Good evening ladies and gentleman of the Slavers's Union Presidium. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Lucius Morningstar, a rather more influential affliate of the Outcasts and their products, bot flesh and orange. Now I suppose you are wondering why is this beautiful gentleman calling us. Well I have had my eye on your organization and I want to offer you, well offer that does not sound like the word i thought of so let me rethink that.
Oh yes, I got it now, it's a proposition of mutual help, however as of this moment when you are reading this or hearing depends on how you want to know me, you are gonna wonder how can one single man help our Union. Well you see I have, or well better said own something of a safe heaven for those like us. In the northern wing of Barrier Gate Station and bar which is big enought to have 10-15 shipping crews staying to have a drink or even sleep around. However the good thing is, not the beverages, but the fact that since it's in the northern wing, cops and others usualy never bother to check us, they come have a drink and even talk with those they can deem as friends or just other freelancers, while they have cargos full of the Orange dream.
Now, I suppose I have got your attention so let me know as soon as you can how does my proposition floates your "bureaucratic" boats.
Origin: Hall of Ravages Sender: The Presidium Transmission's Name: A mutual help
Dear Mr. Morningstar
We are The Presidium, the ruling body of the Union. We received your transmission with interest but, even after a closer look, didn’t find a proposition within. Only an invitation to have a drink at your bar. If you can tell us more about this mutual help, we might be able to arrange some time to come to visit you. As you can imagine our schedules are full and we have to ensure each meeting is productive.
- The Slaver’s Union Presidium.
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User was banned for: Roleplaying Child Sex Slave operations
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Good evening ladies and gentleman of the Slavers's Union Presidium. Ok since your guys need a fully explicative note on something which I would highly not advise to do on the Neural Net. As you guys transport Cardamine and Slaves which I imagine that you given your name, but you can been a candy lovin' supply and demand comppany, you have legal issues with the Libertonian/Colonial authorities that patrol around that zone. However I can provide safe passage and the patrol schedule for Coronado and Cortez, of both Colonial and Libertonian police patrols.
Now I hope I got your attention. You see since we are in between two houses we have a lot of pilots from around here. Now if you guys know the patrol schedule your transports can be made much more easier and If you get cought you will be given shelter in the bar as nobody thinks that you are here and the bar is open for select costumers from the lawful ranks which come here for a drink not to bring the law with them. Well to be frank with you guys I want to see the guy which has the guts to come in my bar and impose his rules.
And to serve the proposition, I ask the Slaver's Union to supply the bar with Cardamine and female slaves. For this service we will pay as we need a transport once a week 10 million besides any aditional cargo earnings. Now I belive you have all the proposition you need. I am awating you in the bar to speak face to face
Origin: Hall of Ravages Sender: The Presidium Transmission's Name: Re: A mutual help
Dear Mr. Morningstar,
Now you have our attention. You assumed correctly about our main activities, and we are more than able to supply your bar weekly for Cardamine and high quality female slaves. You’ll be delighted to know that we can provide creatures from all Sirius Houses and satisfy any exotic demands that your customers might have. The Cardamine is brought directly from Malta, so we can ensure the purest quality.
We’re also interested in the scheduled routes of these lawful scum patrols, especially Cratayrians, as they have given us considerable trouble. Your offer to provide a secure shelter in case of any unfortunate encounters is highly appreciated.
We will contact you on a more secure channel, and let you know when we can make it to your bar to discuss about the amounts you need and the specifications of the females. We will also bring samples of Cardamine as well as some "entertainment".
- The Slaver’s Union Presidium.
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User was banned for: Roleplaying Child Sex Slave operations
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