"You mentioned you might be able to 'help' me in my search and asked from me to contact you via the NeuralNet... what do you have to offer, what do you want for it?"
She presses the words out, unhappy about even having to talk to one of her sworn enemies. A bit of fragility mixed in.
"I hope I wont regret having met you 'peacefully'."
While I cannot make any promises about obtaining an artifact that may held by the Kusari State Archives, if you can provide more detailed information about the nature of the artifact I will certainly make inquiries on your behalf.
As to a price for fulfilling your request, well... that will depend upon the difficulty of the task, and of course our determination of any hidden agenda you may have behind it!
If your intentions are indeed peaceful and true, it will be my honour to do business with a fellow connoisseur of the fine arts, however I am sure you can understand my hesitation in taking your request at face value.
I will await any further information you can provide, and in the meantime the pleasure has been all mine Musou san.
Munen forces herself to smile and appear friendly and calm.
"Konbanwa... Chiaki-'san'.
as I said, my interest in that piece of art is mostly of nostalgic nature. The information I gave you is all I have and yet should be sufficient enough, if you really have the kind of contacts you claim you have.
It was exhibited in the New Tokyo Museum quite a while ago and its track was lost. I assume -if- your contacts are useful, they will be able to use this information well enough.
Or do artifacts and other pieces of art disappear on a daily basis nowadays on Planet New Tokyo? I wouldn't be surprised I admit..."
She stops herself from starting a hate speech against the Kusari 'lawfuls' and 'quasi-alwfuls' and instead smiles with false modesty and bows her head slightly.
"All I need to know is where it is located and potentially who the owner is. That is all.
Either way, arigato for replying to my call...
I do apologise, but there are a great many artifacts held by the Kusari Stare Archives... If you have a particular interest in one, I will need some detailed information, as to find one, out of thousands, based on your *personal* opinion of it is not enough information to go by.
I will need some real information to work on, or if you are willing, maybe, a week or two clean of cardamine may help refresh your memory?
I apologise, but stating that you have seen a particular piece in the Museums of Planet New Tokyo is really not enough for us to work on. I hope you can provide further details!
"I am not even surprised by your cluelessness about the 'Orange Dream' and the -enhancing- effects it has. Maybe we should share one at some point?"
Munen smiles slightly sinister.
"You requested further information, you shall receive it. I'm sure you will start to be more interested, if you'll find out that this piece of art is indeed real and of utmost importance to me personally... and maybe you'll start to take this 'business' more seriously, hai?"Her voice became very soft and her look seems like she's promising rewards beyond Minoru's imagination. She bows her head in false modesty and smiles alluring.
"I really hope you can be of help, Chiaki-'sama'."
Firstly, arigato for your offer of sharing with me, but that is an invitation I must... decline.
The information you have provided certainly should be useful, if our contacts in the other syndicates can find the piece at all, this should be enough for them to work with. I will pass the information on and see what they turn up.
When I have any progress to report, I will of course be in touch.
In the meantime, I would like to leave you with the promise that I indeed take ALL business most seriously!
I apologise for the delay in my response, however I am sure you understand the need to properly verify my information before passing it over to you.
It is my regret to inform you that my contacts are currently unaware of the whereabouts of this particular artifact. It was indeed on display on New Tokyo, but was sold to an unidentified private collector and has not been seen in public since.
I will certainly be in touch if any further information comes to light.
In the meantime, it has been a pleasure conversing with you Musou san.