To: Slaver's Union
Source: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge.
Subject: Cody Faulkner
ID: Dr Joeffrey Moreau
Mister or Madame.
I would like to discuss the bounty on Cody Faulkner's head, which came across my desk several hours ago. Nonetheless, our little guy has caused some fuss and I am not really happy about it. I am open for negotiations to have that bounty voided, but if you want no such - I will simply forget the whole query.
Origin: Hall of Ravages Sender: The Presidium Transmission's Name: The Fate of Faulkner
Dear Dr. Moreau,
We are the Presidium, the ruling body of the Slaver’s Union. As I’m sure you know, Mr. Faulkner has been quite a hassle for us; first trying to work with us, then targeting our ships and interfering with our business. Simply put, he is a loose cannon, and we would greatly enjoy his demise, however, your inquiry raises our collective eyebrows.
Though we may desire his destruction, we are businessmen, first and foremost. We would, of course, be interested to know why a somewhat disturbed pilot is so important to a doctor of the esteemed planet Cambridge. We can only assume it is related to classified research; we have our own doctor among our ranks, and we appreciate the value of medical science.
In any case, we would like to hear what you have to say and/or offer us, although we cannot guarantee that would sway our collective hearts; at least you are being granted a fair chance to convince us.
- The Slaver’s Union Presidium.
====End Transmission====
User was banned for: Roleplaying Child Sex Slave operations
Time left: (Permanent)
To: Slaver's Union
Source: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge.
Subject: Cody Faulkner
ID: Dr Joeffrey Moreau
Mister or Madame.
Ah, so this is why that bounty is on the run. I understand it, but then this thi-- I mean, man, has been taught a lesson by someone and is currently under my survelliance as he received quite fatal wound in Tau-23. I do admit that way Faulkner has taken was a faulty one and perhaps after convincing 'it' to change... I am sort of his personal doctor and for some time 'it' is not going to give any trouble to The Presidium.
This said, I was talking about the bounty being voided. I am sure we could work out sort of monetary compensation to void that bounty... or we could think something out that does not end in Faulkner's death. You see... 'it' is a valuable... slave to me. I am not sure how much information I'm to show, since the last thing I want is to bring interest.
Origin: Hall of Ravages Sender: The Presidium Transmission's Name: Re: The Fate of Faulkner
Dear Dr. Moreau,
The way you’re speaking of Mr. Faulkner is interesting. “It”, “slave” are familiar words for us in regard to human beings, though we wonder how “human” Mr. Faulkner really is…
Concerning him, the fact that he was badly injured doesn’t satisfy us enough to void the bounty. However we do appreciate your will to “control” him not allow him to annoy us. As such we’re indeed open to discuss about the future of this bounty. Even though a financial compensation isn’t what we have in mind, we might be able to find a compromise.
A doctor that is considering his patient as a “slave” is something unusual. Adding the fact Mr. Faulkner’s mind seems unstable; it came to our minds that you may have process. Some… Less than conventional medical operations. Perhaps you could enlighten us?
We understand you don’t want to publicize your relationship with Mr. Faulkner. However, we think that you neither want him to be tracked down by a whole faction, and Sirius hunters for the rest of his life.
- The Slaver’s Union Presidium.
====End Transmission====
User was banned for: Roleplaying Child Sex Slave operations
Time left: (Permanent)
To: Slaver's Union
Source: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge.
Subject: Cody Faulkner
ID: Dr Joeffrey Moreau
Mister or Madame.
Let's say Faulkner itself is a form of wholly new not-so-medical approach to the modern science. But, that's all I can share actually not to annoy my own 'big bosses'. As I've heard that monetary compensation would not be needed, I came a bit more calm to see you are not ones of those which, pardon my language, shut their traps off after several million reaches their own account - I am not pointing fingers, but I'm sure you know about whom I speak in Liberty, and those are not Rogues for sure.
Rest assured, Faulkner will not annoy your organization from this time. If needed, I might find 'it' a way more suitable purpose than bounty hunting... or actually it could be bounty hunting, but in a quite reversed polarity... If not words, stun baton and special medicine should convince 'it' to do so.
As for 'its'... humanity, I can send a perfect depiction of Faulkner. I can assure you that once you have it in your hands, it might be a very useful argument to keep 'it' in bay. You will understand why once I attach the picture of something more commonly reffered by me as C78F rather than Cody Faulkner.
Origin: Hall of Ravages Sender: Michael Cost Transmission's Name: Re: The Fate of Faulkner
*After finish reading the transmission, Michael opens the attachment: "Wh… That’s… Wonderful… What a splendid creature, able to think, to speak, to pilot a ship… what an achievement. This Doctor... He seems to have an incredible expertise on human’s body." He begins to type*
Dear Dr. Moreau,
I’m Michael Cost, member of The Presidium and Supervisor of the Logistic operations of the Union. We decided that I will handle this conversation with you, for reasons you’ll understand after reading this transmission.
First of all, I want to show my admiration on your work on Mr. Faulkner… Subject C78F. I don’t understand yet the “why and how”, but the results, for me, are magnificent. Let me explain to you: I am myself passionate about human experimentation. You will surely understand that, looking the nature of my business, I have all the opportunities to get subjects to conduct my researches, with both personal and business goals. Even though I don’t have a medical background, I acquired quite knowledge and realized successful operations. Still that, I have a lot of things to learn to reach my objectives.
