NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: HIGH
From: Constable Blake Sullivan, Planet Leeds Hospital
To: Sir Alan Lauderdale
Subject: Gaians...
First, I'm quite alright. The hospital set up some equipment for me because of my frequent visits, and Leeds was nearby.
There is a good reason I'm sending this only to you.
My relations with the Gaians seem to have gotten considerably more friendly. Every time I see one in Bretonian space and ask it to leave, it does so without argument, and it's gotten to the point where even those normally quick to fire on police have let me pass peacefully.
One in particular, one you're likely to be familiar with if you've read my past reports, seems to have taken a particular liking to me. I suggested that she take her fundraising activities to Kusari, and - having already heard about her painting inside her ship - I figured that if I mentioned what a friend told me about the beauty of the nebulae in Kusari space, she'd be a little more willing to go... well, I believe she misinterpreted me slightly.
Her comms were closed before I could react, but upon further reflection... this could be a good thing. Many of the constables have a very low opinion of the Gaians, some even referring to them as madmen. However, I think that if I continue this, I may be able to - with permission, of course - smooth over relations between them and the other factions, at least to reduce the hostility if nothing else.
I eagerly await your response, and hope you support this endeavor.
NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: NORMAL
From: Sgt Roxburg
To: NSY, Sir Lauderdale
Subject: Retirement
My dear friends,
I have regret to announce that the Seargent Roxburg and DRS Charles Heydon will soon be withdrawn from active service. Sgt Roxburg part in retirement on the planet Cambridge following a request from him and Pilots Heydon was converted in the civilian as a navigator on a Bowex's ship.
"Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam et lingua eius loquetur indicium." The mouth of the Just annouce the Wisdom and his tongue proclaims the Justice.
NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: NORMAL
From: Constable Gregory Vederman
To: NSY, Sir Lauderdale
Subject: Patrol Report and SRD request
Good day sirs,
A few days ago, I went out for a patrol from Planet New London, only to find Constables Sullivan, McGuire, and Price along with Ensign Gonta already out. I met up with them, and proceeded to the Leeds system. There we decided it would be prudent to set up Constable Price's SRD unit. With three constables already occupied with that, I decided it would be more prudent to manage traffic in Leeds with Ensign Gonta. A good thing, too, as I spotted a smuggler callsigned Hakiski smuggling Beryllium to Kusari. I explained to him the situation, the implications of his route, and what he would be charged with (Treason to the Bretonian Nation through smuggling and misconduct) if he did not immediately dock with Stokes Smelter and drop off his Beryllium. He denied my request several times, and even fired on me, and all the while I was forced to ignore the NLH_Butterfly near LD-14 because of this uncooperative smuggler. After what had to be ten warning, I was forced to terminate him. I then moved to LD-14 and asked the Gaian to quietly leave. She cooperated without a question, and moved with the utmost speed. Ms. Butterfly seems quite docile, I must say, cooperating at every chance she gets. A picture perfect example of a Gaian, if you ask me.
On a side note, I would like to request a spot in the SRD unit. Even with the return of the QCRF, more people on our Response Division is a good thing, for those tough spots when the QCRF are not around. It would be my pleasure to serve my adopted country better as serving in the SRD unit if I could.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: NORMAL
From: Constable Duncan M'guire
To: New Scotland Yard, Sir Lauderdale
Subject: Patrol Report.
Short report today, as my hussar's systems were adversly affected by the ion storm today.
Seems Leeds is a haven for pirates, in that when I arrived in system, there were two of 'em there.
I ran into one, a freelance hacker far from home who called me a pirate and asked for help from police! The gall of some fellows! Or was it ignorance?
The other was Clover, who I'd ran into before, who was, as she described it, "watching the sun" from the tradelanes near LD-14. Sadly I was unable to ask any further questions as the storm hit...
NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: NORMAL
From: Constable Duncan M'guire
To: New Scotland Yard
Subject: Patrol Report
Evenin' gents,
Not too much to report this time. Only 3 things of note.
