After following the instructions by the Commonwealth Immigration Agency, you may submit your request to be granted citizenship or a visa. Individuals or groups will be notified via this channel by a ranked official.
All requests must follow the templates given otherwise they will not be processed and shut down immediately.
Please find attached the, ur, application form required to apply for citizenship.
Name: Dr. Thallia Thorn Sex: Gender: Female Age: 26 Birthplace: Cambridge, Bretonia Callsign(s):Thallia.Thorn / 'Aceso' Affiliation: Independent Are you applying for dual citizenship? If so, what other nation(s) are you a citizen of?:I am of Bretonian origin. Reason for application: I, ur, have a close fr...friend in Vespucci space living on Guadalajara. I would like to be able to visit him once in a while... not sure if full cit...citizenship is required but, ur, seems the best way to go about it. A Visa would do otherwise.
I look forward to hear your decision on the matter, may the stars keep you.
Although your lack of specifics on who you are visiting slightly raised some eyebrows, we find it acceptable given that the person you speak of presumably has citizenship already, we find it fit to grant a doctor citizenship. However, we at the Immigration Board would like to know if you are a citizen of Bretonia as well. We noticed some discrepancies and would like a simple yes or no answer on whether or not you're a citzen of Bretonia already. Other then that, all your paperwork appears to be in order, and upon clarification of your citizenship standing with Bretonia, you can consider your application granted. Given your standing as a doctor, the board would like to encourage you to open your own practice on Gaudalajara, as doctors aren't in abundance inside the Commonwealth at this time. Also, to reiterate on the rules of Vespucci access, you are granted access to only the western half of Vespucci. The eastern half is off limits, with the exception of permission granted from the Lord Commander or Executive Commander.
I apo...apologise for my lack of specificity. I am a citizen of Bretonia, as I was born and raised on Planet Cambridge for the, ur, vast majority of my life. I appreciate the rules regarding access within the system. They sha... shall be adhered to.
Faction Name: Cryer Solutions Tag: Cryer Affiliation: Cryer Reason for application: Due to recent talks between Cryer Solutions and the Hellfire Legion. We came in to possession of Witcha Orbital R & D. We discussed many things such as possible agreements between us. We were instructed to fill out this form and send to you via the Neural Net. We actually sent one before a few months ago, yet due to a data wipe, (we are still looking to see if its on our end) we seem to have lost all record of it.
Anyway to put things simply, We are a medical company, you need medicine, Things among Pharmaceuticals and other drugs are requirements for any nation to survive and thrive.
Reason why it should be granted: With a steady supply of drugs (which shall me stored on the Witcha Orbital Station) I believe that The Commonwealth and Cryer Solutions can be come very close Friends. Not only can we provide a steady drugs yet also provide assistance in hunting down Libertonian Criminals. We hunt cardamine users where ever they may be found, yet liberty seems to be the most active in terms of Cardamine sales, thank the republic for that. Our Stabiline can benefit the Commonwealth greatly by curing addicts and removing dependencies.
Name: Lazrius Hawkins Gender: Male Age: 28 Birthplace: Liberty, PL. L.A Callsign(s): [Cryer]-Lazenreo, [Cryer]-Tesla, [Cryer]-Darwin, Lazrius.Hawkins Affiliation: Cryer, Freelancer Are you applying for dual citizenship? If so, what other nation(s) are you a citizen of?: No, I am Libertarian Born. Reason for application: I thought it would be wise, since i shall be spending so much time here if our visa is accepted, to apply for Citizenship. The current high command of Cryer are all highly educated doctors to we will be able to help people planet-side as well. I shall see to it that they also apply as well. The more that we can help the better and the Commonwealth of Liberty is in need of medical help, or so i am told.
Name: Dr. William Hudson Gender: Male Age: 37 Birthplace: Liberty, Texas system, planet Texas Callsign(s): [Cryer]-Will.Hudson, [Cryer]-Einstein Affiliation: Cryer, Freelancer Are you applying for dual citizenship? If so, what other nation(s) are you a citizen of?: No, I am Libertarian Born. Reason for application: To provide medical assistance, to provide support in all medical aspects (medical supplies, medical advancements, health education, medical equipment) and arrange a steady flow of medicine economy to the Commonwealth.
With the steady buildup of relations between the Commonwealth and Cryer Pharmaceuticals, allow me to personally thank you for reaching out to us. Your safety, and that of your company, is of our utmost concern within the Commonwealth. Your paperwork, and that of your companies application are all in order. Consider your visa's granted. I must also advise you on the rules of accessing Vespucci. Cryer personnel are only permitted within the Western half of Vespucci, as the eastern half is off limits to anyone without expressed permission from Lord Commander Samuel Locklear or the Executive Commander. I hope you enjoy your time within the Commonwealth.
-- Incoming Signal --
-- Video feed --
* ID: James Blackwood; OSC|Atlantis
* Location: OSC|Atlantis
* Subject: Orbital Spa and Cruise - Visa Application
* Priority: High
* Encryption: Ultra
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
Commonwealth Immigration Agency,
My name is James Blackwood, Director of Travel & Tourism for Orbital Spa and Cruise. I've been asked by Lord Commander Locklear to report my corporations intentions to the Commonwealth. We plan over the next several months to conduct celestial surveys of the Commonwealths Territory in hopes to find a location in which to station one of our liners.
Faction Name: Orbital Spa and Cruise Tag: OSC| Affiliation: Orbital Spa and Cruise
James Blackwood
Director of Travel & Tourism
Message Ended
-- Video feed terminated --
-- Secondary data log saved --
The Commonwealth appreciates the cooperation Orbital Spa and Cruise offers and we accept it gratefully. Your safety, and that of your company, is of our utmost concern within the Commonwealth. Your company's application are in order and your visa is granted. Remember to get familiar with the laws of Commonwealth of House Liberty and rules within Vespucci system. Orbital Spa and Cruise personnel are only permitted within the western half of Vespucci, as the eastern half is off limits to anyone without expressed permission from Lord Commander Samuel Locklear or the Executive Commander. Enjoy your time within the Commonwealth of House Liberty.