And yes, it's still Star Wars. It has Star Wars spirit and so on. I've liked new characters, especially Rey.
And Kylo Ren isn't your typical Epic Powerful Dark Lord of Darkness. He's weak, almost pathetic, trying to be worthy of mantle of his grandfather and expectations of Snoke and dramatically failing in that. Even he himself realises that, so he releases his frustration on some unimportant tech. And that's good, that's new, that's the Dark Side we've never seen.
But I can't forgive terrible script. So... an important Good Guys Organisation figure with piece of important information is about to be captured by Bad Guys Organisation. He decides to hide information in his loyal droid and release him on sandy planet, while giving himself in to Bad Guys Organisation to cover droid's escape. Later Main Hero meets said droid, while Evil Guys Organisation tries to find said droid on sandy planet, eventually destroying place, where Main Hero lived and so on...
Remind me, where I've seen that?
Also, I can't believe in such change in Big Three.
So... Luke's apprentice decided to turn evil and Luke did what? Runs to unknown place to meditate for 20 years? That's not Luke I knew.
Leia and Han's son turned evil cause of granddaddy issues so they just gave up on him and their relationship?
May I remind you, that in EU they've lost their youngest son to war, then their elder son turned evil and almost conquered the galaxy and then their daughter killed their son. And in the process not Han, nor Leia never gave up on their ideals and family. That's the Han and Leia I knew.
New Han decides to throw everything away and get back to smugglers life. He's someone else.
Zayne, that what you've described at the end of your post is the main concept which they took to work on but had to change drastically - the story about the grandchildren of Anakin aka Darth Vader. I guess you know this story but for those that read this thread and did not get whats going on in the 7th movie I will write down a summary considering the original currently "thrown away" info and how it was implemented here.
Leia and Han had originally three children - Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo, while Luke and Mara Jade had Ben Skywalker. Jacen was apprentice to Luke Skywalker for many years but was seduced to the dark side by the first Sith female - Lumia (which is the first one to use laser whip instead of sword). Jacen become her apprentice and proved to be like Vader - cruel - killing Mara Jade and Ben Skywalker in the process and becoming Darth Caedus, later the New Emperor. Han and Leia were devastated, as well as Luke. I don't remember well but I think he went on an exile for some time. Later he came back and with assistance of Jacen's twin sister - Jaina - Darth Caedus was defeated. (For those interested to learn more - simply write down these names in wookipedia and read the info - its very deep and very long).
So how did they implemented that story in the current movie? Well, when they released the teaser and said "30 years after battle of Endor" I knew they will get involved these "grandchildren" of Vader cuz they were the "next step" of the story of Skywalker - and most logical one. Doing a movie about Jedi Academy or this lizard Desann would be hilariously out of the line, considering the 6th movie and how it ended. Sadly they released info where it was stated that the old info (that we all fans knew from wookipedia) would not be taken as canon version for this movie - so it was normal a lot to be changed but the facts remained - Leia and Han were about to have a child for sure, so instead of 3 they cast 1 on the screen. Instead of using his original name (Jacen) they named it Ben, cuz definitely Rey was prepared to be Luke's lost child and instead it to be a boy - was made a girl for some good reasons. So, Ben aka Kylo Ren (or Jacen aka Darth Caedus )was turned to the dark side...not by Lumia but by "Snoke", who is taking her role as replacement master for Ren. Kylo then killed all students of Luke, where obviously he got assistance from other rogue jedi (knights of ren - new group not mentioned in the old info). Luke was unable to kill them probably because he was trying not to get angry enough to turn to the dark side instantly and ruin the whole he decided to flee and go to exile. That info from the movie about the "First Jedi Temple" is new info and I don't know what Disney will think to do about it but my theory is there on this unknown planet was build the first temple of the Force - where the first ever force sensitive children were trained to become the first ever Jedi...again this is my theory considering what we saw from 7th movie.
For me - they necessarily had to change this "old info" we knew in order to present the same material in a better more easily understandable way to the public and most importantly - to those that stick only to the movies and did not know what was written to happen. To be honest they did great in changing the "grandchildren" by involving a female character directly. Overall the movie did felt star wars and even if a lot of things were similar to the "New Hope" - they were necessity. Take the "Death Star III aka Starkiller Base" - yes its "sphere" cuz its planet and it yet again fires a super laser beam...but what it did this time? Blowing of 4 planets instantly and removing the "New Republic" from the galaxy far far away, for a blink of an eye. Of course it was about to be blown...but that does not matter. What matters is the death of Han Solo which was also a very important necessary step in order to progress the Kylo Ren development - further fall to the dark side. Anakin Skywalker killed young lings...hundreds of them in the temple and Kylo had to kill an old man? Well...yes he was his father but still its a good movie step forward. In the old story Caedus (Kylo Ren) - killed Luke's wife and his own son...but would that be of a great impact to the fans? A random nobody wife and unknown child? They changed it to look more shocking and tied it down to their movie plot. These steps - I understand why they had to do them.