You are right when you point out we aren’t obsessed by money. Conduct a business with the only aim of make quick and secured credits is unproductive. The value is also found in other aspects, other “investments”. You seem to be part of an organization, with quite odd but interesting objectives, regarding what you did with C78F. If your main activity is to manage human experimentation, I think we’ve a lot ways to work together, but this isn’t a matter for today.
Today we’re talking of the resolution of C78F bounty. For sure, I feel empathy for your fear to see your achievement destroyed and that’s why I propose you a deal that I’m sure won’t be restrictive for you, on the contrary. As long as I’m satisfied, we will accept to withdraw this bounty.
You see, I’m currently working on a Human Organs extraction program. A special program as my goal is to realize these extractions while the subject is conscious, from the beginning to the end of the operation. But today, even if I can extract organs that could be sold on the market, I’m not satisfied:
• The quality of the organ is affected due to the high level of stress felt by the subject.
• Or, the subject usually fell unconscious during the operation, leading him to not feel pain anymore.
I’ve tried to inject some chemical solutions to keep it awake, as well as maintaining a lower level of stress (Solutions based on Cardamine or Stabiline or different pharmaceutical), but it results in the subject to feel “high” and not feeling pain at all. Even the organ is affected by the solution, irrevocably decreasing its quality (and value).
I will be straight forward; I want you to help me, teach me how to reach these goals: Extracting quality Organs/ Keep the subject awake, feeling pain during this operation. The first is a Union goal, but the second one is personal.
If you’re interested, it would be a honor to meet you and work with you. I will wait your feedback.
Michael Cost
- The Slaver’s Union Presidium.
====End Transmission====
User was banned for: Roleplaying Child Sex Slave operations
Time left: (Permanent)
To: Slaver's Union
Source: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge.
Subject: Cody Faulkner
ID: Dr Joeffrey Moreau
Mister or Madame.
Well, I sort of cheated the nature as it is impossible to create a living being with full conciousness. The process is, nonetheless, also complicated by way more achieveable with current level of technology regarding conciousness - althrough these are a highly inhumane and very risky research in its nature. I will better not to conclude how high mortality, illnesses and chance of going mad (or simply entire conciousness rejection) is between the... hm... possible subjects. It is something that, I believe, even The Core would not approve. But, as you said, that's not subject of this communication.
As for the request, I am highly interested into why would you need subject to feel pain during organ removal, while it is quite crucial to drug down the subject in order to retreive needed organs. However, maybe when we would meet each other, it would become way... hm... sensible. I am thinking about the medicine which now I am using on C78F; the drug makes it calm and almost emotionless, while injected into body. The side-effect is, well, quite something I both want and do not want: target is quite keen to fulfill commands, while retaining high mental capabilities - of all subjects, C78F seems to be the most wit, but lately it became... spoiled with freedom and feeling of semi-authonomy granted both by me and another doctor.
And I started to chat about my research again, well! To cut it short, it might be possible to use drug I have in my possession. The subject is calm, but might still feel pain - however, being able to control reaction to it on master's command. It should work on a completely normal human body.
Origin: Hall of Ravages Sender: Michael Cost Transmission's Name: Re: The Fate of Faulkner
Dr. Moreau,
My desire to make the subject feel pain is related to my past. I usually don’t mention it but I feel it’s necessary so that you understand this critical point in my researches. I hate Sirius, I hate humanity. Gallic war. This is when humanity revealed its true nature to me. Since some events, pain had been my “second” skin, and I feel “alive” through it. “Feeling” comes when I witness fear and suffering, even more when I provide them.
But I’m also a businessman and a curious person. Hence I began experimentation, to see what I can learn from human’s body and what benefits could be brought to the Union as well as providing pain to people, my kind of “drug”. After some random operations without any precise goal, I decided to set up the “Collecting Happiness” project, a program for extracting Human Organs
Now you know. I have absolutely no concern for moral issue with experimentation.
As for our meeting, your medicine seems indeed interesting as it could reduce the stress felt by the subject. But we will have to ensure it feels pain. There is no need to worry about behavior issues related to this drug, as the subject is promised to death shortly after the acquisition of the organs.
I’ve built up a laboratory in my ship with all the required equipment: From the creation of chemical solutions to making operations on subjects. I would like to invite you there. For the experimentation subjects, I propose 10 males and 10 females from 25 to 35 years old. I will select the ones in the best physical conditions of our livestock. I will provide them while you bring the required medicine.
We can meet in Cambridge and then hide to the asteroid field behind the planet; I think this will be an enough quiet place to conduct our researches. It would also be an opportunity to talk about both our organizations.
Michael Cost
- The Slaver’s Union Presidium.
====End Transmission====
User was banned for: Roleplaying Child Sex Slave operations
Time left: (Permanent)
To: Slaver's Union
FWD: Dr Werner Whitehall
Source: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge.
Subject: Cody Faulkner
ID: Dr Joeffrey Moreau
Dear Sir Michael Cost.
It would be pretty selfish of me not to forward this message to the actual project leader - I am simply responsible for support during C78F creation, but I'm also in majority responsible for the medicine I have mentioned. I am extending this frequency to the actual representative of the Organization - Dr Werner Whitehall.
- Dr Joeffrey Moreau
End Transmission
Extending Frequency
Users Added
- Dr Werner Whitehall