I'm just going to put aside your pvp-elitist attitude for a bit.
You know, i have no problem with pew despite my obvious below average pvp skills. I dont mind if i die, because its usually the final sequence of an RP encounter. I do have issue with lolwuts capwhores just looking for their next blue to sniff to enhance their e-peen.
You're right, i doubt i could find the RP'ers in the pile of lolwuts and pewwhores in Liberty. So i go elsewhere for RP. Bretonia, Omicrons, Rheinland and Kusari (i spend a lot of time there actually). That way i can get RPz and pews. i usually die, but i still feel satisfied in the end. I cant really find that in Liberty.
It's all about subjective value. i get value even from dying when the RPz and pews are fun. I dont find value in getting stomped by 'uberleet pvp acez' and lolwut cap brigades. see the different sides of the coin?
I have spoken on this issue before, but it appears a re-iteration is required.
Different people come to this community with different expectations. Some expect a hardcore and complete RP experience, which this server does not cater to. Most people come for quote 'casual' RP, which is the possibility to roleplay your character with considerably reduced chance of any sort of permanent failure state. Others are enamored by the PvP systems we have in place, and enjoy shooting other people and refining their skills, looking for challenges. Some people enjoy the POB system and all that entails, putting in the hard work to create something they can call their own. Some people enjoy writing stories and interactions on the forums. The hard rules of this community are centered primarily around preserving a very basic RP fabric and do not extend beyond that, to allow different styles of play to flourish and interact.
With these facts firmly on the table, let's continue. While you may consider it deplorable that the server seems to disregard your wishes for RP, keep in mind that nobody has an obligation to RP with you. You might have ran into people who just want to get a shipment to their POB sorted, or someone who's headed to a brawl. Some people prefer to talk within their closeted groups and will not freely interact with other people. These are equally valid playstyles adopted by people who have an equal right to play on the server in a manner they see fit as long as they meet the basic criteria necessary to continue playing on the server.
Be accepting of these choices. You may or may not be any good at PvP, you may find POB supplying boring as hell. Understand that other people disagree and tolerate these choices at the least, take part in other activities with other people, and they will take part in roleplay with you even if it may not necessarily be their primary interest. There have been, and continue to be, people on this server who wouldn't give a rat's ass about roleplaying beyond the casual, but are exceptionally good people in their own right and I've enjoyed interacting with them during my time here.
Keep playing the game, participate in the variety of activities this server has to offer, derive enjoyment from it. This is a multiplayer game, go forth and interact with people. People sitting in their little cliques of like-minded people snarking at everyone else will be the true fate of this community, rather than any extremist notions of a final nail or a decision that finally drives everyone away.
This gif is an acceptable summation of my thoughts.
It's server for pews, it always was. But we call it RP with a reason: you shouldn't simply attack first ship you see. You may attack chars that are hostile to your char by their written RP. It means there is some story that puts them on enemy side for you. You do it wrong - you get sanction. That's all RP we really have granted.
If it was RP server, we'd go to Conn to practise our RP.
But, you can chat with others in space too, if you want to use full potential of the server. You do it according to your story and in case they feel like chatting too. It's really hard to find, mate. Some can't speak English, some have nothing to say. Some simply have no imagination, or can't express any thoughts. Too many users of Internet never read a book. Not to mention some good piece of Sci-Fi novel. Reading books is slow and boring. So is RP-ing.
So... /1, /2, right mouse button - wtf.
In the other hand, our forum RP is huge and complex. Where are all those people when we feel like chatting in space? Does anyone fly any more, except for raids and events?
God, Fluffyball, you're so... wrong, I don't even know where to start.
Worry not, many people around had their own faith crisises, yet they're still here.
So, you're talking about setting some standarts. I ask you to refer to common sense.
If a pirate meets transport, would he be interested in lifestory of captain, his wife and uncle John? Unlikely. Cargo and destination? Maybe, but still unlikely. Captain's money? Hell yes!
Then if policeman walks to scene above, his primary concern would be safety of transport, easiest way to achieve it is disabling pirate spacecraft. Again, no time for stories.
