Transmission:Online Identification:Mark Hamann Receiver:New London / Sirius Technology Center Source:Stuttgart / Solitaire Metropolis Subject:Iridium Package Encryption:High Encryption
Guten Tag,
Professor Matt Williams,
I would like to present myself again mien herr, My name is Mark Hamann, a Rheinlander business man from the New Berlin system. I am the CEO of Solitaire Metropolis found in sector 3B at Stuttgart system. I am here to talk about the package that you requested professor. I just received reports from my docking master informing that your shipment arrived at the Metropolis and being scanned as we speak. I would like to tell you that my suppliers costed me 3,000 credits for each piece of Iridium shipped from Omicron Delta to the Metropolis for you. Therefore, i am offering you professor, a price of 4,500 credits for each piece, So if your suppliers are ready, then send me a confirmation so i can arrange their docking rights permissions. That was the info about the package of Iridium that you requested, so let me know from you about the 2nd half of the deal. I mean the Gold ores shipment we talked about earlier. I will wait a reply from you as soon as possible mien herr. Have a nice day.
Sorry for the delay, I was out of the station for a business trip and I just received your message.
Okay, let's get in business my friend, we could accept the iridium at 4500 per unit, as for the gold ore we import it from BMF at 3000 per unit. Our Station resell it at 4000 per unit, and we can deliver it to your Station at 8000 per unit, that will be fair price as we are not a miners you know and don't forget the risk, but we just need to keep things going between us.
Transmission:Online Identification:Mark Hamann Receiver:New London / Sirius Technology Center Source:Stuttgart / Solitaire Metropolis Subject:Iridium Package Encryption:High Encryption
Guten Tag,
Professor Matt Williams,
Thank you for your reply professor and won't worry about the late reply, since everyone is busy and specially clever professors like you sir. I would like to tell you that the members of the board were worried about the price of ore that you offered. The members of the board were gathered last night and decided to get back to you with another offer regarding the gold ore. We would be very glad if you can decrease the price of the gold ore a little bit. We offer you 7,500 credits for each piece of ore, and i think we can meet in the middle of the our both opinions. The suppliers of gold ore will buy the ore from your installation for 4000 credits and will sell it at the Solitaire Metropolis for 7,500 credits, creating a margin profit of 3,500 credits for the distance of 3 systems travel. I think that would be fair sir, so please let me know what you think, and your iridium shipments is ready and waiting on the base for you. I would also ask for the vessel names that will come to the Solitaire Metropolis so i can ask the docking master to grant them access. Thanks for your time mien herr.
Let me be honest with you my friend, For me you are also over pricing your commodities which is fine as we are always looking to open new business with Rhienland and we hope it is not the last time so please forgive me about our prices but as I said before it is a fair price, also you may have been mistaken about your calculation but we had to take the risk through four systems not three.
Transmission:Online Identification:Mark Hamann Receiver:New London / Sirius Technology Center Source:Stuttgart / Solitaire Metropolis Subject:Iridium Package Encryption:High Encryption
Guten Tag,
Professor Matt Williams,
It's me Mark mien herr, I understand your point, but i want to clear some info here. 1st of all, the distance from your installation is a risk on three systems only, which are "Cambridge" "Omega 3" "Omega 7" and the installation is in Stuttgart system which is the arrival point. The price you are offering for gold ore is too high for our docking master and suppliers so we apologize, that we will have to deny that part of the contract. The iridium shipment you requested is available at the installation. The iridium is brought from the Omicrons, so the distance is "New Berlin "Frankfurt" "Sigma 13" "Sigma 17" "Omicron Theta" "Omicron Delta" so it's a sum of 6 systems and very dangerous route which include nomadic alien vessels. The price of 4,500 credits is suitable according to the selling points around you in New London. The Iridium is sold in New Castle and New London for 4,600 credits so we are actually offering a lower price than the installations around you mien herr. Let me know if you still want the Iridium package within the next 24 hours as a maximum range of time, and if i didn't receive a confirmation from you about the Iridium package on-board the Solitaire Metropolis within the next 24 hours, then i will have to send it to another business customers. I am waiting your reply as soon as possible, and danke for your time mien herr. Have a nice day.
Sure, we accept your offer, my pilots are on their way to pick up the Iridium from your Station, will send you their ship names in a secure connection.
I just got a report from my pilots that they only found 5000 units of Iridium at Solitaire Station, so can you confirm when can we receive the remaining quantity so I can align with my pilots for pick up.