Allow me to personally thank you for assisting the Initiative in recovering Maverick O'Howell and the Monument Cincinnati. The ship its self sustained minor damage, but its nothing we cant fix. In case you're wondering about what John/SirLagsalot said about some "Tundra mark two", let me explain. The Cincinnati, is a rather sophisticated Monument. Its role in the Navy was support, yet the vessel was equipped with Stealth equipment, specialized Armour and weaponry to operate well enough on its own. It'll be deployed to service as an F.O.B, C.A.S and Front line vessel during recovery and support operations.
As for the Tundra, John doesn't know what he's talking about. We have no intention of mounting K'haran technology on The Cincinnati. It just wouldn't work without necessary adaptation, which is difficult and costly already. Its never going to happen. The Monument-Class isn't even large enough to house the Dawnbreaker, and couldn't muster enough energy without causing a meltdown to gauge a response. The chassis couldn't handle the additional weight. The Dawnbreaker requires a unique vessel designed to maintain it. I'm not going to get into details about said ship.
The weapon its self is the result of months of adaptation research on a K'Haran Singularity Cannon recovered by SirLagsalot himself. Its original intention was... Less than friendly, and that's an understatement when discussing a scaled up Singularity generator. Anyways, the prototype detonated on one of our earlier crafts, an Oasis liner serving as a mobile base platform. What was recovered is currently being examined to determine why it fired on its own. Our exact intention with the remains of that project, much like others we've recovered, is to stabilize and secure it. Keeping it well away from groups, individuals and factions that might do harm. Sure, someday it might see deployment, to serve as a living testament to the dangers messing with such things can create, but that wont happen anytime soon.
For now, Maverick and the crew are enjoying some well earned rest, and the Cincinnati will be getting a full damage assessment soon. As for us, however, I'm keeping this channel open, for future opportunities of cooperation between Auxesia and The Initiative. I've also been instructed to offer you what I offered in the past, which is limited access to our resources, information and so forth. We can also offer access to any connections we have, should you require anything in specific. For now, it was a pleasure, and I do hope we work together again.
I suppose that clear some things up, although, it still somewhat worries me that you currently hold such a powerful piece of equipment. It's good to know that you're aware of the techincal setbacks, but one would wonder of your intents with such a device?
Though, as you would imagine, I have some other queries.
You always mentioned that you're being instructed, who is your higher in the Initiative? Additionally, I couldn't help but notice the... mental state of Maverick through his speech, I was beginning to question his health at the end of that flight, as he said things in a ... less than sane manner.
Concerning operations, cooperation may be possible, but it'll depend on the subject of where, when, and who. We don't know what your reputation is with organisations across Sirius, as such we'd like to be weary on what our actions are, as it may negatively affect us in the long run.
If the request for assistance meets the criteria, we'd be happy to help, although do note that we have some internal issues that we wish to sort out firstly before we can do any extensive operations.
While many of the individuals within our organization have questionable records, I can assure you we have no intention of using that weapon for its original purpose. Like the Cincinnati, it'll be deployed as Field Support and a mobile F.O.B. A monument to the sins humanity can create, where once it was meant to destroy, it now protects its self, and other machinations from the hands of those who would use them for their own purpose.
Above me, sits Mister Hunt and the Artificial Intelligence, Sting Ray, who has been less cooperative lately. Our structure is difficult to understand, as a lot has been happening lately. These are difficult times, yet perserverance is not lacking.
Our organizations reputation is based off of individuals who are a part of the Initiative, thus making it touch and go. Its no doubt that after this stunt, Liberty will be on the lookout for the Phantoms. Thus, we'll be sending a second wing to operate in that area for the meantime. Older, but reliable. Funnily enough, the Cincinnati still had a wing of BDR-804 "Guardian" strike craft still on board, one of which Maverick is keeping. We've yet to decide what to do with the other three.
