I have lost all interest in this community. I've been thinking about this for a week or so now and I don't see myself being productive in the team at all anymore. The way that this community works makes decision making extremely difficult and stressful. Choosing one option will cause uproar and choosing another will cause even more. It's a frustrating cycle that isn't fun. I originally joined the staff to try and reform and make things more efficient. Upon joining I realised that my aims were going to be very hard to achieve.
I am by no means blaming my disliking of the system on you all. You've probably realised that I've not been active since the bans, that was pretty much my final nail. Thanks for bringing me onboard, it was very interesting to work with you all.
Sad to see you go, really. You were a good dude and I always had fun flying around with you like the old days. Don't let the community ruin your view of the game.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
It's sad to see you leaving. I suggest for you to stay away for a while and come back when your passion is renewed.
Have a good luck with whatever you going to do next and stay safe.