for as many factions as possible. If you have an idea in mind, submit one here.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to propose something.
The Marijuana - Human Enhancement Run
The past centuries Cryer as well as other medical mega-corporations have made several major breakthroughs in human enhancement technology. However due to its extreme demand and restrictive laws this technology can only be acquired by the elite and in less visible locations.
In other news, the customers in Golden Dragon Casino in Shikoku system are living on a different world than the rest of the Kusarian society. The parties and events in the casino never end in which only celebrities, politicians, businessmen and syndicate leaders have the means to attend them. Of course drugs are also in common use.
Synthetic Marijuana from Atka Research Station to Golden Dragon Casino.
VIPs from Golden Dragon Casino to Atka Research Station.
• It is a very lore-friendly trade run.
• Buff rotations should generally be short routes, not covering the entire length of Sirius. Otherwise the trade run loses its intent which is the spark of activity in certain areas. The proposed run can be categorized as short-medium.
• About the illegal commodity:
• It is purchased outside of House Space, meaning no campers outside waiting to get screens.
• Its location allows you to import it into Kusari via several routes, allowing even official faction to try it out.
• The smugglers can be intercepted considering that Shikoku has 2-3 entrances but the station is not located on the trade lanes, significantly reducing prying eyes.
• About the location:
• Kusari was one of the Houses least-affected by the buff-rotations. In addition, the Sigmas is probably the least active location in Sirius.
• Kusari State Police, Golden Chrysanthemums, OS&C, Kempetai, Cryer, GMG and Hogosha are currently making a significant effort to return as well-established factions on the server. This Kusari-Sigma based route will give the intended spark of activity that they need.
• Of course the aforementioned factions are not the only ones involved.
Kusari Naval Forces, Samura, Kishiro, Blood Dragons, BHG, Outcasts and Corsairs can also be involved in one way or another. In Shikoku, Lane Hackers and Rogues can also operate.
• The proposed trade run contains an illegal commodity.
• Most shipping companies can participate, reputation-wise.
• There is a VIP sellpoint at Luxury Liner Hawaii. This needs to be cut out. (it's not like it was useful afterall, considering its extremely high price)
• The Golden Dragon Casino is mostly unknown to new players. Discovery time?
If i may trow a suggestion for this ( or some future ) event . . .
How about trading goods from lawful only docking bases of two factions in war that will need neutral trading ship for transport ?
Example :
Only Liberty lawful ship can dock and buy something in his base , fill neutral ship that will tow it to Rheinland ship who can dock at his faction base and sell it .
For cause we can use some virus epidemic in Rheinland that needs large amounts of specific medical supplies , and Liberty urgently needs alloys or metals from Rheinland to rebuild fleet after recent looses in Leeds battle .
This is VERY important for both Governments but they don't want to look like open cooperation .
Profit will be much higher than usual ( at least 25000 PU , depends on distance ) but it will have to be split in 3 ways, with each side decide how much it want for them self , and that leave place to "aggressive negotiations" !
Liberty ships can escort neutral ones to very edge of Liberty space ( Hudson , Bering ) , where Rheinland ship can wait to decide which ship will get biggest share , peaceful if they can , with guns/laser if they cannot ( you can steal cargo once , but then story will spread and no-one will want to trade with you on that rote anymore ) .
Then Rheinland ship will take over escort , and that leave pirates and any other ones that want to steal cargo forced to attack in strong groups .
If this suggestion is accepted , then we will finally have some financial use for all that capitol ships we have , lol .
Synthetic Marijuana from Atka Research Station to Golden Dragon Casino.
VIPs from Golden Dragon Casino to Atka Research Station.
I don't think Synthweed has ever been buffed, in fact it doesn't even have contraband prices, just normal ones.
VIPs obviously never have been.
Plus all the reasons stated. Good writeup, +1 etc.