I digress. There arent many who know about the Initiative, but a lot of people know our names. Thats the best way to describe our reputation. We send out personnel who are less likely to cause a dispute, have had no contact with the faction in question or have become close friends with them. Thus keeping ourselves as neutral as possible.
I'm sure you've got more questions, and I'd be happy to answer them.
Prior to my incapacitation, during the development of the device in question, he had actually succeeded in convincing me to not deploy it for what I had planned. He explained the irrationalities behind my ideals. Unfortunately, Augustin had a reputation of mistrust deceit. He might have assumed he wasnt successful, or that I was lying. Who knows? Everyone was out of the loop. Now that its out of the way, I intend on putting it behind us. Thankfully, I've been refreshed on the more recent events.
As for me, I don't intend on betraying anyone anymore. Theres more important things to be worried about. If you have trouble believing that, then I dont know what to say beyond "only time will tell". I don't believe that I could have orchestrated this series of events while I was on a chopping table for seven months, thats a little ridiculous.
Let me assure you that, despite this change of faces, nothing has changed. Currently, we had an internal dispute, followed by a friendly fire incident. Now, we're focused on repairing the Monument. So, I'm going to reach out to some contacts for shipyard access and components. If you need us, call.
Reports indicate a large amount of extra-terrestrial activity occuring accross the boards, and we haven't been able to confirm such ourselves. What news might you have on this? How aggressive are their movements? Is there any pattern in their movements? Do you require support? A lot of questions, I know, but for the safety of mankind, its a small price.
Additionally, knowing your organizations goals, and for the purpose of solidifying a positive relationship between Auxesia and The Initiative, I'll give you some updates on us.
Dawnbreaker: Currently being salvaged and re-analyzed. Construction pending.
Fleet assets:
Penitence - Blueprint phase.
U.F - Scylla-Class Destroyer - Drydock, pending refit, core malfunction, hull deteriorating due to corrosion: Rust.
Most of these assets are unavailable currently, but we can offer support should things be worse than we assume. Additionally, monetary support is available, as well as logistics, intelligence and whatever else you might require.
"You may know /us/ as ERIDIAN, we are communicating to /you/ in place of /Keeper Raven/ due to "feminine medical inflictions" as she put it to /us/. This is only a temporary replacement. "
"/We/ digress. "
"Please take these sighting reports. These documents were extracted from our databanks from /our/ 'kin'"
"These sightings aren't the full documentation of every single encounter within the /Liberty/ sector. Whilst numbers have been high, the local Militaries and groups have been countering off the public attacks, and /we/ have been forcing the /hostile entities/ where possible. "
"Additionally, /we/ apologise for the delay, as ... " Some restraint is heard, almost a type of grudge as they say this." /Auxesia/ has been busy in the recent solar 'days'"
"It also deems important to forewarn the /Hunt/ of an individual who is supposedly attempting to retrieve a 'carrier' of theirs. This /entity/ goes by the nickname of 'Joker' - this vessel was last sighted within the recent 'solar days' - It was seen with Order escorts, which ended in the result that /Raven/ had engaged with this /Joker/ - the initial trigger of this is what the humans would say: "They pissed her off" - as such; /she/ proceeded to obliterate his vessel, destroying the data on the ship."
"The /Joker/ entity claims to be affiliated with a organisations named /The Hunters/ who wish to seek out the /Initiative/ and to retrieve an /Artifact/ from /your/ collective. Nothing more can be clarified concerning the incident involving /Raven/. "
Thank you for the reports and images. Their movements seem more centralized in Liberty than before, and its good to know your forces and the local military are handling this.
As for this "Joker"...
I have not encountered these Hunters, as they call themselves, nor him personally. Any interest or even knowledge of our operations is something thats considered too dangerous to circulate, as such I'd like to ask your forces to avoid any contact with "Joker" and his asociates until their exact intentions, and the artifact in question that they seek, is revealed to us. In the meantime, I will personally send a message of warning to the individual in question.
Again, we've opened our available resources to you should you need them. A section of Control Station: AEGIS is currently being made available to house Auxesia forces in the Omega region.