An easier fix at this point is to resize existing models and standardize the Battleship class as a whole. As already mentioned in the previous posts, smaller ships of the same class will almost always have an edge over their heavier variations.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
(02-17-2016, 07:59 AM)sindroms Wrote: An easier fix at this point is to resize existing models and standardize the Battleship class as a whole. As already mentioned in the previous posts, smaller ships of the same class will almost always have an edge over their heavier variations.
(02-17-2016, 05:43 AM)Shizune Wrote: Or, you know, its just the fact light battleships are made to take on their heavier brothers and sisters
Medium ones are the middle ground for a mixture and what not
and all that fun stuff.
While I didn't take time to read this, I don't agree with it in the slightest, and the reason is dang simple, are you honestly suggesting to give heavier warships even more toys that light ones can't use? I'd be for it, if say, light battleships got a toy that let them counter their heavier brother guns
Because, I mean, as I see it, giving them 'a dreadnought gun' while all other warships get nothing, is sad, I rather see something all warships get, then just a select few.
Dreads should be the most feared cap class in the game. Hence the term "dreadnought".
I like the ideas and as Titan said dreads would have less manuverability with shorter ranged prims while lighter bs have longer ranged prims and more manuverability.
(02-17-2016, 08:44 PM)Wesker Wrote: dreads would have less manuverability with shorter ranged prims while lighter bs have longer ranged prims and more manuverability.
Wouldn't this make the issue worse?
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(02-17-2016, 08:44 PM)Wesker Wrote: dreads would have less manuverability with shorter ranged prims while lighter bs have longer ranged prims and more manuverability.
Wouldn't this make the issue worse?
nope cos you can't hit a light ship from 3.2k with slow weapons anyway, it is possible but light bs will deal more damage from 3.2k
also shorter ranged prims but more damage and DPS than longer ranged prims
2.8k is optimal range for dreadnoughts
In my opinion, with nerfing of Cerberus situation for Heavy BSes because even worse. You could channel 3 cerbs in Heavy BS almost without losing energy. Though, I am not experienced cap player and can't say much about that.
May be, giving Heavy Battleships much bigger armor could balance a bit, but that also would require to make cloaks unusable for uncloaking behind enemy.
(02-18-2016, 04:37 PM)Crackling Wrote: In my opinion, with nerfing of Cerberus situation for Heavy BSes because even worse. You could channel 3 cerbs in Heavy BS almost without losing energy. Though, I am not experienced cap player and can't say much about that.
yeah hvy battleships had huge firepower with old longrange cerberus turets
currently they are weak because they have same firepower with light and medium batleships
and it is not easy to kill them
i say heavy battleships was way more better with old cerbs
heavy battleships should have more firepower than light battleships
they can mount more heavy guns but you need luck to hit a light bs with mortars or mount cerbs and hope the light bs get close to your ship