I don't want to be a judge to why they had to do "this" or "that" - its important for me as fan to see grandchildren of Vader fulfill their destiny and participate properly in "star wars". How Disney gonna implement them nor what kind of plot they are about to use - none of us can tell but guess. We can only speculate, considering what we know from the old info even if they said they wont use it for their movies...and yet they did used it as guidence. Lets hope they will use more "old info" to foreseen whats coming next.
My assumptions for the 8th movie are that Rey is Luke's daughter and will be inheriting a new way to master the force, considering that Luke was gone for a lot of time but instead to eat roots like Yoda - he was searching for this unknown Temple of Power. So if he trains her in that power she can become more powerful jedi than all those before, possibly bringing something new on the table that we haven't seen yet on the screen (like Kylo Ren projectile "freeze" move, which is an improved "force stasis" from the old republic game (kotor) - the same move he used on Rey to paralyze her). Kylo Ren will be trained even further by Snoke and we will see more about this character hidden agenda, like who is he and why is he so much damaged. I think its the revived Emperor in his new body (considering that the Emperor came back to life 3 times, one of which he even made Luke his apprentice for a while) but maybe that will be not welcomed well by the public, so if Snoke is force sensitive, strong in the dark side random someone - fine. What we know about Ren is that he wants to be like Vader and maybe he will hit that level of power...which would be equal to what Rey will learn from Luke. My guess is that 8th movie will prepare them both - main characters - and train them for the final duel in 9th where possibly...Ren will be saved instead of killed like Vader, leaving the star wars with not one "remnant" but two Skywalkers.
There must always be a Skywalker in Star Wars no matter if a villain alone or a hero - so my final assumption is that "IF" Rey is not Luke's dather then simply Ben will be left as the only Skywalker alive to continue the line and obviously - the one to be saved, which will be very very predictable.
Why the hell did they skip 30 years? 30 years that would explain who everyone is. Alright, so we have Solo's son trained by Luke and lured to the dark side by... an ugly guy.
- How did that happen?
- Who's the ugly guy?
- After the destruction of Death Star Mk. II and the death of Emperor Palpatine, the Rebel Alliance was on a high roll. So who the hell are these very well organised dudes of the First Order?
- And why was the Rebel Alliance changed to Resistance?
- How come the New Republic wasn't aware of the massive weapon that was visible from space that the New Order was building?
So yeah... a lot of questions remained unanswered because Disney skipped 30 years of the story in order to bring several animated series or something else in that time.
But the movie was good. I hope Rey doesn't become a Jedi. She needs to love someone with those beautiful eyes. Gray Jedi maybe ^_^
Quote:So, Ben aka Kylo Ren (or Jacen aka Darth Caedus )was turned to the dark side...not by Lumia but by "Snoke", who is taking her role as replacement master for Ren. Kylo then killed all students of Luke, where obviously he got assistance from other rogue jedi (knights of ren - new group not mentioned in the old info). Luke was unable to kill them probably because he was trying not to get angry enough to turn to the dark side instantly and ruin the whole he decided to flee and go to exile.
You're making huuuuge assumptions here. I doubt there were Knights of Ren before Ben named himself Kylo. And judging by the fact, that Kylo himself isn't skilled forceuser, just knows a few tricks and he's still leader of Knights of Ren, I think most/all of those knights are initial Skywalker's students.
Quote:Overall the movie did felt star wars and even if a lot of things were similar to the "New Hope" - they were necessity. Take the "Death Star III aka Starkiller Base" - yes its "sphere" cuz its planet and it yet again fires a super laser beam...but what it did this time? Blowing of 4 planets instantly and removing the "New Republic" from the galaxy far far away, for a blink of an eye. Of course it was about to be blown...but that does not matter.
No, Death Star III wasn't necessary, just like other things we've already seen in EIV, now it looks more like remake than something original. The movie would be perfectly fine, if it was about getting Skywalker's location only, without saving the galaxy in the process. And no, I doubt New Republic would fall because it's capital system and part of its fleet was wiped out. Weakened - surely.
Quote:I don't want to be a judge to why they had to do "this" or "that" - its important for me as fan to see grandchildren of Vader fulfill their destiny and participate properly in "star wars".
Well, while Rey is 90% Skywalker, it's still not confirmed. And if Star Wars won't change direction, in the Episode IX we'll see Kylo Ren turning to light and killing Snoke at cost of his life. Do you really want that? I don't.
Quote: Lets hope they will use more "old info" to foreseen whats coming next.
No, they won't. Episode VII has zero ties to Prequels, not even single race from cantina scene was taken from there. Why would they bother with "Legends"?
Quote:I think its the revived Emperor in his new body (considering that the Emperor came back to life 3 times, one of which he even made Luke his apprentice for a while)
Lucas, deliver us from such evil. Dark Empire is one of the worst part of "Legends" and I doubt someone regret its deletion from canon.
I agree with you on other points.
P.S. I've also started reading Foster's novelization in hopes that it would do to EVII same thing Stover's novelization did to EIII.
P.P.S. Goddamn, my writing english became rusty, since I've stopped actively playing disco.
Was it me or was darth whatsitface totally Snape mk2? His face was long and kinda disturbing.
