I never been good at introducing myself... My name is Cody Faulkner and I would like to present a quite unorthodox request, which is aquisition of right to enforce laws of the Republic within Libertonian territory. These actions would be mainly limited to cargo scan, contraband demand and protection of citizens and assests within the respective borders only.
Keep in mind this is neither a bounty hunting request nor will to join Liberty Police Incorporated or Navy directly. I simply present myself as sort of vigilante willing to help House Authorities to protect their territory from unwanted mongrels and keep commerce in a safe bay. From what I remember, it is an old but still valid practice according to the Sirius Mercenary Code and Liberty Law Codex.
I am aware that provided license may be and will be revoked in case of infrigiments. Thereby, I take full responsibility for my actions as an semi-automonous law enforcer within territory of Republic of Liberty.
ID: Patricia Lyons [DC] Encryption: Standard Date: 3/12/823 A.S. Mister... uh Faulkner. This is Deputy Chief Lyons.
So what you are asking for is to enforce our laws without becoming part of the law enforcement. To shoot criminals without taking out a bounty. And you believe that just some license would do the trick huh?
You know it was quite funny. I went over your message multiple times and I couldn't stop laughing. Who do you think you are- no who do you think we are that we just hand out licenses like that? If you want to enforce the law, you join the Navy or the LPI. If you want to shoot wanted criminals, you take out a bounty. You don't just run around doing whatever. You know there is
But you know. The warlines sure need someone like you. Go take a look there.
I do believe we both misunderstood each other. I am asking for something that has not been used recently: an agreement between individuals or/and groups, which can help Liberty Authorities in criminal eridication. This means I am part of the law enforcement, just I'm a private contractor instead of a direct member.
It works like a normal bounty license, but diffrentiates a bit. For example, the licensed vessel may actively help law enforcers to inderdict contraband. It works like a normal hunter contract, just extended a bit plus having a periodical pay instead of pay-per-kill.
The surprised reply of yours might be caused by the fact that no one requested such for a longer time if memory serves me right. From what I remember, Liberty Government or their representatives may forge such an agreement given the hired side will keep space safe and fulfill the agreements to the letter.
And please take into account that Bounty Hunters cannot demand contraband. Today, even if I had Hunter license as I passed next to two independent slavers, my hands would be tied. Ponder about it as bit. I want to help House Authorities, not the opposite.
ID: Chief Jax Rogers Encryption: Standard Date of Receiving: 3/12/823 A.S. In your original message, mister Faulkner, you stated that you want permission to freely enforce the law around Liberty house space. But there are standard protocols sadly, there is too much room for abuse in that. Previous cases have strongly proven themselves to the government so they could gain the privilege. But in your case, I mean, Its my first time seeing you, I don't know who you are or what you really do, what are really your intentions, and this is a serious thing we are discussing. Nothing stops you from assisting a civilian trader in need, or helping Liberty forces in combat when they require it they way you already are, but enforcing laws on your own accord as, at least to us, a civilian, is something we cant allow. In case you find yourself spotting a cheeky smuggler, or anyone violating our laws in general, feel free to use the >link< Liberty Criminal Registry and it will be handled in a more proper manner. Maybe once you gain my trust and prove yourself to the law enforcement, we can discuss the matter again. Concluding here, any further questions, freelancer?
This answer is fair enough and I understand your protocols. I will prove myself useful sooner or later. For now, let us wait and wish for the best - both for our cooperation and Liberty's safety.