Hola. It's been a suspiciously long time since we got in touch so let me start with assuring you that Nacion still regards your involvement into its affairs. Let me first address the recent communique you sent up our place: It's nothing we can do anything about, the warship in question is flagged as National Council, don't question the name as it's just one more colourful dressing up by a few, so it's within their responsibility. I'd advise you contact the local forces to deal with the issue if it gets out of hand. It's in blatant violation with the initial set of laws lined out by the 'HundredFirst and undermines the agreement previous Ghost Administration, which vote was later removed, and the Cross signed in what's known as the Orange Treaty. You shouldn't hesitate to take every step necessary to resolve the problem in a more definite way. But that's not why I'm contacting you. Nacion, and especially the Ghosts, are in dire need of your assistance once more. It came to our attention that the current import rate of industrial materials is nothing noteworthy and actually came to an all-time low that's dangerously borderline to leaving Nacions industry inactive. Therefor we're inclined to enter an indefinite contract with the Crongress that'll determine the materials required so you're interested in this business. Leave your response over these frequencies and we'll discuss further details.
For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
'Stefania Casta.
....Powering Transmitter....
....Opening Com Channel....
....Encrypting Transmission....
.:j:. - Junker Congress - .:j:.
Arbiter Wild Bill
Well I'll be. We ain't heard from y'all in quite some time. Hell, last one of y'all I conversated with directly was a feller named Chenzo. Tried to contact him a time or two. Was startin to think y'all'd died off. To answer yer question, yes. Always felt yer people was deservin of a sort of "Industrial Revolution". Forgive an old Junker, but I reckon it's 'bout time House Orange started it's rise proper. How can Junker Congress help y'all?
Hola. That's name hasn't crossed my desk for a long time indeed and I'd prefer it to stay off my desk for even longer from this point on. His endeavours in business with the Crongress were more of his own than to Nacions benefit. But it's indeed a few years if he was the last call you've gotten from us. This circumstance partly weighs on my shoulders as the Ghosts under my command had to deal with several more unpleasant upcoming nuisances within Nacion. One we've to deal with these days again, but neither us nor you should even remotely bother with them as they'll be gone as surprisingly as they appeared. Just like others of their kind did. However, you're right in saying that Nacion for too long delayed a serious push for industrial strength, an undeniable fact we're going to change now. As per our initial request we'd ask you to continuously provide Nacion with the commodities and materials shown as by the attached list, most of them not having a limit specified because we imagine the Congress to keep the import into Nacion up on a scale spanning several years if not decades.
As you can see, there's enough we need delivered in nearly infinite amounts. Try to actually spread the unlimited entries more equally, yet don't be afraid of overachieving one specific resource as we've the means to store an insane amount of whatever you've import us. You'll make use of the spaceport run under Ghost flag instead of the commonly used one. Keep watch as it's not providing an automated drop to the planet, so your pilots will have to manually pass the atmosphere before reaching the actual anchoring points. This way we can assure that the materials you hand over are dispersed in a way that's beneficial to Nacion the way it's needed instead of having those voracious famiglias and their representatives trying to assure themselves great parts of your deliveries. Once you agreed on the contract, we'll open a database entry to keep track of your progress.
For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
'Stefania Casta.
Sorry fer the delay. Took ill fer a time, but I'm right as rain now. I reckon we'll be able to work somethin out on this. Jus know, that's a hell've a list! This ain't somethin what'll be done overnight. We're lookin at years of work. I ain't too sure if'n we'd be able to move all that much in a few decades. If'n it don't offend, might be worth askin 'round an seein if anyone else'd be willin to help with this. I ain't sayin we won't do it, but it'd be easier if'n we had some help. 'Specially considerin some of 'em commodities we ain't even got a chance of obtainin. If'n yer open to it, I'd be willin to put the word out an see if'n anyone else'd be interested in helpin. Ghosts've always been good to us an y'all look out fer yer peoples future. I ain't too old an blind to be seein what yer workin towards here.