Kinda disappointed by the movie though.
Only visited 4 planets. The plot was just straightforward as crap. Yeah, they developed more into the Empire and how they work, but so much felt left out. Shame that the darth wasn't developed more into either.
I'd do a proper review, but spacechrist, idiots ruined the feelings misé en scéne for me, which in turn only made me feel less about the movie.
They ended it on a linear cliffhanger, obviously making us ask who the "one" is, or why they're doing it, etc.
1) You got me wrong - what you said that all rogue jedi that joined Ren are possibly Skywalker initial students was exactly what I had in mind. I did (...) just to mark that these were later known to be the "knights of Ren", not that they named themselves like that during this new purge.
2) I read a lot of reviews and info about the movie, now that its out a lot of it is legit - for example go to wookipedia, type down whatever you think of from the 7th movie and read...yesterday I did that and understood more about the movie. For example type starkiller base and you will find out that the New Republic, its 4 new planets were "utterly destroyed"...their newly formed "government planet" equal to Corsuscant is gone. Currently the galaxy far far away is governless and in chaos.The Order wanted to punish the "rebels/republic" for what they did to the Empire so working on building an advanced super death star (considering that was the only weapon revealed so far to kill a planet) is logical move. They have the plans...they know how to build it and instead to re-build it, they've done something far more scarry and powerful to use against their arch-enemy and remove them quickly from the field. Resistance is weaker and desperately fighting off the tons of imperial remnants - one of which are the "first order" but we know they are not the only group. If Disney is ready to bring more like them or not - we don't know. But I would enjoy to see Thrawn's Armada
3) I also don't want to see something obvious...tbh I am confused a lot because Kylo was the first "confused" open "dark side" user in star wars that reveals his "fears" and "doubts" about the dark side (we saw that from his experience when trying to mind control Rey and take the information from her). He is really really interesting character and definitely reckless and when you watch him you are clueless of his next what he might do I really don't know - but he is throwing away everything in order to become Vader...imagine he achieve that...then what? Would he be more powerful and in return far more destructive than Vader or he would be weaker? I really don't know and that is why currently - I don't care what will happen I just want to find out when I see the movie and try to understand Disney why they've done it.
4) No no no "old info" I mean the wookipedia information about all these Jacen, Lumia stuff and tons of a lot more we both know, not the prequels nor originals....Tbh the best way to guess what is coming is to re-reading Jacen story arc as well as Luke one - cuz I am sure they will definitely at least read it once and might be inspired by something.
5) Yea...bringing back the emperor would be well, nothing special but...dont you want to hear his voice again - he was the most powerful sith ever lived (overall) - not only cuz he mastered "Force Storm" - power that let him teleport to distant universe when Vader thrown him in the pit (end of 6th movie) but primary cuz he was carrier to the "power to immortality" owned by Plagueis on top of that he was an Emperor and total ruler of the killing him off just like that when we knew he had this knowledge was meeh. I mean he definitely would try to come back to life (in case he is alive) but if Disney/lucas decided to kill him for good...well fine.
I want to see someone WORTH to act like a boss...Ren's weak powers and undisciplined combat style was refreshing to witness...cuz we never seen "amateur jedi/sith" in star wars and now we've seen...3 - Kylo, Rey, FIN (not a jedi but using sword - which was awesome moment because the public finally saw what means to carry light saber - super light weave and without a proper training saw Fin's movements when that stormtrooper hit him with the electrical club ) But yea - Kylo is young and who knows how much powerful he would be after 20 years (he is 29 in the movie) cuz Vader true power was at his 35-40. As for Snoke...meh...that scar on his head reminds me of darth vader (after we saw him helmless) but its crazy assumption definitely out of the line, still that is the first thing to imagine when I saw him. We will see #soon.
Between idk if you are aware but Hayden is training in order to participate in 8th movie...that is known I mean its not a spoiler - but fans are going crazy what he will be doing. One super crazy idea is that considering the new order are using yet again clones...(like FIN) then they might try to clone Vader by using Ren's DNA (somehow) or simply take part of the mask (tissue or who knows what lol) to clone Anakin. If that happens imagine him coming back - normal not as Vader, but far more powerful as he would be.
And of course the not so crazy rumors are that Hayden will be simply part of a flashback memory/vision of great importance. Again, we willl wait and see #soon.
(12-21-2015, 12:31 AM)Nyx Wrote: Was it me or was darth whatsitface totally Snape mk2? His face was long and kinda disturbing.
If you refer to Plagueis (the master of Sidiuos) - look this. Not very close and Disney said its not him - but I really hope it will end up to be him
(12-21-2015, 12:31 AM)Nyx Wrote: Only visited 4 planets.
In New Hope they visited 2, so considering the similarities its well...fine. The important fact remains in the knowledge about the siblings of Anakin, that is why Solo's death is fine and ppl should accept it. He served his purpose well and was really not going to help any further considering his age. Also, he was not "Skywalker". Killing Luke and turning him in to "Obi-Wan II" would not be bad but well...I really would like to see "active" restore of the Jedi, temples, studtens, trainers - not more useless force shadow/holograms ;D