"Sending out overt warnings will only further the aggression, and may do harm to the future plans generated for the cause - thus /we/ suggest you do not send out any warnings. "
"Data extracted from a communication that was sent out to /Raven/ indicates that the individual that identifies as /R.J./ or /The Seeker - "Joker"/ intends to 'seek out' their Carrier which was supposedly used in an experiment and destroyed. The individual desires to use the artifact in order to 'shoot down' a /Nomad/ city. "
"This one also suggests through their words that they have a warship named the Hellbender. "
"/Raven/ sent /us/ the information after being informed of queries about the 'Joker' - thus, /we/ can only provide what /she/ will supply /us/. "
"Concerning housing in the /Omega/ region - /our/ operations will on-going within Bretonia, Taus, Liberty, and the Independant Worlds until we [DISCLOSING INFORMATION] "amend forces". - as such, the kind gesture is thankful, but unneeded for now. "
The facility will be prepped, regardless of if you'll use it or not. A pit stop well beyond your operating zone, should you find yourselves out here.
Again, I don't know about his Carrier, and I really doubt he's located anything capable of penetrating the raw energy resonance surrounding one of the Hypergate nodes accross Sirius, otherwise I'd have it already... unless... He trails off
Regardless, by the time you had responded, the message was already sent. I can deal with repecussions. Sometimes aggrivating someone can get you quite a lot of useful bits.. I think Pierce set that example.
This man, being in posession of a warship is inconsequential. Whatever it is, it wont last long against our defenses, fleet, and other machinations at our disposal.
Unfortunately, despite our best efforts to negotiate, a Cretan strike force openly engaged the Navarro refinery that housed Control Station: AEGIS. A lot of data was lost, and many of our projects were relocated to the Sovereign and Cincinnati's hold temporarily, until we reach a backup operating zone. Fourteen people, a mix of security personnel, technicians and civilians, lost their lives in this attack..
Until such a time comes, when we have re-established ourselves, our offer is temporarily withdrawn.
One of your scouts was spotted within an infested zone, specifically Newcastle. Be advised that we are currently investigating the structure. Fireteam Artemis is on point, and is available for fire support should Auxesia arrive to combat this invasion. The Artemis is on hand to provide AWACS support and limited combat support. Reinforcements are unavailable at this time.
Further information will be relayed once available. This is what I've feared for well around a year, since I first began investigating Point Delta. Without direct support, I doubt the Bretonians will last long.
We've had a similar scenario occur in Kusari a month ago roughly and we are well aware of what the K'Harans could be capable of in this scenario. For now, we'll be on standby at the scenario with the local forces, until things lighten up. Should things go 'down south' - we'll take action. Bretonia is stronger than you think.
I'd also like to take this time to ask you if you are well? It's saddening to hear that even the Cretans cannot contain their lust for destruction on innocent individuals.
Additionally, I apologise if ERIDIAN's ... form of communication was hard to comprehend, I wasn't available for taking care of any business on the Neural Net.
Its alarming to know this structure had made an appearance previously, though at the time I was incapacitated. I have the utmost faith in Bretonia's perserverance, but even against The Nomads, a nation can fall in a matter of hours.
The Corsairs, when I knew them, stood for honor. They've successfully stabbed one of their last remaining friends in that side of the sector right in the back. We've all survived worse, together and individually. A stubborn enough person can survive just about anything. Man's will to live will overpower all else. We're back on track, but without a facility to make repairs on many of our vessels, The Cincinnati included, we may end up stranded. Our populace is scattered amongst our craft. The Sovereign, our carrier, has an extra four-hundred heads on board.