QCO ensign Serg Gonta and I took care of a lane hacker gunboat, callsign "[GH]-Boon" in the Manchester system. Bloody good torpedoes he had!
After Mr. Gonta had returned to the planet this boon returned to manchester. And he left without problem once I ordered.
Tailed a smuggler by the name of "Vidal". Was carrying counterfeit software, but refused to pay the fine. Even after I explained that he'd keep his software. He gave all sorts of excuses, blaming all from pirates to police. I suggest adding to the wanted list.
Found yet another smuggler by the callsign "Okefenokee.Freight.Co" who was transporting large quantities of Cardimine. Again he led me on a chase which ended at the Omega-5 jump hole. He seemed that he was a regular smuggler, so a good watch should be in order.
NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: LOW
From: Sir Alan Lauderdale
To: Cons. Blake Sullivan
Subject: Gaians
I must say that you might have gotten yourself into a rather...precarious situation. The BPA's policy with Gaians is that they are to be engaged without hesitation. Regardless of the reason why, Gaians are known ecoterrorists. As an instituation, they are dangerous, and even though individuals of the organization might seem harmless, once they have an assignment in hand, you might find "Butterfly" quite dangerous.
On the other hand, I suggest that members of the NLH not necessarily be engaged on sight as expected. They have, for the most part, stayed out of the way of the long highway of the law, and we'll give them some leniency regarding enforcement.
Finally, regarding romantic escapades...not during duty, please, Mr. Sullivan. Feel free to take her out though!
NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: NORMAL
From: Sir Alan Lauderdale
To: Constable Gregory Vederman
Subject: SRD
Welcome to the SRD, Mr. Vederman!
Remember that your SRDs are to be used only in matters of utmost urgency. Do not patrol Bretonia with one of these vessels, but respond to emergency distress calls with them. Your Hussar is still your primary vessel of engagement.
NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
Incoming Transmission...
Priority: LOW
From: Constable Blake Sullivan
To: Sir Alan Lauderdale
Subject: Romantic Escapades?
I've got ways to handle that sort of thing off duty, don't worry. And without anyone that doesn't need to know even recognizing my name. Beyond that I can only say that if something does happen... well, I'll be fine. Or hospitalized again, but I'm sure we're all used to that by now. (//1) I would, however, like to make it absolutely clear that this came from a miscommunication, I did not intend for my suggestion to her to be interpreted how it was. It just ended up that way.
On another note, I must apologize for being away from my patrols of late. I've been helping a few relatives on Leeds; my aunt recently fell ill and needed help around the house. Unfortunately, she's still needing a little help, so I'll only be available sporadically until things are straightened out. In fact, I may need to at least temporarily resign from my position...
NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
Outgoing Transmission...
Priority: NORMAL
From: Captain Joshua Cooper
To: Cpt. Ishiguro
Subject: Banking License Request
Mr Ishiguro,
your message has caused me to raise my eyebrow quite a lot. Well, first things first.
A "Banking License" is currently not necessary in Bretonian space. Granting loans can be done in one's sole discretion and is normally seen as a private act.
However, your name has stirred up quite a noise over here. It very well seems to be of Kusarian origin and, regarding our current diplomacy towards Kusari, this might create major problems.
I ask you to further identify yourself before entering Bretonia space.
NSY CommChannel Status: OPEN
Outgoing Transmission...
Priority: LOW
From: Captain Joshua Cooper
To: New Scotland Yard, BPA HQ
Subject: Patrol reports
my patrols in Bretonia these days have been pretty uneventful, so to say. I guess this is a good thing, a lower rate of criminal acts in our space is what we're working for after all.
Only two notable incidents: a Zoner, carrying H-Fuel didn't know about our freight policies. He was taught and voluntarily unloaded the freight in Manchester, on Birmingham.
The other incident went over peacefully as well; SoulStorm, a Rogue pirat, entered Leeds and appeared on my scanners, fleeing towards Newcastle. I could convince him of leaving Bretonia though and he was successfully escorted out. However, he showed a remarkable tone of disrespect and stated that future events might not pass without blazing guns. I advise everyone to look out for that individual, should he appear in Bretonia again.