Right, I guess I'll address what Vipex is saying (and others have throughout the pages).
I want to stress that this does not mean we are necessarily against reforms of the system or changes to the way we operate.
However, such changes need to be discussed, and every member needs to have the opportunity to express their opinion and cast a vote on the matter (or at least until a majority is reached).
This applies especially to changes in the way the Bundestag itself operates, which absolutely cannot and should not be passed without most of the members being present.
To be frank, in the time that I've been in the Bundestag - nearly two years - our system has worked pretty well. Of course there's going to be disagreements, as there are in any government comprised of more than one person. But in the end, we'll reach a conclusion of some sort.
And yes, sometimes decisions take longer than they should to make, for a variety of reasons. But that again I would say is normal for a government.
I'm sure there will be a lot of debate on this in the near future, and of course we welcome anyone's input on the matter.
Checking the forum I noticed this thread. Even though I don't have a Rheinland char, I still would like to give my opinion on this matter, if I may.
I actually checked Germany’s government system. Germany actually is Federal Republic and Rheinland is based on it.
Since Rheinland is a Federal Republic, the government system should/would actually be like this:
Bundesregierung (Federal Government):
Led by the Kanzler (Chancellor) – which is suggested by the Bundespraesident (President of Federal Republic Rheinland) and elected by the Bundestag (House Parliament), including all ministers like Outer Defence (RM), Inner Defence (BDM), Justice (RFP), Economy (All trade factions have to choose 1 representative for all trade factions of Rheinland.).
Discussion of the development regarding Rheinland, from matters of defence, to matters of justice and law, to economy and civil matters.
Bundestag (House Parliament):
Led by the Bundestagspraesident (Presiding Officer of the Rheinland Parliament)- which is elected from all members of the Bundestag, including representatives of all lawful/corporation factions of Rheinland (Faction leaders).
Suggestion and elections for new laws.
Election of the Kanzler (Chancellor) - which is suggested by the Bundespraesident (President of the Federal Republic).
They also choose the next steps for Rheinland's future, for example raids and attacks on Systems of other Houses.
Bundesrat (Federal Republic Council):
Led by the Bundesratspraesident (Federal Council President), including the Landtagspraesidenten (Governors) of every System of Rheinland.
Suggestion and election of new laws, along with the decisions of the Bundestag.
Accusation/Charging other organs of Rheinland Government for abusing or neglecting duties and rights.
Accusation/Charging the Bundespraesident (President) of the Federal Republic for abusing or neglecting of duties and rights.
Bundesversammlung (Federal Assembly):
Led by the Bundestagspräsident, including all representatives of lawful/corporation factions of Rheinland and the Landtagspraesidenten (Governor).
Election of the Bundespraesident (President of the Federal Republic)
Landtag (System Parliament):
Led by the Landtagspraesident (Governor), including representatives of all Rheinland lawful/corporation factions.
Discussion, suggestion and decisions about the developement within a System, in matters of economy, defence, justice and law, and civilian matters.
Attending to requests and petitions of civilians - sending said requests and petitions to the Bundesregierung (Federal Government).
Bundespraesident (President of the Federal Republic Rheinland):
Representative leader of the House.
Representative in matter of diplomacy
Election of diplomats.
Right of reprieve.
Suggestion of the Kanzler (Chancellor).
Election of Ministers.
Denying the decision of a new law or change of law (Veto right).
Deletion of the Bundestag (House Parliament).
Calling of the/or a new Bundestag (House Parliament)
Sending a declaration of war or capitulation and ceasefire to other Houses.
Calling new events, festivals and holidays within Rheinland.
Determining the House symbols.
1. Vizepraesident/Bundesratspraesident (Vice-President of Federal Republic Rheinland/President of the Federal Republic Council):
Substitute for the Bundespraesident, Leader of the Bundesrat (Federal Republic Council).
Leading the Bundesrat (Fedral Republic Council).
Final decision and executive of all suggestions, elections and decisions of the Bundesrat..
Representing the Bundespraesident (President of Federal Republic Rheinland).
2. Vizepraesident (Vice-President of Federal Republic Rheinland):
Substitute for the Brundespraesident.
Representing the Bundespraesident (President of Federal Republic Rheinland).
Bundeskanzler/ The Kanzler (Chancellor of the Federal Republic Rheinland):
Head of the executive, legislative and judicative of Rheinland. The Kanzler doesn’t have any Veto-rights.
Leader of Bundesregierung (Rheinland Government).
Commanding Rheinland Forces.
Suggestion of the deletion of the Bundestag (House Parliament).
Disempowerment of the Bundestag, with the support of the Bundesrat.
Final decision and executive of all suggestions, decisions and elections within the Bundesregierung.
Landtagspreasident (Governor of a Rheinland System):
Leader of the Landtag (System Parliament)
Final decision and executive of all suggestions, decisions and elections within the Landtag.
This looks a little complicated, I know, but if you really wish to change your government system and actually make it close to reality then this would be the way.
Take your time in creating a new system and wait for the opinion and vote of every active Faction Leader. Since they are part of Rheinland, a change of the government system is actually a matter of interest for everyone playing a Rheinland character.
If you try to make things too realistic in regards to in-game government function, you're also going to risk a lot of confusion and make things even slower.
Best to keep things simpler where every faction has a rep/set at the government table, consensus gets reached, and then decisions are made. Anything more realistic is just too complicated. Also, real life government sucks...why would we want to make it more realistic in our imaginary play land?