Almost all basic encounters are about "2milordie" or "ureddie". That's OK. And more than that, IT IS ROLEPLAY, because, you know, pirate should pirate, terrorist should terrorize and military officer should stop them.
That's exact reason why I've never bothered with my detailing characters background and biography. I can't imagine encounter, where I would be willingly telling someone my character's secrets.
Surely, there's place for hardcore RP, where people are writing extencive forum background and talking in space for hours. But that's minor part of Discovery, not major one.
And here we're encountering another problem. It's just my point of view. And it's point of agressive bluemsg hunter, who doesn't really care about roleplay (cause when people are roleplaying with right hand, they're calling for reinforcements in Skype with their left hand) and barely plays Discovery nowadays.
I read this topic last night on my Phone on a wifi setup but didnt post just yet.
I do understand being a HC rper myself (At least in game) that its very frustrating. There are some people in official factions unofortiniatly not rping.
People kudo me on my nomad rp despite being an indy nomad for instance, where as sorry to say but Core| attacks on sight at Freeport 11 for instance. My nommy does often get metagamed in croms. In Delta when I last time RPed, some core people meta'd and launched from FP 11 when I was rping with o'Rhu vessels. This in my opinion is a shame and a example of blue message hunting. Same with my AI chars, when 'we' are supposed at war with Core hunters, and Nomads, core only does battleship missions, or blatanlty decides to murder without trying to get tech for theyr APM part.
Zayne - A pirate can pirate which is fine, but if its not fun - which I will give an example by:
On my trader I often meet these type of pirates.
Pirate: Cut your engines now so I can scan your cargo to see if there is anything of worth!
Me: Yes, sir!
Pirate: You will give me(or us if its say a gb, I doubt 1 person flys a gb) as much of your cargo that we can filL or we will board you and keep you a slave.
Me: Why, ir, Can we not nagotiate? How about I can give you x amount of credits.
And so on. Its not that hard.
And yes, While metagaming happens, many people who are a good rper will not etc.
At 6.86 I had some nice encounters with some OC vessels, which slaved my char etc. I am not sure if that rp is still aboat, or that story. I posted it somewhere in the story forums.
I even went as far as keeping that char 'tractored in' which ment I created a new char so I could leave her logged off. Eventually rescue came from by a bounty hunter.
That is great rp and stuff. But its not that far you have to go. Entertain us, and make rp interesting. Just writing on forums is not needed when you can RP in game too.
Offcourse Roleplay has to come from both sides.
If you find as a pirate a good rper' you usually get rewarded with fun and credits in the end.
I don't want to side with anyone or offend anyone here, but I'd like to point out that I've gotten some of the most logical and entertaining RP from people who were commonly accused of being "PVP-whore lolwhuts" by people who proudly considered themselves "RP elitists", and I've seen some of the dumbest most boring RP here coming from the same "RP elitists".
I'd also like to state my belief that admins should discourage or forbid the use of names like Poop.Torpedo, Sirlagsalot, Almighty.Golanski, Absolute.Nuissance, no matter who uses them. They are obviously OORP, destroy immersion, and encourage a spirit of stupid and trolling.
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(08-05-2015, 12:25 PM)Dove Wrote: I'd also like to state my belief that admins should discourage or forbid the use of names like Poop.Torpedo, Sirlagsalot, Almighty.Golanski, Absolute.Nuissance, no matter who uses them. They are obviously OORP, destroy immersion, and encourage a spirit of stupid and trolling.
Signed , I know they are suppose to be funny, but I'd wonder how would someone run around with being called Poop Torpedo , even for a nickname ..
Unfortunately , naming conventions are only prohibiting vulgar of offensive names, not senseless ones.
(08-05-2015, 12:31 PM)Oldum Wrote: Signed , I know they are suppose to be funny, but I'd wonder how would someone run around with being called Poop Torpedo , even for a nickname ..
Unfortunately , naming conventions are only prohibiting vulgar of offensive names, not senseless ones.
Does anyone remember the bombers with nice painted names on the sides saying 'Shoo shoo shoo baby'.
"Sir that ain't a role play name for your WWII bomber, you must use your name and surename"